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Driving Change: Putting Data to Use in the Classroom Every Day

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1 Driving Change: Putting Data to Use in the Classroom Every Day
Peter Gorman, Superintendent of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Donna Lee Mitchell Teacher Leader Effectiveness Unit Delaware Department of Education Susan Huffman Academic Dean Red clay Consolidated School District, Wilmington DE


3 DE Race to the Top Dramatically improved classroom instruction
Every single student in our system will graduate college and career ready, with the freedom to choose his or her life’s course. Dramatically improved classroom instruction Rigorous standards, curriculum, and assessment Complex Data systems and practices Effective teachers and leaders Deep support for the lowest-achieving schools My vision is that every student in our system will graduate college and career ready, with the freedom to choose his or her life’s course This will be possible because we have a viable, effective public education system that creates choices for kids, no matter where they come from We’re going to achieve this vision by dramatically improving classroom instruction, through: Effective teachers and leaders Rigorous standards, curriculum, and assessments Sophisticated data systems and practices Deep support for the lowest-achieving schools These pillars are not simply the RTTT assurances – they are what I truly believe to be the building blocks for better instruction, and the only way in which we will achieve our vision of college and career readiness for all In each of these areas, we will identify and implement effective strategies and supports; and we will focus on what we learn to work best This kind of change will require changing attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, so that what happens in the classroom is even better than what we’re doing today Across all areas, we will provide support – from the DDOE to LEAs, to schools and individual classrooms; and we will build on the foundation of collaboration across educators, communities, and all Delawareans We realize that DDOE can only help create the conditions for change; it is the schools and teachers that will ensure our students’ success We will continually measure progress against our vision, and we will know that we are succeeding when we have significantly improved: Achievement – as measured by K-12 formative and summative assessments Advancement – as measured by the graduation and drop-out rates Postsecondary success – as measured by retention and remediation rates, and job attainment Our 2015 goals are a midpoint on the road to achieving our vision - that’s why these goals are so important. Not as an end in and of themselves, or a requirement to receive funding, but because they represent an ambitious, realistic improvement from our system’s performance today Ultimately, this is about creating choices for every kid who walks into one of our classrooms, regardless of where they came from Provide Collaborative Planning Time (PLCs)-90 minutes of weekly time for teachers during the work day-90 minutes or (2)-45 minutes Facilitate Data Coaches meet every other week with Core Content teachers (Eng, Math, Science, Social Studies) for 90 Minutes in PLC meetings, grades 2-10 Populate the professional learning communities (PLCs) based on decisions made by LEA administration – Departmental, Grade Level, Interdisciplinary, etc. Monitor all PLCs (building administration) - Observation and feedback between PLC Meetings – Reporting follows a Red, Yellow, Green rubric of progress and implementation (Reporting tool is universal for all schools and coaches) Ensure that the Conditions for the Success of the program are met. Follow the Service Guidelines for use of Data Coaches as prescribed by DDOE Implement a state-approved instructional improvement system (IIS) in every school Establish an LEA Liaison, who will work collaboratively with Project Managers, focusing on communication, implementation, and monitoring of PLCs. Collaborate with DDOE to schedule coaches in PLCs in each building. Support from the DDOE → LEAs → schools → classrooms Collaboration between educators, communities, and all Delawareans DE Race to the Top

4 Data Coach Project Timeline
RFP / Contract Winter 2010 Pilot Program Feb. –June 2011 Staff Train and Launch Full Program June-August 2011 Year One SY Year Two Lessons Learned from Pilot Principal Meetings – We found that meeting with the Principal’s prior to Data Coach launch helps to alleviate implementation issues. It affords the building administration the opportunity to consider which delivery model best suits their school/culture. Every School is unique - One size does not fit all. Flexibility in how the PLCs are populated, scheduled and facilitated may look different from school to school. Listening is Critical – Project Managers, Supervisors, Liaisons and Coaches listen to one another as the Data Coaches are deployed and scheduled to ensure the best fit and model. Change of Focus in Collaborative Work – Some push back and frustration with the change in what the focus of the work is…in the past we have spent time working on instructional “what and when”, this focuses more on the “who and how”. It can be uncomfortable, but that’s ok. BE FLEXIBLE – The project is still able to be implemented with fidelity with a bit of flexibility. Coaches had to realize that they are “plastic” and need to make this project work within the parameters of a District or Charter culture or strategic plan. BE PATIENT… The project lasts for two years, and the coaches keep coming back Data Coach Project Timeline

5 At a Glance – Project Numbers
~7000 Teachers ~1500 PLCs 200 Schools 41 LEAs 28 Data Coaches* At a Glance – Project Numbers * 1 CtC Coordinator; 1 Lead Coach; 1 Project Manager

6 Models of Implementation
Direct Facilitation Coach the Coach 38% of the Schools using Direct Facilitation Wireless Generation Data Coaches facilitate the PLCs 62 % of the Schools are implementing Coach the Coach model Teacher Leaders serve as PLC Facilitators / School Coaches School Coaches participate in monthly training to use the Taking Action with Data Framework 38% 62% Conditions for Success Attendance Uninterrupted Time Administrator Support and Participation PLC Norms Purpose – Goals Accountability & Sharing Professionalism Models of Implementation

7 Six Phases of Skills Progression
Understanding Data/Adjusting Whole Class Instruction Progress Monitoring / Introduction to Small Group Differentiation Adjustment and Individualization of Instruction Measuring Effectiveness Using Aggregated Data Action Planning for Subpopulations Transparent Data Culture Conditions for Success Attendance Uninterrupted Time Administrator Support and Participation PLC Norms Purpose – Goals Accountability & Sharing Professionalism Methodology

8 Fundamental Assumptions
All educators can make a difference with All students Our school becomes a more effective learning environment when we commit to learning about and improving our practices and structures Supporting and helping educators to improve should be a key function of school leadership School-wide collaboration focused on improvement will have a significant impact on teaching and learning Conditions for Success Attendance Uninterrupted Time Administrator Support and Participation PLC Norms Purpose – Goals Accountability & Sharing Professionalism Fundamental Assumptions

9 Collaboration is essential to achieve success for all students and is embedded into the school culture Goal is success for all students Students are guaranteed extra time and support when they struggle with learning essential outcomes (standards) Intervention is provided systematically and in a timely manner Support is proactive rather than reactive Professional development is job embedded Emphasis shifts from “teaching” to “learning” Conditions for Success Attendance Uninterrupted Time Administrator Support and Participation PLC Norms Purpose – Goals Accountability & Sharing Professionalism Paradigm Shift

10 Critical Elements Group Norms
Essential Outcomes and SMART Goals Common Assessments Analyze Data & Plan Differentiated Lessons Implement Lessons Reflect and Evaluate Effectiveness of Lessons Adjust Instruction and Implement Refined Lessons Conditions for Success Attendance Uninterrupted Time Administrator Support and Participation PLC Norms Purpose – Goals Accountability & Sharing Professionalism Critical Elements

11 Success Factors Common language Universal access to data Flexibility
Transparency Value the speed bumps Persistence Accountability and celebration Conditions for Success Attendance Uninterrupted Time Administrator Support and Participation PLC Norms Purpose – Goals Accountability & Sharing Professionalism Success Factors

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