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Part I- American Imperialism

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1 Part I- American Imperialism
Global Interactions Part I- American Imperialism

2 What is Imperialism? a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force

3 Reasons for Imperialism
New Markets and Resources Cultural Superiority “White Man’s Burden” Military Strength

4 Road to American Empire

5 Stop 1: Alaska 1867- Sec. of State William Seward buys Alaska from Russia Price Tag: $ .02 cents an Acre Called “Seward’s Folly” at the time

6 Stop # 2: Hawaii Background Annexation
American missionaries had ventured to Hawaii during the 19th century The Americans there became prosperous due to sugar plantation United States is seeking a naval base in the Pacific Led by Sanford Dole with US backing, the planters overthrow Queen Liloukalani Hawaii is annexed by the US US gains the sugar and Pearl Harbor?

7 Stop # 3 The Spanish- American War

8 Background Causes Spanish rule of Cuba Yellow Journalism Delome Letter
Trigger Event Explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor

9 Spanish Rule over Cuba Spain sends General Weyler to Cuba to manage the people. Cubans in concentration camps. This infuriates America.

10 Exaggerated Journalism
Yellow Journalism Exaggerated Journalism “You supply the pictures, I’ll supply the war.” --Hearst


12 Delome Letter Delome was a Spanish General.
He said Mckinley had the backbone of an éclair. This increased tensions between America and Spain.

13 Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine “Remember the Maine”
U.S.S. Maine blows up while coming back from Cuba to pick up citizens. America blames this on Spain. The U.S. later discovers that this was an internal combustion.

14 The War

15 Two Front War Pacific Carribean

16 The Philippines Emilio Aguinaldo: asked U.S. to help with independence from Spain We sent troops there FIRST to start the Spanish American War. Battle of Manila Bay- overwhelming US naval victory under Commodore Dewey The U.S. quickly defeats the Spanish, as they expected the U.S. to go to Cuba first.

17 Battles in Cuba US lands 20,000 soldiers in Cuba
Major Battle: San Juan Hill Rough Riders: Volunteer cavalry led by Theodore Roosevelt African Americans fought with the white troops American Victory

18 Puerto Rico and Treaty of Paris
The final American victory is in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico also wanted independence from Spain. Treaty of Paris: Spain freed Cuba, become US protectorate Guam and Puerto Rico become US territories The U.S. buys the Philippines for $15 million.

19 Lasting Effects of the War
Spain fully loses its empire US is now a global power on par with European Powers In the Pacific: the Philippines, & Guam gained In the Caribbean: Puerto Rico gained Cuba is independent but a protectorate of the US. Platt Amendment (1901): Provisions that the U.S. insisted Cuba add to its Constitution Philippine Insurrection

20 Philippine- American War/ Philippines Insurrection
Filipinos had hoped for Independence Emilio Aguinaldo leads a revolt against American forces when they annex the island America’s first jungle war against guerrillas A precursor to Vietnam? Using brutal tactics the US Army forces the guerrilla forces to surrender

21 Influence in Asia- China
“Sick Man of Asia” Divided into Spheres of Influence Open Door Notes (1899): Issued by John Hay, proposed that nations share their trading rights in China No single nation would have a monopoly on trade with any part of China.

22 Boxer Rebellion Boxers: Secret Society who killed hundreds of missionaries and other foreigners in China Boxer Rebellion (Aug 1900): Put down by the American and European troops

23 Roosevelt “Speak Softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”
Roosevelt Corollary (extension to Monroe Doctrine): Disorder in Latin America might force U.S. to exercise international police power

24 In Latin America- Panama Canal
Reflected America’s new role as a world power U.S. helps Panama gain independence from Colombia in 1903 U.S. agrees to pay Panama $10 million plus an annual rent of $250,000. Canal opens in 1914, and 1,000 ships pass during its first year.

25 Taft- Dollar Diplomacy
Taft administration followed the policy of using the U.S. gov’t to guarantee loans made to foreign countries by American business people. U.S. loans money to Nicaragua in 1911 in return for custom duties. U.S. bankers gain control of railroad systems and its national bank. This becomes known as DOLLAR DIPLOMACY because critics said it was used to keep European powers out of the Caribbean.

26 Wilson- Missionary Diplomacy
Wilson gave the Monroe Doctrine a moral tone. Missionary Diplomacy: The U.S. had a moral responsibility to deny recognition of any Latin American gov’t it deemed oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile.

27 Trouble South of the Border Mexican Revolution
Mexico was going through a revolution with several changes in power. Carranza, a nationalist leader, becomes President in 1915. Rebels under the leadership of Francisco “Pancho Villa” began attacking Americans in Mexico. America demanded revenge. Wilson orders General John J. Pershing into Mexico with 15,000 troops to capture Villa dead or alive.

28 Early 20th Century Goals Expand access to foreign markets to ensure growth of domestic economy Build modern Navy to protect interests abroad Exercise international police power to ensure dominance in Latin America

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