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IHF – Global Referee Trainings Program IHF-GRTP the concept

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1 IHF – Global Referee Trainings Program IHF-GRTP the concept
Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

2 International Handball Federation
IHF – GRTP Concept Initiated by IHF to bring young talented referees to International level by participating in some of these courses – led by experienced instructors like IHF-PRC-members and IHF-lecturers. It’s important to have instructors in these courses of high quality who have a common line in interpretation. It’s in first priority a training/education course – and in second priority also an examination course. Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

3 International Handball Federation
IHF – GRTP Concept The courses should also help to share experiences between the continents – therefore in these courses referees from Europe, Asia, Africa, Pan America take part together if possible. In Europe the referees are very well known – but in some other continents we have to establish GRTP-courses more for selection and teaching purposes. For examination courses a certain level of games is needed. Therefore there is a tendency that most of examinations are in Europe Intercontinental Exchange of experience Opava/Valek CZE; Achifon CMR Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

4 International Handball Federation
IHF – GRTP usually 1x Selection of GRTP-Candidates Continental GRTP (could be combined with continental course) Continental Suggestion / Challenge Trophy / any Championships with a PRC-member usually 2-3 x GRTP education and trainings courses Granollers Veszprem St. Gallen Other Continents (dep.on level of games) 1-2 x GRTP examination courses (IHF-level) St. Gallen Granollers exceptionally others Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

5 International Handball Federation
IHF – GRTP Note “GRTP course” is NOT the same as the 'old type' of IHF- examination course – it’s a program In the past nobody came to an IHF course unless it was ready for the purpose of being tested for the IHF level GRTP “EETE”: ”Evaluation” do we see enough talent ? (1) “Education” about IHF’s way to do it (1-4) “Training” try it – train, train, ....improve (1-4) “Examination” ...test in good matches (2-4) Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

6 IHF – GRTP who can participate ?
Talented referees, who are foreseen for a future international career Usually through application by national federation – very often coordinated through continental federation When starting normally below 32 years Referees who are able to communicate in English Participants from CRO and CMR – GRTP St.Gallen 06 Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

7 IHF – GRTP What status do these referees already have ?
National referees – most of them are already foreseen/ planned to get continental status or are successful in continental young referee projects (of course the mid term target for the National Federation of these referees should be to bring them to IHF-level) Continental referees – foreseen for International career Younger International referees (IHF) – to prepare for WCh International referee who has a new partner – who has to be tested in GRTP Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

8 IHF – GRTP How often such courses take place ?
IHF is organizing such courses 2-5 times a year, depending on the available tournaments and resources but also on the need of new IHF referees. Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

9 International Handball Federation
IHF – GRTP Women power in Granollers 09 Talented women referees are welcome in GRTP – also from outside Europe NOR DEN TUR CRO Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

10 IHF – GRTP What are the conditions to get the IHF-badge ?
Good performances on the field Remarkable improvements in the GRTP-course(s) Realistic self-assessment of performance Appropriate English knowledge 75% - quote in rule test Shuttle run – men: level 9.5, women: level 8.5 Continental badge – especially in continents with clear referee structure Open space in the national contingent for IHF-Referees Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

11 IHF – GRTP Content of such a course
GRTP St.Gallen 06 Newest teaching tendencies in IHF Expectations to a Top Referee Video Training Moving Paths and Positioning Rule tests – video tests – rule book knowledge Shuttle run – other fitness trainings praxis work – analysis - evaluations Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

12 International Handball Federation
St. Gallen (SUI) GRTP Algier (ALG) 2007 – African Games Hammamet (TUN) 2008 – GRTP Yaoundé (CMR) 2009 – GRTP Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

13 Thank you for your attention International Handball Federation
IHF-PRC / Roland Bürgi Roland Bürgi Edition: IHF-Playing Rule and Referee Commission International Handball Federation

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