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Monday 9/11 Syllabus Info Sessions Project Management – Mr. Dan Matyas.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 9/11 Syllabus Info Sessions Project Management – Mr. Dan Matyas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 9/11 Syllabus Info Sessions Project Management – Mr. Dan Matyas


3 September 11, 2001

4 A World Leader in the Design, Manufacture,
and Service of Aircraft Engines Wednesday, September 20, 2017 6:00 – 9:00 PM Next Generation Hall University of Connecticut Represented Groups: Hot Section, Materials & Processes Engineering, Mechanical Systems, Externals, Fan, and Compression Systems, Controls Diagnostic Systems, Quality and Process Engineering Please join us for pizza and learn about exciting jobs and internship opportunities at Pratt & Whitney! This page contains no technical data subject to the EAR or the ITAR


6 Syllabus Rev B 3 M 9/11 W 9/13 Prj Schedule Resume
Prj Schedule Resume Project Management –Mr. Dan Matyas, Project Management –Mr. Dan Matyas 4 M9/18 W 9/20 T21/F22 Resumes, Communication and Listening (BW) Oral Presentations, Design Reviews (BW/VM) Ansys Training 5 M 9/25 W 9/27 Moonshine Reading People, Personality Types, Jackie Gallo No class meeting, Whitcraft Moonshine event prework 6 M 10/2 W 10/4 F 10/6 Proj St’ment Hardware Ordering, Pugh Charts, Unit Problems Oral Presentations 1 Problem, Design Review Optional Closeout event at Whitcraft

7 Project Management “Project Management Instruction and Effect in
Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Course” Victoria Kallsen Honors Thesis May 2015

8 Survey to Gauge Familiarity/Understanding
Project Management Techniques (tools) Scheduling Task delegation Risk assessment Students Faculty Advisors Industry Sponsors

9 Student Results Prior Experience Application
~60% had experience and used in SD Application >70% understand how to apply Sponsors, Faculty Advisers disagreed

10 Student Results Evaluation of Project ~ 60% felt prepared to plan
~70% overwhelmed at times ~50% felt they could have done more ~50% learned a lot about project management

11 Sr. Fellow, Project Engineering Pratt & Whitney
Project Management For UConn Engineering 11 September 2017 Sr. Fellow, Project Engineering Pratt & Whitney

12 Uconn Project Management
My Background 25+ yrs at P&W as Project, Design, Structures, Logistics BSME – Clarkson University (upstate NY) Hometown – Buffalo, NY via W. Palm Beach, FL My Job - Set the standards for project execution - Drive teams to meet/exceed standards - Investigate when things don’t go according to plan - Recruit/train/mentor less experienced people Biggest surprise –

13 Uconn Project Management
Expectations for this Class Are Different May be uncertain over how to proceed Must learn new skills - independently May have exposure to Project management techniques Must work in a small team May be unclear about the deliverables Will feel pressure on work/life balance Will experience working for a customer

14 Uconn Project Management
Introduction Q: What is a Project? A: A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result (1) Other typical elements Constraints – Time, $$, resources Outcome is uncertain Requires multiple skill sets – Team Q: What is Project Management? A: The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements (1) (1) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, by Project Management Institute, Fifth Ed, 2013

15 Uconn Project Management
Agenda – Follow the 5 Steps #1 INITIATE Leadership Charter #2 PLAN Work & Responsibilities Schedule Risk #3 EXECUTE (Design, Build &) Test #4 STATUS Status & Communicate #5 CLOSE Close-Out

16 Uconn project management
INITIATE - Leadership In Industry Leader is named right away Clear accountability (decisions) Teams are large Recruits other team members Project scope may be unclear Roles/Responsibilities clear At UConn Leader is unclear Accountable to each other Teams are small/defined Leadership may shift Project is defined Roles/Responsibilities must be worked out Talk about each person’s background and skills Figure out who will be the lead for various roles – rotate if needed No matter what, work out escalation process (conflict resolution)

17 Uconn project management
INITIATE – Create a Project Statement A Project Statement documents what the team will do (and not do) Strategic objective Level 1 schedule Requirements vs. Goals Deliverables Why have a Project Statement? Sets expectations – for you and the customer Prevents “scope creep” – endless customer requests Ask sponsor if there is a Project Statement format available If not, create one using MS Office; search for templates online Fill it out, and get signatures (team, sponsor, other stakeholders)

18 Uconn project management
PLAN – Break Down the Work Segment the project using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Typically, there are 2 types of WBS – system-oriented and phase-oriented Car Car 1.0 Engine 2.0 Chassis 3.0 Interior 1.0 Design 2.0 Make 3.0 Test 1.1 Block 2.1 1.1 Engine 2.1 1.2 Induction 2.2 1.2 Chassis 2.2 1.3 Cooling 1.3 Interior 1.4 Exhaust 1.4 Controls Use the Level 1 milestones to help define the WBS Recommend using a phase-oriented approach

19 Uconn project management
PLAN – Identify Activities within the WBS Use the WBS as the outline for your level 2 schedule Plan Learn Design Report Build/Test Continue to break the work down into activities An activity is a segment of work that can be accomplished – resource & time List all activities to be completed within each phase, in sequential order Work includes communication, status, and presentations Determine the right level of activity breakdown Estimate the time needed to complete each one This is input to building a good schedule

20 Uconn project management
PLAN – Define Responsibilities Owner assigned to each activity Owner also estimates time / other resources Ownership can rotate over time Assign responsibility for activity completion (RACI chart) Create a RACI chart Owner defines time estimates This is input to building a good schedule

21 Uconn project management
PLAN – Build a Schedule Use MS Project to make a detailed schedule by phase Enter all activities with time/resource estimates Include no-work time (Holiday/Spring break, finals, family events, etc.) Add deliverables/required completion dates and adjust Include “buffer time” for unexpected delays Build the plan into the scheduling software Iterate until the schedule is achievable – this will likely take multiple meetings to successfully complete

22 Uconn project management
PLAN – Identify and Mitigate All High Risks Technical Budget (Resources) Time Risks can be categorized into 3 areas Identify risks by answering these questions: What are the technical obstacles to be overcome? Are there sufficient resources available? Are there time constraints that can interfere? Complete a risk assessment Assign each risk a likelihood and severity rating Keep this simple – relative ratings are sufficient For all “Red” rated risks, develop plans to mitigate Examples: Long lead time material Hold a dedicated team meeting to ID and mitigate high risks Ensure Sponsor is aligned with Red risks Review and update Project risks regularly

23 Uconn project management
EXECUTE – (Design, Build) & Test Testing time is usually compressed Best practices to be efficient: Create a Bill-of-Material (parts list). Include Source, Quantity, and Spares Reserve access to test site, equipment, personnel, etc. well ahead of time. Plan for lots of iterations Understand / control measurement error. Ensure results repeatability. Is rapid prototyping an option? Order long-lead material early Additive manufacturing is an new technology that can quickly make nearly anything – take advantage of all options Make a detailed parts list (BoM) During design/analysis, find ways to run confirmation tests Make a detailed test schedule if there’s any constraints on availability

24 Uconn project management
STATUS – Internal Communication Regular team meetings are a must Pick a time/location/frequency convenient to all Leverages skills from full team Prevents issues from festering Allows for discussion before escalation Create/maintain a standing agenda Re-allocate responsibilities as required Consider rotating team leadership Who will drive/enforce accountability? Team Guidelines Goal alignment Open communication No secrets Dedicated, active participation Set up frequent, recurring team meetings (weekly) Decide who will publish agenda, minutes Review the schedule, risks, and near term plan at every meeting

25 Uconn project management
STATUS – External Communication Sponsor meetings are a must Pick a time/location/frequency convenient to all Start by saying “What we’re thinking is…” Ensure alignment – find out early if off-track Allows for discussion of re-plan Without a meeting, sponsor will assume: Either everything is on-plan, or Nothing is being accomplished Sponsor Meetings Clear, crisp, concise agenda Written material, w/recommendations In-person, then Video, then Phone Be positive! The sponsor’s time is valuable – don’t consume more of it than necessary Make sure presentation is spell-checked, outlined, and contains clear recommendations – don’t let the sponsor do your thinking! Don’t fall prey to as a communication method – build a relationship with the sponsor Have confidence in your work – If you don’t, how will the sponsor? Set up regular sponsor meetings, in person if possible, at least monthly Work to build a rapport, while being sensitive of their valuable time Have a consistent format showing plan, progress, near term actions

26 Uconn project management
CLOSE – Project Report-Out & Documentation A solid closing report is critical Schedule time to do this well – do not procrastinate Document results – even if negative Write just enough detail so results could be duplicated Include suggestions for follow-on investigation Do NOT document the journey – no one cares Preparing for Presentations Have a clear message Outline crisply and concisely Practice, practice, practice Outline and begin writing report well in advance of due date Preparation and rehearsal are key to delivering effective presentations

27 Uconn Project Management
Project Management Tools Used Take advantage of the tools discussed: Project Statement Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) RACI chart Scheduling software (MS Project) Risk cube Design notebook Bill of Material Closing report They will greatly improve your success rate!!

28 Uconn Project Management
Wrap-up – Follow the 5 Steps #1 INITIATE Leadership Charter #2 PLAN Work & Responsibilities Schedule Risk #3 EXECUTE (Design, Build &) Test #4 STATUS Status & Communicate #5 CLOSE Close-Out

29 Questions?

30 For Design Reviews/Oral 1 Starting 10/4
Define Task Breakdown (WBS) RACI chart to define roles Construct a Level 2 schedule Start with level 1 schedule Detailed for Fall semester Individual task, owner and time estimates. Less detailed for Spring

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