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Alpha Gamma Delta Extension and Colonization Training

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Presentation on theme: "Alpha Gamma Delta Extension and Colonization Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alpha Gamma Delta Extension and Colonization Training

2 Agenda Philosophy and History Extension Process
Fraternity Website Extension Info Fraternity Procedures & Guidelines Extension Presentations Colonization through Installation Extension Committee The Role of Alumnae

3 Extension Philosophy and History

4 Extension Philosophy and History
Founded with the intent to be come a national organization. Added 8 chapters within the first five years and spanned the continent. Steady growth was one of the goals of our Founders.

5 Extension History chapters (became international with Tau) chapters chapters chapters chapters (11 from merger with Theta Sigma Upsilon) chapters chapters chapters chapters 2000-current 3 chapters + 1 future colony

6 Extension Philosophy Extension contributes to the growth and strength of our Fraternity. Not participating in extension can be compared to our collegiate chapters not participating in recruitment!

7 Extension Process

8 Extension Process NPC Guidelines:
Campuses with Panhellenics - 2 or more NPC groups Panhellenic must vote to add another group Usual reasons: Don’t want to raise Total High number of mismatches during FR New member classes too large Local sorority/interest group given permission by Panhellenic to affiliate

9 Extension Process NPC Guidelines:
Campuses with no Panhellenics - 1 NPC group or no NPC groups Administration must give approval for addition of NPC group(s)

10 Extension Process Extension cannot occur without approval of the “Proper Authority” “Proper Authority” is usually a College Panhellenic or the campus administration In rare instances it could be NPC (e.g., McMaster University where the university doesn’t recognize Greek groups.)

11 Fraternity Website Extension Information




15 Fraternity Website Extension Information

16 Fraternity Procedures and Guidelines

17 Fraternity Procedures and Guidelines
Sources of extension opportunities: NPC Extension Bulletin Direct contact from college or university They contact all groups not represented on campus They contact groups that they’re interested in Had previously been on that campus Have letter of interest from us on file Word of mouth

18 Fraternity Procedures and Guidelines
International Vice President-Extension investigates and evaluates all opportunities using following criteria: Campus Variables Scholarship Admission requirement Campus grade point averages Enrollment Figures/trends Percent of returning freshmen Graduation rate

19 Fraternity Procedures and Guidelines
Campus Variables (cont’d) Housing Campus attitudes towards Greeks School reputation

20 Fraternity Procedures and Guidelines
Panhellenic Greek Advisor Recruitment Statistics Reason for expansion Expansion vote outcome Strength of individual groups Greek image

21 Fraternity Procedures and Guidelines
Alumnae Support Number in area Depth of support The IVP-E responds to extension opportunities based on the results of the evaluation with agreement by International Council.

22 Extension Presentations

23 Extension Presentations
International Council must agree to accept an invitation to present.

24 Extension Presentations
Format highpoints: Welcome and introductions Background of Alpha Gamma Delta What Does Alpha Gamma Delta Offer? Colonization Process and Support Our Promise to the University All alumnae read the Purpose

25 Extension Presentations
On Campus for Presentation: Tour campus Meet administration members Meet with Panhellenic Extension Committee View housing (if applicable) Meet with alumnae Scout potential installation sites

26 Colonization

27 Colonization International Council must vote unanimously
to accept invitation to colonize.

28 Colonization International Vice President-Extension works closely with the College Panhellenic and University to: Set dates for formal colonization Establish guidelines for colonization activities Moratorium on COR during colonization Types of support provided by Panhellenic Access to women students Determine size of colony Publicity requirements

29 Colonization Formal Colonization Events:
Open House/Personal Info Sessions Sisterhood Event Philanthropy Event Preference Bid Day Activities depend on nature of campus

30 Colonization Formal Colonization recruitment activities are:
Planned and directed by the International Vice President-Extension. Implemented by the Leadership Consultant assigned to the colony.

31 Colonization Informal Colonization Events:
Colony sisterhood activities Campus-wide philanthropy event Continuous Open Recruitment events Informal colonization takes place within two-four weeks of the formal colonization.

32 Colonization Informal Colonization activities are:
Planned and implemented by the Leadership Consultant with input from the International Vice President-Extension, New Chapter Development Specialist, Recruitment Specialist, Chapter Advisor and Recruitment Advisor. The Leadership Consultant will initiate contact with Potential New Member’s during this period with input from colony members and by following up on names received from Panhellenic.

33 Virginia Tech Example:
Colonization The Fraternity will establish an micro website and a relevant address to support the colonization efforts. Virginia Tech Example:


35 Colony Period

36 Colony Period Length of colonization to installation:
Minimum length is 10 weeks. Maximum length is not to exceed one semester.

37 Colony Period Installation Requirements:
Complete Colony Growth and Development Program. Pay all Fraternity invoices on time. Colony has 100% completion of Risk Management Training within two weeks of New Member Ceremony. Risk Management policies and procedures have been used in planning events and functions. Colony has 100% completion of Part 1 of AlcoholEdu. Maintain the required chapter grade point average.

38 Extension Committee

39 Extension Committee The goals of the Extension Committee are
to develop and implement strategies for extension.

40 Extension Committee Some of the action steps are:
Expand knowledge of extension to broader Fraternity audience. Evaluate regional opportunities and make proactive efforts toward Alpha Gamma Delta’s extension or re-colonization using internal and external data analysis and marketing materials. Assess the need for campus visits, in cooperation with NPC guidelines, to research potential extension opportunities. Develop better collegiate and Panhellenic resources in order to obtain relevant Extension information.

41 The Role of Alumnae

42 The Role of Alumnae in Extension
Provide insight and knowledge about a campus within your geographic proximity Suggest alumnae in the geographic area that may be contacted for additional information as a campus is being researched Visit a nearby campus to observe the housing situation or campus life prior to an extension presentation

43 The Role of Alumnae in Extension
Assist the International Vice President-Extension in a campus exploratory visit. Assist the International Vice President – Extension in an extension presentation. Assist other members of the Volunteer Service Team with a regional alumnae meeting prior to a presentation. Recommend collegiate chapter members in the province to participate in a presentation.

44 The Role of Alumnae in Colonization
Assist other members of the Volunteer Service Team with a regional alumnae meeting prior to a colonization. Recommend collegiate chapter members in the province to participate in a colonization. Support decisions to colonize on the campuses, which have been so carefully selected. Participate in colonization activities.

45 The Role of Alumnae in Colonization
Participate in the Pledge Service for a new colony. Participate in the Initiation and Installation ceremonies for the new chapter. Participate in colony or new chapter activities.

46 Thank you for your time!

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