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Digital inclusion in Newcastle: building a research, collaborative and asset based approach Spend 15 minutes giving you a feel and flavour of work in newcastle.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital inclusion in Newcastle: building a research, collaborative and asset based approach Spend 15 minutes giving you a feel and flavour of work in newcastle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital inclusion in Newcastle: building a research, collaborative and asset based approach
Spend 15 minutes giving you a feel and flavour of work in newcastle from research based practice to activity undertaken by agencies, organisations and older people

2 Digital inclusion: Building a collaborative and asset based approach
Presenters: Lynne Corner, Director of Engagement, Changing Age Programme, Newcastle University Fran O’Brien, Quality of Life Partnership/Age UK Newcastle Th

3 Connected Home & Community
Activities Accessibility Connected Home & Community Transport Creative Industries Perspectives Technology Society Business Users Design How can older people remain mobile? Professor Phil Blythe

4 Connected Home & Community
Activities Accessibility Connected Home & Community Transport Creative Industries Perspectives Technology Society Business Users Design How can people remain healthy and in their own homes for longer? Professor Patrick Olivier

5 How can people remain healthy and in their own homes for longer?
Professor Patrick Olivier

6 38% of older people over 65 have not used internet (ONS Q1: 2012)
Fact 38% of older people over 65 have not used internet (ONS Q1: 2012) Pick up the story from an city and community perspective ONS for first quarter of over 75 grows to 64%. Key fact about take up.. Work over the years we know motivation and choices key… Missing out on choices, goods, information services, social networks etc. Over a Key tool for keeping in touch, getting information, accessing goods and services

7 How do we get more older people to go online ?
Ageing Well Learning Set How do we get more older people to go online ? Took the opportunity of an Action learning Set opportunity to build a conversation. QOLP applied on behalf of the NCC. Colleagues from Newcastle City Council, Libraries, Elders Council and Age UK. Took the opportunity of an Ageing Well Learning set to assess position in newcastle and come up with some new ideas. Specific focus doing more with what we’ve got. Particularly as many voluntary and community sector organisations were having to close or scale down community facing programme. Asset based and collaborative approach vital. No new resources in the system… how can we build on what we have done Local Government Improvement and Development’s Ageing Well programme supports local authorities to prepare for an ageing society. For officers and their partners in health and the voluntary sector.

8 The results of a digital conversation
To support the learning set process we brought older people and their agencies together to talk. We had three separate events over a 6 month period… 40 people/organisations involved including research teams from both universities

9 Captured conversation with older people and fed this back through fun and accessible medium of cartoons. As you would expect a range of views..

10 Some healthy about effectiveness of local planning, inititiaves that come and go..arrive all at one Mixed bag… Important to stay in touch and access information Some love it some hate.. Developed digital deli idea .. One size doesn’t fit.

11 Plenty of skills and resources amongst older people willing to share…..
Translated activity and energy into a range of initatives using the concept of a digital deli… Examples of two activities to showcase and inspire

12 Digital Inclusion “The digital age is here to stay. We older people need to keep up to date; otherwise we will be left behind and not heard.” First Elders Council took opportunity of its AGM to spring a surprise on its members and give them a hands on digital experience. Working alongside researchers from the university

13 “People feel fearful and bamboozled by technology – all the terms and language, and want a guide to demonstrate terms and tools. People often have ‘kit’, but don’t know how to use it.”

14 “I was very surprised to find that it’s much easier than I thought to get online.”

15 “Many of us were trying technology for the first time and it wasn’t as nerve wracking as we thought!”

16 “I was telling me little grandson that I’d been on Skype, and he says, ‘YOU Nanna?! That’s great!’ It means you can talk the same language as your granchildren” Second with Age UK took the opportunity of a small grant to introduce Ipads into day clubs..Most people had no experience. Key to the success of this project was the input of a creative practitioner three month project small number of people..

17 "I'm surprised I can even use one (iPad)
"I'm surprised I can even use one (iPad). But I've managed to, not master it yet, but to do some things and go online. And I'm looking forward to getting a bit better."

18 “My son-in-law doesn't approve of me getting involved with technology at my age. He was sending away for an ipad, so I said 'When you get it, let me know and I'll give you a hand!!' Ha ha! I wasn't very popular!"

19 Ageing Well series finding
Motivation key –’keep in touch’ Create a range of choices – digital deli Partnership works –thank you Newcastle Libraries! Practical help with setting up kit at home needed Information is key – Just What I need/City Life Promote side by side working (researchers/peers/volunteers/frontline staff) Process built some Sustainable solutions are those that are built and owned. Researchers, peers/volunteers/front line staff.. Use every opportunity to introduce and explore.

20 Ageing Well Research perspective Next steps Lynn to pick up here….
Conversation continues. If you have something to contribute information, offers and and choices let me know..UNN new offer for older people. Information available on informatin Now. Affordable Practical help with setting up at home.. Neighbour, community supporter / Inroads into mainstream. Apple workshop, John Lewis, Currys.. How to keep people who

21 " I love the ipad. I feel I’ve been born at least 50 years too soon
" I love the ipad. I feel I’ve been born at least 50 years too soon! I think it’s fantastic…it is the world.” Final quote and image to one of the lunch club customers… opening doors….

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