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Conducting of EU - SILC in the Republic of Macedonia, 2010

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1 Conducting of EU - SILC in the Republic of Macedonia, 2010
STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE World Bank International Conference Poverty and Social Inclusion in the Western Balkans Brussels, December 14-15, 2010 Conducting of EU - SILC in the Republic of Macedonia, 2010 State Statistical Office of Republic of Macedonia MSc Blagica Novkovska – Director General Stase Nolev – Head of Department

2 REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Advantages of SILC Conduction of SILC in SSOM is big step further in process of harmonisation of our statistical system to EU standards SILC becomes EU reference source for comparative statistics on income and social exclusion at European level SILC provides two types of annual data: Cross-sectional data pertaining to a certain time period with variables on income, poverty, social exclusion and other living conditions, and Longitudinal data pertaining to individual level changes over time, observed periodically over four year period

3 Pilot EU – SILC, 2009 Brief information
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Pilot EU – SILC, 2009 Brief information Conducting Pilot EU-SILC begin at the end of May 2009 According SSOM Programme of statistical surveys Using EU recommendations for EU–SILC (Doc.065) Sample size 300 households Household and Individual Questionnaires Engaged 25 interviewers

4 Pilot EU – SILC, 2009 Aims: To test the national EU-SILC questionnaire
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Pilot EU – SILC, 2009 Aims: To test the national EU-SILC questionnaire To estimate average interview duration To test the level of non-response To build elementary organizational structure for the survey Setting up the organizational structure on NUTS 3 level

5 Pilot EU – SILC, 2009 Sample Design: Sample size: 300 households
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Pilot EU – SILC, 2009 Sample Design: Sample size: 300 households Sampling frame: Census 2002 Two-stage stratified random sample Geographical restrictions to reduce data collection costs, sample was distributed in 4 out of 8 regions (NUTS level 3)

6 Regular EU – SILC 2010 Brief information
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Regular EU – SILC 2010 Brief information Conducting Regular EU-SILC begin in May 2010 Sample size 5040 households Engaged 70 interviewers

7 Regular EU – SILC 2010 Sample Design: Sample size: 5040 households
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Regular EU – SILC 2010 Sample Design: Sample size: 5040 households Sampling frame: Census 2002 Two-stage stratified random sample Geographical coverage : whole country, sample was distributed in 8 regions (NUTS level 3) 720 enumeration districts, 7 households in each of them Average response rate in Republic of Macedonia for EU-SILC reached about 80%

8 Regular EU – SILC 2010 Preparations and field work organization:
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Regular EU – SILC 2010 Preparations and field work organization: Design of new questionnaires Training of interviewers for regular survey Field work organization (4 months) Method of interview (PAPI) Control of data in regional statistical offices

9 EU - SILC Content of Household Questionnaire
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE EU - SILC Content of Household Questionnaire Information for household members Relation to the head of the household, sex, marital status, country of birth, citizenship, main activity status, residential status etc. Housing and living conditions Dwelling type, amenities, supply of durables, problems of dwelling and environmental, tenure status etc. Owners, tenants and free accommodation (housing costs, subjective rent, financial burden etc.)

10 EU - SILC Content of Household Questionnaire
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE EU - SILC Content of Household Questionnaire Non – monetary household deprivation indicators Capacity to afford paying 1-week holiday, to eat meat each second day, ability to make ends meet, lowest monthly income to make ends meet Value of goods produced by own-consumption Social benefits at household level Income received by people aged under 16 Social benefits Received and paid regular inter-household cash transfer

11 EU - SILC Content of Individual Questionnaire
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE EU - SILC Content of Individual Questionnaire Education Currently and highest ISCED level attended Health General health, suffer from any a chronic illness, unmet need for medical and dental treatment and reasons for that Labour information First regular job, changes in activity status Self-defined current economic status, worked at least 1 hour, actively looking for a job, etc. Current occupation, NACE, status, type of contract, number of hours usually worked, change of job, etc. Activity status during income reference period

12 EU - SILC Content of Individual Questionnaire
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE EU - SILC Content of Individual Questionnaire Net personal income Employee cash and non-cash income Cash benefits or losses from self-employment Income from pensions and benefits Income from dividends and interests

13 HBS and EU – SILC as sources for poverty calculation
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE HBS and EU – SILC as sources for poverty calculation HBS - National poverty calculations based on expenditures poverty line defined on 70% of median equivalent expenditures use of OECD equivalent scale EU-SILC - Comparative poverty statistics based on income poverty line defined on 60% of median equivalent income use of OECD modified equivalent scale

14 EU – SILC data - source for Laeken indicators
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE EU – SILC data - source for Laeken indicators At-risk of poverty rate, broken down according certain variables At-risk of poverty threshold Inequality of income distribution S80S20 quintile share ratio At-persistent-risk of poverty rate Relative at-risk poverty gap Gini coeficient Material deprivation indicators

15 Difficulties which we faced conducting EU – SILC
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Difficulties which we faced conducting EU – SILC Conversion of net to gross income (implementation of SM2 micro simulation model) Sample design for four year rotation panel Calculation of cross-sectional and longitudinal weights Tracking rules for longitudinal households Implementation of technique of Jack-knife Repeated Replication for variance estimation Imputations Reducing design efect

16 Future activities for EU - SILC
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Future activities for EU - SILC Conducting regular EU-SILC in 2011 (second wave) Following and implementation of Regulations for EU-SILC Implementation of EU-SILC Module 2011 Using best practice and experience from other EU member state countries Preparing publication for living conditions Calculation of Laeken indicators using EU-SILC as a source Transmition of micro data files to Eurostat

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