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Leery - cautious You have to be leery in this neighborhood.

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2 Leery - cautious You have to be leery in this neighborhood.

3 Conformity – going along with the bandwagon
Don’t just conform to what the popular kids are doing. Most artists like to be eccentric. They hate conformity.

4 Contempt – hatred I have contempt for bad referees.

5 Detached – unemotional
He stared straight ahead with a detached look on his face.

6 Editorial – Opinion section in newspaper
Only the editorial section of the newspaper can include opinions.

7 Agony – Terrible pain I was in agony when I got a brain freeze.

8 Stupor – condition of being dazed and “out of it”
After the rollercoaster, I felt like I was in a stupor.

9 Bewildered – Shocked and confused
I was bewildered when my friend jumped out at me and yelled, “Lalallalalala!”

10 That tightrope walker is liable to fall!
Liable – at risk That tightrope walker is liable to fall!

11 Quiver – to tremble or shake
I was quivering from the cold.


13 Notes Work on summaries Figurative language: 114.25, 106.7 105.9, 95.7
Characters: Ponyboy, Soda, Darry, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, Dally, Randy, Bob, Cherry Theme page. (What themes do you see and why?)


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