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Computer Simulations of

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1 Computer Simulations of
Positronium Lisa Larrimore and Robert McFarland Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Swarthmore College

2 Phenomenon of Pair Annihilation
Why are we doing this? Phenomenon of Pair Annihilation The GIF at right illustrates positronium annihilation. When an e+ and e- come into contact, they may interact and form positronium (Ps) before annihilating into a pair of photons GIF courtesy of C.A Quarles of TCU

3 Inject positron into a solid
Why are we doing this? (continued) Inject positron into a solid “Pick-off” annihilation with solid electrons GIF courtesy of C.A Quarles of TCU The annihilation time tells much about the structure of a material.

4 How are we doing this? We are working in computational physics, creating computer models of particles. We are using a technique called monte carlo path integration to simulate the behavior of a quantum mechanical system. This method involves representing a single particle as a chain of many beads, and a pair of interacting particles as two interacting chains.

5 Each particle is represented as a chain of beads.
Simulation Methods: Each particle is represented as a chain of beads.

6 Two interacting chains = Ps
Positron Positronium Electron All these beads are not really there. In any real measurement, you will find only one particle. The density of beads in a particular region tell us how likely we are to find the particle in that region. Knowing where the positron beads are helps us predict what should happen in a positron annihilation experiment.

7 Program testing: Hydrogen
We tested our program using one string of beads to model one particle, the electron in a hydrogen atom. Hydrogen is tricky: computers are stupid and will crash the electron into the nucleus since the Coulomb potential goes to -∞ at the nucleus. Instead of the Coulomb potential, we use the Yukawa potential, developed by Muser and Berne for this use in 1997.

8 Hydrogen and Positronium
We construct the radial density, the probability of the electron and positron beads being separated by a certain distance. (For hydrogen, this is the distance from the electron to the nucleus.)

9 Positronium in a Cavity
6.0 a.u.

10 This is LTA, a zeolite, one of the many solids with cavities one might want to probe using positrons.


12 Energy Positronium -0.25000 (theory)
Positronium ± (calculated) Ps in 6.0 a.u. cavity ± (calculated) Ps in 4.0 a.u. cavity ionized! • As a cavity squeezes positronium, the energy rises. • A cavity of 4.0 a.u. is so small that positronium can no longer exist.

13 Methods note: How do we calculate the energy?
There is a constant a associated with the Yukawa potential, which describes how the Yukawa potential is to the Coulomb potential. The Yukawa potential becomes a better approximation as a goes to zero and as the number of beads goes to infinity. We extrapolate our data to this ideal.

14 Extrapolation

15 The Stark Effect z No Electric Field Weak Electric Field Dipole Moment
= e • z z

16 Visualizing the Stark Effect Using IDL
Probability densities for positronium. No Electric Field Weak Electric Field

17 Simulation of Ps in Electric Field
Polarizability: a = 36 (theory) a ≈ 39 (simulation)

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