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Joint and Joint Mechanics

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1 Joint and Joint Mechanics
Defined: The points of contact between two connected bones Hold bones together a.k.a. articulation

2 Types of Joints Fibrous Non moveable
Bound together by connective tissue e.g. sutures 2. Cartilaginous Slightly moveable hard exterior/soft core e.g. intervertebal disks Synovial Most moveable Cartilage and synovia (fluid) Joined by ligaments e.g. knee

3 Types of Synovial Joints
Condyloid Oddly shaped boney surface 2 directions of movement e.g. radiocarpal joint Hinge Concave and convex boney surface 1 direction of movement e.g. humeroulnar joint 3. Ball and Socket 3 directions of movement e.g. glenohumeral joint

4 Saddle Gliding Pivot 2 directions of movement
e.g. carpometacarpal joint Gliding flat and slightly curved boney surfaces e.g. acromioclavicular joint Pivot One bone rotates about another e.g. atlanto-axial joint (‘no’)


6 Characteristics of A Synovial Joint
Articulating Cartilage: located at the end of bones that come in contact with one another. It allows smooth contact surface and acts as a shock absorber. Joint Capsule: a fiberous structure located on the outside of the joint which consists of: - synovial membrane: allows nutrients to pass - fibrous capsule: keeps synovial fluid from leaking Joint Cavity: space filled with synovial fluid located between two joints. Synovial Fluid: lubricates joints by reducing friction while providing nutrients. Internal/External Ligaments: reinforce the joint by providing support but are not elastic.


8 Sport Injuries Tissue Properties: Recall;
Ligaments- bone to bone, tough bands of white fibrous tissue, allow some stretch Tendons- muscles to bone, composed of white fibrous collage, allow more stretch

9 Refers to injuries of all joint tissue types
Sprains and Strains Refers to injuries of all joint tissue types Sprains (ligament injuries) Strains (muscle & tendon injuries) First degree Mild A few days to heal Second degree Moderate to more severe Physiotherapy Third degree Severe Surgery and rehab (6-12 months)

10 Sprain or Strain ???

11 Tendonitis Inflammation of a tendon caused by irritation due to prolonged / abnormal use. Treatment: rest, cold/heat therapy possibly splints, casts, etc… e.g Jumpers Knee

12 Dislocations When a bone is displaced from its original location.
Symptoms: Joint looks awkward, painful unusable. Treatment: medical attention




16 Separations When bones held together by fibrous ligaments tear away from each other. Treatment: medical attention

17 Shin Splints An overuse injury cause by excessive force on the tibia - effects the tibia and associated tissues (interosseous membrane and/or periosteum) - Athletes need to watch training regime, surfaces and shoes.


S.welling A.ltered R.ed P.ainful

20 Treatment Upon injury follow: P.I.E.R Principal P.ressure: immediately
I.ce: immediately (approx. 10 mins on, 10 mins off) E.levation: raise to reduce swelling R.estriction: rest and protect


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