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Do Indigenous Business or Community…

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Presentation on theme: "Do Indigenous Business or Community…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Indigenous Business or Community…
have a Triple Bottom Line?

2 What is the Triple Bottom Line?
The phrase was coined by John Elkington in it refers to business becoming accountable to a "triple bottom-line" of social justice - PEOPLE environmental quality - PLANET economic prosperity - PROFIT This became a framework for company values and measuring business performance.

3 Corporate Triple Bottom Line
Again, the Triple Bottom Line approach for Corporations are People Planet Profits

4 Triple Bottom Lines Indigenous Corporate
Country Culture Children People Planet Profit They absolutely DO! The three P’s for Corporations are People Planet and Profit, Indigenous peoples values AND efforts for sustainability also contain a Triple Bottom Line which incorporate Country Culture AND kIDS

5 Indigenous Triple Bottom Line
And for Indigenous people, to insure their sustainability, they are Country Culture Kids

6 Indigenous - Corporate How do they compare?
Triple Bottom Lines Indigenous - Corporate How do they compare? For such vastly different cultures HOW do their triple bottom lines compare?

7 People Both value people

8 Planet Both strive for environmental sustainability

9 Profit Both aim for prosperity, one through the methods of its Culture and the other through the purpose of its Charter.

10 That develops understanding for both
To develop sustainable CSR programs with indigenous communities there needs to be two way dialogue That develops understanding for both That develops an understanding for both.

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