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With the United States Armed Forces at______________  

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1 Sample 10 U.S.C. §1044a Acknowledgment – Long Form (see following slide for Short Form)
With the United States Armed Forces at______________ On this the _______ day of ______________________________, 20______, before the undersigned officer ** or other person authorized to serve as a federal notary under 10 U.S.C. § 1044a, personally appeared _________________________________________, satisfactorily proven, (a) by presentation of a valid military identification card ,or (b) other state or federal government issued identification card, to be * (a) serving in or retired from the Armed Forces of the United States, or (b) a lawful dependent of a person serving in or retired from the Armed Forces of the United States, or (c) a person serving with, employed by, or accompanying the Armed Forces of the United States outside the United States and outside the Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, and to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he or she executed the same. And the undersigned does further certify that he or she is at the date of this certificate an officer ** or other person of the Armed Forces of the United States having the general powers of a notary public under the provisions of Section 936 or 1044a of Title 10 of the United States Code (Public Law ; ; and *** ).   AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS A NOTARY _________________________________ PUBLIC UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF Signature of Notary SECTION 1044a OF TITLE 10 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. _________________________________ Printed Rank, Name, and Billet NO SEAL REQUIRED BY LAW. Branch of Service: __________________ Command or Organization: __________ * NOTE: 10 U.S.C. §1044 and the JAGMAN include other persons entitled to legal assistance services. For example: Officers of the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service who are on active duty or entitled to retired or equivalent pay; certain Reservists; certain survivors of otherwise eligible persons. When notarizing, be sure to determine who they are and, if their status is not shown in the notary clause above, discuss with legal assistance attorney/SJA whether to add it. ** Added “or other person” in order to include enlisted notaries (as well as legal assistance paralegals now authorized to notarize per FY17 NDAA, sec. 523) *** Added Pub. L (FY17 NDAA) Appx O

2 Sample 10 U.S.C. §1044a Acknowledgment – Short Form
With the U.S. Armed Forces At _____________________ I, __________________________, the undersigned officer or other person authorized to serve as a federal notary under 10 U.S.C. § 1044a, do hereby certify that on this __day of__________, 20___, before me, personally appeared ___________(name of person whose signature is being acknowledged), who presented a valid military identification card or other state or federal government issued identification card, and then did execute the foregoing instrument as a true, free, and voluntary act and deed. I do further certify I am qualified pursuant to the authorizing statute to act in this capacity, this certificate is executed by me in that capacity, and by statute no seal is required. /s/(signature of notary) (Name of notary) (Grade and Branch of Service) (Command or Organization) ** Commission expires: (Insert EAOS for enlisted, “Indefinite” for officers and civilians ) Notary pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 1044a __________________ Training Note: ** Some sample forms include “Commission expires _____” DELETE IT [There are several types of commissions 1) “commissioned” as a state notary and, 2) “commissioned officer” in the military - enlisted personnel do not have a commissions. Using the word “commission” in a sec. 1044a notary clause is confusing - recommend deleting this line – it is not a requirement Appx O

3 Sample State Notary Acknowledgment
STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ____________________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____________________ (date) by ___________________________ (name of person acknowledged). __________________ Notary Public Printed Name: _________________ My Commission Expires: _____________________ Appx O

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