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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
Chapter 6 p

2 5.4 The War Begins The Second Continental Congress
Philadelphia May 1775 New Englanders favored independence through war, the other colonies wanted a more moderate action Steps taken: George Washington-Commander Create a Continental Army Print paper money (Continentals) Olive Branch Petition

3 Ft. Ticonderoga -stored big cannons, controlled route between Canada and Hudson Valley -Green Mountain Boys (Ethan Allen) -Benedict Arnold (Continental Army) -surprise attack Major Henry Knox (Engineer) brings cannons to Boston

4 Bunker Hill -Colonial siege of Boston
-British reinforcements arrive, colonists build defenses on Breed’s Hill and Bunker Hill -Several frontal assaults by British (1,2,3), “Don’t fire ‘till you see the whites of their eyes!” -Colonist ran out of gun powder and retreated -1000 British casualties, 400 Colonial casualties -Proved colonist could withstand a frontal assault Moral victory for the Americans

5 Battle of Bunker Hill Actually Breed’s Hill

6 Sect. 1- “A Nation Declares Independence” Sect. 2- “A Critical Time”
Common Sense Declaration of Independence Sect. 2- “A Critical Time” Battles: Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Saratoga Foreign aid Valley Forge Sect. 3- “The War Widens” The war at home Fighting in the West War at sea Sect. 4- “Winning Independence” Fighting moves South Treaty of Paris

7 Sect. 1- “A Nation Declares Independence”
Common Sense independence from England (2) the creation of a democratic republic. Declaration of Independence Colonist’s rights Complaints against Britain Declared independence


9 Section 2: “A Critical Time”
Battle of Long Island General Washington (US) versus General William Howe (BR) Washington’s forces dug in to repel the British invasion force Howe’s overwhelming forces drove the Continental Army to the end of Long Island where they were trapped Nightfall and a heavy rain convinced Gen. Howe to quit fighting for the evening During the night, with the help of local fisherman, Washington ferried his army safely to the mainland Howe discovered the next morning that he had lost the opportunity to capture and destroy the Continental Army

10 Battle of Trenton Washington desperately needed a victory to keep his soldiers from leaving Decided to mount a surprise attack upon the hessians stationed a Trenton, NJ to bolster the spirits of his men Crossing the Delaware River and attacking on Christmas allowed Washington to surprise the Hessians and defeat them


12 Battle Of Princeton General Howe sent General Lord Cornwallis to capture Washington after the defeat at Trenton Washington leaves men in his camp as decoys and circles around Cornwallis’s army and win the battle Washington then goes to winter quarters

13 Valley Forge Washington’s Continental army suffered through the cruel winter of 1777–1778 in a hastily built camp at Valley Forge in Pennsylvania. The 11,000 Continental soldiers were not sufficiently fed, clothed, or housed. Many lacked socks, shoes, and even trousers. Throughout the winter, they shivered in drafty huts. At any one time, about one soldier in four was sick with chills, fever, or worse. Despite its woes, the Continental army used that winter to gather its strength for the battles that lay ahead. Steuben’s drills sharpened the soldiers’ skills and discipline.

14 Valley Forge A German baron, Friedrich von Steuben, helped train the Continental army. Steuben had served in the Prussian army, which was considered the best in Europe. Before Steuben arrived in early 1778, American troops were often poorly trained and undisciplined. Steuben taught the soldiers how to march, how to improve their aim, and how to attack with bayonets. His methods helped to transform raw recruits into soldiers and shaped the Continental army into a more effective force.

15 Battle of Saratoga British general John Burgoyne came up with a plan he hoped would quickly end the rebellion. His goal was to cut New England off from the rest of the states. Burgoyne’s plan called for British forces to drive toward Albany, New York, from three directions. a. From Canada, an army of 8,000 would move south to capture the forts on Lake Champlain, Lake George, and the upper Hudson River. b. From the west, a smaller British force would drive through the Mohawk Valley toward Albany. c. And from the south, General Howe would lead a large army up the Hudson River from New York City. Burgoyne’s plan ran into trouble almost immediately. George III ordered Howe to move south from New York in a misguided attempt to attack Philadelphia . At the same time, American forces cut off the British troops coming through the Mohawk Valley.

16 Help From Abroad France was angry over losing to Britain in the French & Indian War Spain dislikes the British, hopes for more land By helping the colonies, the British were busy fighting three enemies instead of just one Also forced them to fight naval battles Redcoats had to spread their resources

17 Europeans Help Washington
Marquis de Lafayette Baron von Steuben French nobleman who volunteered to serve under Washington used his own money to buy soldiers clothes fought in many battles persuaded French king to send 6,000 men army to America Prussian (modern day Germany) general Helped Washington train and discipline troops at Valley Forge

18 Winter at Valley Forge Fighting stopped during the winter months of Temperatures were anywhere from 6-12 degrees F Washington’s army camped in southeast Pennsylvania Lacked EVERYTHING! One quarter died from malnutrition or disease Showed amazing endurance stayed for love of country respected Washington too much to desert Sorry guys…my bad! I want my mommie! This sucks.

19 The Battle of Yorktown, October 1781
British General Cornwallis set up his base camp on Yorktown peninsula French fleet blocks the bay British cannot receive supplies or retreat Washington trapped him by land Bombarded the Redcoats with cannon fire With nowhere to go, Cornwallis surrendered PATRIOTS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 The Treaty of Paris, 1783 Terms of the treaty:
Colonies are independent British must remove all troops New boundary from Atlantic to Mississippi Northern and southern border were Canada and Florida Loyalist would have rights and property protected Each side repays its debts Captured slaves must be returned to owners

21 American Revolution Schoolhouse Rock
American Revolution Crash Course U.S. History

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