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Tuesday January 13, 2015 Go over the Unit 2 Test and Test Corrections

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday January 13, 2015 Go over the Unit 2 Test and Test Corrections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday January 13, 2015 Go over the Unit 2 Test and Test Corrections
Agenda Homework/Announcements Go over the Unit 2 Test and Test Corrections Introduction to the Executive Branch Notes What is an Executive Electoral College Video The Beast/Air Force One Vice President

2 Civics and Economics Day 86

3 Test Corrections

4 Introduction to the Executive Branch Notes

5 Three Branches of Government

6 Executive Branch Execute- to carry out fully
Executive- one that exercises administrative or managerial control. CEOs are people who run companies. Think of the President as the CEO of The United States.

7 President and Vice President

8 President Requirements: 35 Years old Native-born American Citizen
Resident for 14 years

9 Characteristics Most have been white Most have been Protestant Males
Geraldine Ferraro (Female VP candidate in 1984) Hillary Clinton (Female Presidential Candidate) 2008 Most have won elections before Most have been college educated Many have been lawyers

10 Who Votes for the President?
Electoral College oral-college-civics- minute-video

11 Electoral College Elections
Need 270 to win, otherwise the House of representatives decides with each state casting one vote.

12 Salary and Benefits President: $400,000 a year, plus money ($50,000) for expenses and travel. Staff of 80 people Fleet of cars, jets and helicopters Camp David Sweet Presidential Pension.

13 Air Force One and the Beast
The Beast Air Force One

14 Vice President Joe Biden
/who-picks-vice-president-civics- minute-video

15 Vice President Qualifications are the same as President
Pay is $230,700 Presides over the Senate and casts the tie breaking vote. Steps in as President if President Dies (25th Amendment)

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