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Solidworks Office 2005 Technical Consultant – John Biddleston

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1 Solidworks Office 2005 Technical Consultant – John Biddleston
presented to: Representatives Technical Consultant – John Biddleston

2 Transportation Products Designed in SolidWorks
SW is used by a number of consumer products companies to create products of a wide range of complexity. Products involving plastic molding, sheet metal, machining, complex surfacing are all commonly developed in SolidWorks. Product designs are easily enhanced for first quality presentations using the PhotoWorks and Animator add-ins products—also from SolidWorks. Some of the images above were enhanced using these products.

3 SolidWorks Success Around the World
Over 400,000 Users Over 68,000 Customers

4 SolidWorks in United Kingdom
Thousands of Firms Thousands of Users 189 Educational Institutions

5 Universities Standardise on SolidWorks
Over 30 of the top UK Universities standardise on SolidWorks with over 100 Seats Installed at each Site : +500 University of Cambridge +500 University of East London +500 Kingston University +500 Queens University Belfast +500 North West Institute of FE +500 Oxford Brookes University +300 University of Glamorgan +300 Imperial College London +300 The Robert Gordon University +200 University of Leicester +200 Coventry University +100 University of Warwick +100 University of Huddersfield +100 University of Exeter +100 Aston University +100 University of Central Lancaster +100 Brooklands College of MotorSport

6 Careers in SolidWorks Number of Job Postings on on October 1, 2003 300 250 200 150 100 50 SolidWorks EDS IDEAS Autodesk EDS Solid Autodesk CADKEY IronCAD Pro/DESKTOP Mechanical Edge Inventor Search conducted on for positions posted within the last 60 days. Search was conducted for individual product names and all variations thereof Desktop

7 SolidWorks Users Near Doncaster Over 150 Firms within 50 km

8 CosmosWorks Users Near Doncaster 6 Firms within 50 km

9 Ex-AutoCAD Users Successfully Embracing SolidWorks: 90,000 and Counting…
Let’s stop and think – what does this mean to your prospect? Pragmatists need successful references.

10 Transportation Designers near Doncaster: 7 SolidWorks Customers within 50 km

11 Transportation Design Customer Examples
Autocruise C H Ltd-motorhomes Bro-Marsh Engineering Ltd-towbars Gemini Cars Bombardier Mac 1 Motor Sports Manor Motorsport Montracon Ltd-lorry trailers Toyoda Gosei UK Ltd Wheel Sets (UK)-train carraiges Zed Cycles Bosch DT Precision Assembly Division Isothermal Systems Research Webasto Product UK Ltd-air con/heaters Renault Automation

12 Integrated Partner Products for Automotive and Transportation
Advanced Surfacing Knowledge Based Engineering Kinematics/Dynamics Tolerance Analysis Data translation (Import and Export), Step, Iges, Catia, Pro-E, Optical and Lighting Simulation Cable and Harness Design Sheet Metal Manufacturing Manufacturing / CAM Stamping / Progressive Die Digital Mock-Up MRP/ERP Systems Integration

13 2D to 3D conversion tools No need to input any dimensions.
Convert 2D layout drawing to a 3D part or assembly in minutes. 3D allows:- Analysis Automatic 3 view drawing & update Cost,BOM,cutting lists Presentation to client Layer recognition Auto balloon on assemblies

14 Automatic Drawing

15 to everyone in product development
Corporate Mission Standard Innovative To unleash the power of 3D to everyone in product development Focused Proven

16 SolidWorks® Office Professional
Design it ! Advanced Part Modelling both Solid & Surface Styling (Castings, Moldings, Forgings & Machined Components) Sheet Metal Design & Development Fabricated / Welded Structures Massive Assembly Modelling Exchange it ! DXF DWG IGES STEP VDA-FS STL/SLA ACIS Parasolid … and more Test it ! Mass Properties, C of G, etc. Animated Collision & Interference Detection Linear Static Structural Part Analysis Mechanisms - Physical Dynamics Simulation Accelerate it ! FeatureWorks ToolBox 3D Content Central Utilities Document it ! 2D Production Quality Drawings Automatic BOM Tables & Report Generation Sections, Scrap Details & Alternate Position Views Manage & Share it ! PDMWorks eDrawings Collaboration Task Scheduler 3D Net Meeting VBA & OLE Compliant Present it ! PhotoWorks Animator 3D Instant Web Site

17 Reduce time to market Reduce development cost by reducing or eliminating ECOs Missed deadlines Redesign after prototypes or at manufacturing time Increase communication between design, sales, marketing, manufacturing and your customer Decrease time-to-market Increase sales

18 SolidWorks 3D Communication Tools
First enabled and review enabled communication tool designed to dramatically ease the sharing, review and interpretation of electronic design data

19 Fuel Pump and pipe assembly
Lucas Diesel, UK Company: second largest supplier in the world of fuel injection systems for diesel engines Challenge: Find an iterative-based design program in order to get the best solution in the fastest time SolidWorks Benefits: Realized an overall gain of 3 to 1 over traditional CAD modelling (with 10 to 1 gain in some cases) Enhanced editing to give high control of details Increased speed in model re-building Fuel Pump and pipe assembly “Our whole focus and that of the whole Automotive Industry is ‘lead-time’ reduction and we are convinced that an iterative feature-based design approach using SolidWorks is crucial for our future success.” Paul Smith Senior Design Engineer

20 Brake and clutch mechanisms
A.P. Racing Company: designer of high performance clutch and brake assemblies for F1 and other racing teams Challenge: Fast and accurate CAD system for modifying parts between races Stress testing Adaptability to meet client needs SolidWorks Benefits: Improved productivity by 25% Integrated stress analysis Improved communication with internal departments and outsourced manufacturers with the Windows operating system Brake and clutch mechanisms “We can now get products to market in significantly less time than it once took. SolidWorks has really put us in the fast lane.” Nick Mennell, Engineering Director

21 Hitachi Ltd. Automotive Products Division
Company: tier-one manufacturer of automotive-related machinery Challenge: Implement a 3D CAD system to foster division-wide collaboration among eight separate design groups SolidWorks Benefits: Increased accuracy of design information through integration of design and analysis Reduced prototyping phase to single trial manufacture Produced a prototype in one week instead of three weeks Shortened the design cycle Hitachi Turbocharger “SolidWorks has revolutionized our design process, for less than half that of high-end CAD.” Masayunki Sato, Chief Engineer

22 Delbar Products Company: Challenge: SolidWorks Benefits:
leading manufacturer of rear-vision products. Challenge: Implement the best modeling, simulation, finite element analysis, modal analysis, and tool design software available to remain competitive. SolidWorks Benefits: Maximized product performance through integrated engineering applications. Reduced overall costs. Shortened lead times. Model GMT-800 Glass Press “We needed a CAD package that would put us in front of our competitors. SolidWorks has helped us to achieve this goal.” Greg Peters Manufacturing Engineer

23 Koenigsegg, Sweden Company: Challenge: SolidWorks Benefits:
Swedish producer of one of the world’s fastest and most extreme sportscar Challenge: Make use of the latest technological innovations in the automotive industry Outsource production to contractors worldwide SolidWorks Benefits: Offers new solutions in a more comprehensive way Speeds up design work Easy to use and well developed. Very reasonable price Koenigsegg CC “With SolidWorks® we can pursue our boundless work – both geographically and technologically.” Thomas Koch CAD Design Manager

24 Lecitrailer Company: Challenge: SolidWorks Benefits:
leading manufacturer of trailers and semitrailers Challenge: Find a good priced, mid-range 3D system, that is easy to use and has powerful functionality SolidWorks Benefits: Extrusions made easier Parts designed in less time “SolidWorks is very intuitive - you can design by sight while working much more quickly.” Carlos Martín Industrial Manager

25 ABC, Belgium Company: Challenge: SolidWorks Benefits:
start-up company created in September 2001 in order to create the first carbon car Challenge: Design an innovative car Change from a 2D to a 3D system Reduce design time for a reasonable investment SolidWorks Benefits: Enhanced communication with production thanks to a complete design process Reduced errors Created a car composed of more than 1500 parts Reduced design time by 50% “The ability to associate SolidWorks with other softwares such as CosmosWorks for FEA, and FloWorks for fluid flow analysis allows us to gain significant time.” Michel Cardon Founder of ABC

26 Fusion Works Overview Sole approved SolidWorks partner based in Yorkshire Fastest growing Resller in the world over 500 customers in 2004 Certified and accredited FLEXIBLE training partner delivering Certified SolidWorks Training every day Accredited training centre in Sheffield Product development experience over 14 years in project based design work Industry Qualified pre and post sales customer support staff consultancy Telephone “Hot-Line” support services

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