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Caring for Our People Training

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Presentation on theme: "Caring for Our People Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Caring for Our People Training
Funded by a U.S. Department of Agriculture Grant to Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc.

2 Jacob Flores Evelyn Klimpel Erich Longie AnnMaria De Mars
Trainers: Jacob Flores Evelyn Klimpel Erich Longie AnnMaria De Mars

3 Purpose of Training To familiarize staff new to the reservation with Native American culture To introduce staff new to the disability field to resources for information and assistance To teach about effective practices for serving Native American families

4 Training Design Does not require the user OWN a personal computer
Training will take place on the reservation, in a computer lab similar to where most public use will occur The actual website and CD-ROM will be used in the training.

5 Training Design Does not require Internet access (but that would be nice) Does not require a CD-ROM drive Does require EITHER Internet access OR a CD-ROM drive

6 How to Use the CD Insert CD Double-click on ‘Index.html’
This should bring you to the home page for COPT


8 Notes on Design Every topic has both a ‘quick tips’ section and extensive information to accommodate differences in literacy - and spare time. The website is redundant. That is, a person can link to the family involvement section from the index page or staff page. This repetition was done on purpose to make the CD and website easier to use. You can get the information you need from multiple pages.

9 If you don’t have a CD Open the web browser (Netscape, Explorer or whatever you use). Type in the following web address: (Pay attention to what is in capital letters. It needs to look exactly like what is written above.)

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