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The Circle Isosceles Triangles in Circles

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Presentation on theme: "The Circle Isosceles Triangles in Circles"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Circle Isosceles Triangles in Circles
Right angle in a Semi-Circle Tangent Line to a Circle Diameter Symmetry in a Circle Circumference of a Circle Length of an ARC of a Circle Area of a Circle Area of a SECTOR of a Circle Summary of Circle Chapter Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

2 Starter Questions
Q1. Calculate Area and perimeter 5cm 2cm 3cm 4cm Q2. 30% of 200 Q3. Q4. If a = 1 , b = 2 and c = 4 Find Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

3 Isosceles triangles in Circles
Aim of Today’s Lesson To identify isosceles triangles within a circle. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

4 Isosceles triangles in Circles
When two radii are drawn to the ends of a chord, An isosceles triangle is formed. A B C Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

5 Isosceles triangles in Circles
Special Properties of Isosceles Triangles Two equal lengths Two equal angles Angles in any triangle sum to 180o Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

6 Isosceles triangles in Circles
Q. Find the angle xo. Solution Angle at C is equal to: B xo C Since the triangle is isosceles we have A 280o Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

7 Isosceles triangles in Circles
Begin Maths in Action Book page 181 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

8 Starter Questions
Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

9 Semi-circle angle Aim of Today’s Lesson
To find the angle in a semi-circle made by a triangle with hypotenuse equal to the diameter and the two smaller lengths meeting at the circumference. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

10 Semi-circle angle Tool-kit required
1. Protractor 2. Pencil 3. Ruler Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

11 Semi-circle angle
1. Using your pencil trace round the protractor so that you have semi-circle. 2. Mark the centre of the semi-circle. You should have something like this. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

12 Semi-circle angle x x x x x x x x x
Mark three points Outside the circle x x x 2. On the circumference x x 3. Inside the circle Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

13 Semi-circle angle Log your results in a table. x
For each of the points Form a triangle by drawing a line from each end of the diameter to the point. Measure the angle at the various points. x x Log your results in a table. Inside Circumference Outside Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

14 Begin Maths in Action Book page 182
Semi-circle angle x x x Inside Circumference Outside < 90o = 90o > 90o Begin Maths in Action Book page 182 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

15 Write down as many equations as you can
Starter Questions If a = 7 b = 4 and c = 10 Write down as many equations as you can e.g. a + b = 11 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

16 Tangent line Aim of Today’s Lesson
To understand what a tangent line is and its special property with the radius at the point of contact. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

17 Tangent line A tangent line is a line that
touches a circle at only one point. Which of the lines are tangent to the circle? Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

18 Tangent line
The radius of the circle that touches the tangent line is called the point of contact radius. Special Property The point of contact radius is always perpendicular (right-angled) to the tangent line. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

19 Tangent line
Q. Find the length of the tangent line between A and B. Solution Right-angled at A since AC is the radius at the point of contact with the Tangent. B 10 By Pythagoras Theorem we have A C 8 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

20 Begin Maths in Action Book page 185
Tangent line Begin Maths in Action Book page 185 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

21 Starter Questions
Q1. Calculate Area and perimeter 10cm 3cm 5cm 7cm Q2. 15% of 280 Q3. Q4. If x = -1 , y = 3 and z = 10 Find Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

22 Diameter symmetry Aim of Today’s Lesson To understand
some special properties when a diameter bisects a chord. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

23 Diameter symmetry C D O A B
A line drawn through the centre of a circle through the midpoint a chord will ALWAYS cut the chord at right-angles O A line drawn through the centre of a circle at right-angles to a chord will ALWAYS bisect that chord. A B A line bisecting a chord at right angles will ALWAYS pass through the centre of a circle. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

24 Diameter symmetry
Q. Find the length of the chord A and B. Solution Radius of the circle is = 10. B Since yellow line bisect AB and passes through centre O, triangle is right-angle. 10 O By Pythagoras Theorem we have 4 6 Since AB is bisected The length of AB is A Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

25 Begin Maths in Action Book page 187
Diameter symmetry Begin Maths in Action Book page 187 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

26 Starter Questions Q1. Q2.
12 8 Q3. Calculate the area of the triangle Q4. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

27 Circumference of a circle
Aim of Today’s Lesson To be able to use the formula for calculating the circumference of a circle Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

28 Circumference of a circle
Main parts of the circle radius O Diameter Circumference Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

29 Circumference of a circle
Q. Find the circumference of the circle ? Solution 4cm Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

30 Circumference of a circle
The circumference of the circle is 60cm ? Find the length of the diameter and radius. Solution Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

31 Circumference of a circle
Now it’s your turn ! Begin Maths in Action Book page 190 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

32 Starter Questions Q1. Calculate
Q2. Make D the subject of the equation. Q3. Q4. Calculate Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

33 length of the arc of a circle
Aim of Today’s Lesson To find and be able to use the formula for calculating the length of an arc. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

34 length of the arc of a circle
Q. What is an arc ? Answer An arc is a fraction of the circumference. A minor arc major arc B Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

35 length of the arc of a circle
Q. Find the circumference of the circle ? Solution 10cm Maths in Action Book Exercise 1 Questions 1 & 2 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

36 length of the arc of a circle
Q. Find the arc length for the semi-circle ? Solution 180o Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

37 length of the arc of a circle
Q. Given part of the circle below. Find the arc length ? Solution 10cm 90o Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

38 length of the arc of a circle
3 step process to calculating the length of an arc. Step Find the circumference of the circle. Step 2 Find fraction of the whole circle. Step 3 Find the arc length. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

39 length of the arc of a circle
Q. Part of a circle is given below. Find the arc length. Fraction of circle 6cm 45o Solution Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

40 length of the arc of a circle
3 step process to calculating the length of an arc. Step Find the circumference of the circle. Step 2 Find fraction of the whole circle. Step 3 Find the arc length. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

41 length of the arc of a circle
Q. Find the length of the arc AB below ? Solution A 9 cm 60o B Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

42 length of the arc of a circle
Now it’s your turn ! Begin Maths in Action Book page 193 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

43 Starter Questions Q1. Find all missing angles
Q2. List the prime numbers between 10 and 20. Q3. Solve 4cm Q4. Calculate the area of the shape. 5cm Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty 10cm

44 The Area of a circle Aim of Today’s Lesson
To come up with and be able to use the formula for calculating the area of a circle Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

45 And lay them out side by side
The Area of a circle If we break the circle into equal sectors And lay them out side by side We get very close to a rectangle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 2 4 3 1 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

46 The Area of a circle 8 2 4 6 3 1 5 7
If we cut the sectors Thinner and thinner then we get closer and closer to a rectangle. Hence we can represent the area of a circle by a rectangle. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 thinner and thinner sectors Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

47 The Area of a circle
But the area inside this rectangle is also the area of the circle Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

48 The Area of a circle
Q. Find the area of the circle ? Solution 4cm Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

49 Begin Maths in Action Book
The Area of a circle Now it’s your turn ! Begin Maths in Action Book Ex9.1 page 194 Q1-2 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

50 The Area of a circle Find area of the circle?
The diameter of the circle is 60cm. Find area of the circle? Solution Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

51 Begin Maths in Action Book
The Area of a circle Now it’s your turn ! Begin Maths in Action Book Ex9.1 page 194 Q3-4 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

52 The Area of a circle Find its radius?
The area of a circle is cm2. Find its radius? Solution Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

53 Begin Maths in Action Book
The Area of a circle Now it’s your turn ! Begin Maths in Action Book Ex9.1 page 194 Q5 onwards Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

54 Starter Questions Q1. Factorise
Q2. Make h the subject of the equation. Q3. Calculate Q4. The value of the standard deviation for petrol prices in Glasgow is 2.1 and 1.9 for Edinburgh. Comparing the two values write down a valid statement. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

55 Sector area of a circle Aim of Today’s Lesson
To find and be able to use the formula for calculating the sector of an circle. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

56 Sector area is a fraction
Sector area of a circle Q. What is an sector area ? Answer Sector area is a fraction of the area of the whole circle. A minor sector major sector B Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

57 Sector area of a circle
Q. Find the area of the circle ? Solution 10cm Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

58 Sector area of a circle
Q. Find the sector area for the semi-circle ? Solution 10cm 180o Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

59 Sector area of a circle
Q. Given part of the circle below. Find the sector area ? Solution Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

60 Sector area of a circle
3 step process to calculating sector area of a circle. Step Find the area of the circle. Step 2 Find fraction of the whole circle. Step 3 Find the sector area. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

61 Sector area of a circle
Q. Part of a circle is given below. Find the sector area. Fraction of circle 6cm 45o Solution Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

62 Sector area of a circle
3 step process for calculating the sector area. Step Find the area of the circle. Step 2 Find fraction of the whole circle. Step 3 Find the sector area. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

63 Sector area of a circle
Q. Find the area of the sector below ? Solution Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

64 Begin Maths in Action Book page 196
Sector area of a circle Now it’s your turn ! Begin Maths in Action Book page 196 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

65 Starter Questions 115o
Q1. Find all the missing angles Q2. Calculate Q3. The cost of a new computer is £1000 +vat. If the vat is charged at 12% what is the total cost. Q4. The cost of a bag of sugar is £1.12. How much 50 bags cost. Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

66 Summary of Circle Topic
Arc length is Pythagoras Theorem SOHCAHTOA line that bisects a chord Splits the chord into 2 equal halves. Makes right-angle with the chord. Passes through centre of the circle Circumference is Semi-circle angle is always 90o Area is Tangent touches circle at one point and make angle 90o with point of contact radius Radius Diameter Sector area Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

67 Summary of Circle Topic
Maths in Action Book Page 199 Saturday, 22 September 2018Saturday, 22 September 2018 Created by Mr Lafferty

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