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Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event

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2 Understanding Standards: Nominee Training Event
Economics National 5-Advanced Higher RGB colours for text Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102

3 Aims of the day To support Nominees in their understanding of national standards by: reviewing candidate evidence discussing this evidence and associated Assessment Standards with colleagues asking questions and seeking clarification about national standards

4 Verification – What have we learned?
: Only one round of verification in Economics (National 5) – mostly Economics of the Market submitted : Only one round of verification in Economics (National 5/Higher) – mostly Economics of the Market submitted Two rounds of verification in Economics Round 1 (Higher/Advanced Higher) – very little candidate evidence provided Round 2 – Targeted units – very few centres targeted

5 Assessment approaches
If using Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASPs) the most up-to-date versions should be used First 3 columns of UASP are the same in every pack The 4th column may be added to or changed by the centre – possibly if any other answers have been accepted OR if the centre has made minor changes to the UASP Marks may be added (for centre use only) in the 4th column Appropriate documentation should be used, eg flyleaf Unit assessment checklists should be used to show pass/fail results for exact outcomes provided for verification (for whole sample)

6 Assessment approaches
Make clear reference to the unit and the title of UASP being used Enclose copy of Unit Assessment and judging evidence table If UASP has been adapted or if using own assessment, centre must submit a copy of assessment used No pass/fail decisions should be made on a percentage pass mark Evidence for part of a unit can be submitted as interim evidence, but this must be made clear in documentation

7 Assessment judgements
Assessment judgements must match the Judging Evidence Table of the assessment used Marking should be clear and evidence of internal verification must be provided with a detailed description of how this has been done. Cross marking should be in a different colour and should be signed. Any differences should be discussed and a comment provided Verbal re-assessment should be clearly documented, signed and dated by teacher and candidate Be aware of minimum assessment standard – some candidates do more than this

8 Assessment approaches and judgements
All centres seem to be using SQA UASPs or ones that are slightly adapted. The majority of centres have a clear understanding of the national standard. Specifically: At Advanced Higher centres were fully aware of the requirements of the level, reflected in the quality of candidate responses that were accepted At Higher, the majority of centres are fully aware of the requirements of the level, however some are still not fully aware of the complexity of responses required to meet the national standard. At National 5, the majority of centres are fully aware of the requirements of the level, however some are still not fully aware of the types of responses required to meet the national standard.

9│0303 333 0330 RGB colours for text
Purple = R204 G153 B209 & Dark Blue =R0 G51 B102 Arial 20 font black Line spacing 4.8pt before single line spacing

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