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Independently owned and operated

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1 Independently owned and operated


3 Top Ten Red Flags Conditions to look for while showing a house.
For Real Estate Professionals

4 Are you looking for potential problems?
What are you looking at when showing a home? Are you looking for potential problems?

5 All homes have issues, even new ones. Every issue has a solution
All homes have issues, even new ones. Every issue has a solution. Solutions vary from a simple fix to the need to possibly adjusting the offer price. If not adjusting the offer price, anticipate submitting a repair request to the seller and possibly negotiating a lower final sales price after a home inspection is completed.

6 Course Objective Provide a basic understanding of some items to look for while showing a home that could impact IF or HOW an offer is written. These items are only the most common issues. It is not a complete list of every possible major defect. Knowledge of these items does not replace a full home inspection.

7 #10 - Site Drainage

8 Site Drainage Ponding water around a foundation can cause a loss of support and settlement. Poor site drainage can also cause enough water to pond against the house that moisture can get through the façade. This can result in wood rot and mold issues in the home.

9 Site Drainage These problems are mostly avoidable just by having the correct grading. The site grading should always slope away from the foundation for at least 5 feet.

10 Proper site drainage plan

11 Site Drainage Gutter downspouts should always direct the water at least 5 feet away from the foundation or into a site drainage system.

12 #9 - Grading Problems

13 Grading Problems High grading around the foundation is one of the most common issues identified on inspection reports.

14 Grading Problems The proper minimum clearance between the facade and the soil should be 4-6 inches.

15 Grading Problems High grades are most commonly found in planter areas.
Homeowners often place new mulch in planters without removing the old, creating the high grade condition.

16 Grading Problems Siding, stucco, and stone/brick veneers are not waterproof, so water penetrates the exterior walls. High grading can obstruct the weep holes that allow the moisture to escape. If the drainage is blocked, the moisture gets trapped in the wall promoting wood rot and mold to grow.

17 Grading Problems On the opposite end of the spectrum, look for undermining of the foundations. Left unchecked, this issue can cause significant foundation damage.

18 #8 – Galvanized Pipes

19 Galvanized Steel Pipes
The word galvanized means zinc-coated. The coating helps prevent the steel from rusting. Galvanized steel (iron) piping was common until roughly The scratched area will be a silver-gray color and have threads. This piping typically lasts 40 to 60 years. Some lower-quality pipes do not last as long and there are some oversized pipes still in use after 60 years. Where it is found today in single-family homes, it is usually near the end of its life.

20 Galvanized Steel Pipes
The word galvanized means zinc-coated. The coating helps prevent the steel from rusting. Galvanized steel (iron) piping was common until roughly This piping typically lasts 40 to 60 years. Some lower-quality pipes do not last as long and there are some oversized pipes still in use after 60 years. Where it is found today in single-family homes, it is usually near the end of its life. The connections are threaded. Galvanized pipe has a tendency to react with minerals in water, producing a build up of calcium deposits (scale) that can lead to lower water pressure. And when the pipe corrodes, rust and mineral deposit accumulation inside the pipe chokes down the diameter of the pipe, resulting in poor water pressure. Rust also attacks the pipe walls, making the walls thinner. Eventually, the pipe will rust through, usually at the joints first, resulting in leakage.

21 Galvanized Steel Pipes
Also be aware that directly joining two different types of metals, in this case, steel and copper, can cause rapid corrosion at the joint (called dielectric corrosion). To limit this problem, make the steel/copper connections with special dielectric unions rather than with a regular coupling. This type of union separates the two metals with a rubber washer and plastic sleeve so they don't actually touch each other.

22 #7 - Drywall Cracks

23 Drywall Cracks Homes are like every other material, they expand and contract with temperature. This movement causes minor cracking in the drywall surfaces, but the key is where the cracks are located.

24 Drywall Cracks Minor drywall cracks at the intersections of walls and ceilings are normal. These flaws can be repaired easily and do not cause any concern.

25 Drywall Cracks Diagonal cracks from the corner of doors or windows are often a sign of foundation movement. These types of cracks require professional evaluation and repair recommendations.

26 #6 - Foundation Cracks

27 Are all concrete foundation cracks a serious problem?
No, many types of concrete cracking are perfectly normal.

28 Foundation Cracks Here are some concrete rules of thumb:
Concrete always does two things; it gets hard and it cracks. Seeing cracks in the concrete foundation does not mean serious problems exist. Most concrete foundation issues can be repaired, but understanding the nature of the problem is key.

29 Foundation Cracks Corner cracks are extremely common and are not a concern unless the piece falls off or is removed. Even then it is a minor problem and only requires patching.

30 Foundation Cracks Exposed and rusting reinforcing steel presents a concern, but only requires the steel to be coated with rust-inhibiting paint and the concrete patched to prevent further damage.

31 Foundation Cracks This is a hairline crack.
It is most likely caused by shrinkage during the concrete curing and does not present any concern. This crack is approx. 1/8 in This may indicate shrinkage or movement. This crack should be sealed and monitored. This crack is approx. 1/4 in. This crack is most likely due to movement. A structural engineer should be consulted.

32 #5 - Roof Condition

33 Roof Condition Replacing or repairing a roof can be a significant expense for a new homeowner, therefore the current roof condition should be a consideration when making an offer.

34 Roof Condition New 0-5 Years Little to No Granular Loss
No Cupping/Curling Straight Edges Medium Wear 5-15 Years Mild to Moderate Granular Loss Some Curling/Cupping Heavy Wear 15+ Years Excessive Granular Loss Excessive Curling/Cupping Deformed Edges

35 Roof Condition Excessive granular loss is a key indicator of the roof condition The south facing side always displays the most wear.

36 Roof Condition Vegetation in contact with the roof accelerates wear and can cause leaks.

37 Obvious roof repairs indicate previous problems and leaks.
Roof Condition Obvious roof repairs indicate previous problems and leaks.

38 Roof Condition Roof Insurability
A home inspection does not determine the insurability of a roof, but a homebuyer may want to check on the insurability of any given roof that is older and with certain issues. Roof Insurability

39 #4 - Roof Leaks

40 Roof Leaks Roof leaks happen, but they are hard to spot and even more difficult to find and repair. A small leak left unrepaired can cause significant damage to the structure, drywall, and finishes.

41 Water stains on ceilings are the best indicator of a roof leak.
Roof Leaks Water stains on ceilings are the best indicator of a roof leak.

42 Roof Leaks Variations or deformations in the ceiling texture are indicators of a previous patch and/or roof leak.

43 Roof Leaks Freshly painted ceiling(s) in a single room or a few rooms can be an effort to conceal previous roof leaks.

44 #3 - Mold

45 Mold Mold will grow anywhere where there is excessive moisture is present. Mold eats the paper and wood products in a home.

46 Mold Small amounts of mold and mildew around showers, tubs, and sinks are normal. These do NOT present a problem or concern.

47 Mold Small amounts of mold on window sills is most likely caused by condensation and usually not a concern.

48 Mold Mold found on walls or ceilings outside of kitchens or bathrooms does signal problem. It strongly indicates a roof or plumbing leak.

49 Mold Any amount of mold to the sides or below a window or door is a strong indication of a leak. This situation is definitely a major problem.

50 #2 - Wood Destroying Insects

51 Wood Destroying Insects
Texas is a High Risk for Termites! The risk of termites in Texas ranges from moderate to heavy for the west half of the state to very heavy in the northeast/southeast areas of the state.

52 Wood Destroying Insects
There are many types of Wood Destroying Insects: Carpenter ants Subterranean termites Drywood termites Formosan termites Today we will be focused on Subterranean termites because that is the most common in Southeast Texas.

53 Wood Destroying Insects

54 Wood Destroying Insects

55 Wood Destroying Insects
Ant or Termite???

56 Wood Destroying Insects
Subterranean termites are usually identified by the existence of mud tunnels.

57 Wood Destroying Insects
Termites can also be indicated by the presence of Termite Frass.

58 Wood Destroying Insects
The presence of termites in a home can require the need for a simple pest treatment or could indicate the potential for major structural damage. Only a qualified WDI Inspector can determine the actual extent of damage and recommend treatment options.

59 What do you think is #1?

60 #1 – Clients that don’t want a Home Inspection.

61 No Inspection All homes have issues, even new ones, so it’s best to get them identified and addressed prior to closing. Inspectors that stand behind their work provide the client an increased level of comfort and confidence in their real estate decision. Not having a property inspection increases the risk for both the client and agent.

62 No Inspection Not having an inspection by a professional leaves your client exposed to thousands of potential problems in a home. A complete inspection covers all these property systems: Lots and grounds Exterior surfaces Attic Electrical system Kitchen Heating and A/C system Window & Doors Foundation Garage Bathrooms Fireplaces Structure Plumbing system Interior rooms

63 What if you find a Red Flag?

64 What if you find a Red Flag?
Make your client aware of the potential problem. Consult a professional (property inspector, electrician, plumber, etc.) to determine the severity of the issue. Determine the cost to fix the potential problem. Keep the issue in mind when making an offer.

65 Congratulations on completing the course.

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