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Submission Title: [Task Group 1 Opening Report]

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Title: [Task Group 1 Opening Report]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [Task Group 1 Opening Report] Date Submitted: [10Jul00] Source: [Ian Gifford] Company [M/A-COM, Inc.] Address [1011 Pawtucket Boulevard Lowell, MA USA ] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [-00/095r0, etc.] Abstract: [TG1 chair report to WG.] Purpose: [TG1 chair report to WG to update them from the last session (#6) to the current session (#7) on all the work items.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by July 2000 doc.: IEEE /172r1 July 2000 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

2 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks™
July 2000 doc.: IEEE /172r1 July 2000 IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks™ TG1 Report #1 July 2000 LaJolla, CA USA Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

3 Contents TG1 Summary Overview of Session #7/LaJolla
July 2000 doc.: IEEE /172r1 July 2000 Contents TG1 Summary Overview of Session #7/LaJolla Objectives Submissions Session Graphic Tentative TG1 Needs for Sep00 Interim TG1 Draft Sources – Baseline TG1 Draft Sources - Revision Next Steps/TG1 Roadmap TG1 Drafting History Next Steps Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

4 July 2000 TG1 Summary Letter Ballot #3 failed! 18/15/0/; out of 49 voting members, there were 33 responses (25 required for a valid vote). Detail: 15 yes w/o comment 3 yes with comment 15 no 0 abstains 16 failed to vote. LB3 yielded 387 Comments to be resolved, summarized in –00/159r0 worksheet. 25 Comments were received in a late ballot; new total 412. LB3 Comment Resolution 10-13Jul00, post meeting, and possibly into Aug00. Once resolved, apply edits –00/159r0, BSIG v1.1, et. al. to next Draft LB(4) Recirculation, est. Sep00 Draft ready for Sponsor Ballot prior to Nov00 Plenary Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

5 TG1 LaJolla 2000 Objectives Comment Resolution
July 2000 TG1 LaJolla 2000 Objectives Comment Resolution Planning for update to D0.7.2 Begin production of D0.8 Plan for production of D1.0 Triage of comments 6:30pm, 8am 7/11 Plan for baseline Draft/BT SIG Charter 9:30am, to be complete by 12pm Detail comment resolution thereafter Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

6 Seattle - Submissions July 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.15-00/172r1 July 2000
From: Gifford, Ian C. Sent: Friday, July 07, :41 AM To: Tom Siep ( ) Subject: TG1 Planned Submissions or doc numbers Tom, Per our discussion here are the TG1 Planned Submissions or doc numbers - feel free to ad lib, etc. Ooops USE 159!!! for Comment DB not error in prior ... *** 00/159 g 00159r0P WG Letter Ballot 3 Comments Resolution Worksheet xls Gifford *00/161 g 00161r1P WG Operating Rules doc Gifford *00/163 g 00163r2P TG1 July00 Meeting Objectives and Agenda xls Gifford +00/168 g 00168r0P TG1 July00 Minutes doc Kinney ~00/172 g 00172r0P WG TG1 Opening Report ppt Siep +00/176 g 00176r0P WG TG1 Closing Report ppt Siep *00/181 g 00181r0P TG1 BTCongress-14June00-Siep-r1.ppt ppt Siep ~00/182 g 00182r0P WG July 00 Liaison Report 8 ppt Gifford *00/183 g 00183r0P TG1 HomeRF IEEE ComSoc Pitch 8Jun00 ppt Gifford *00/184 g 00184r0P TG1 Bluetooth IEEE ComSoc Pitch 8Jun00 ppt Gifford +00/188 g 00188r0P TG1 WPAN2 SG Planning Report ppt Gifford ~00/189 g 00189r0P WG Draft Guidelines For Hosting Interim ppt Gifford +00/190 g 00190r3P TG1 Bluetooth™ SIG Program Management Report 13Jun00 ppt Siep Comments C1 + Your baby C2 ~ I'll send them as the come through. C3 * Done just FYI -- Ian Gifford Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

7 TG1 Jul00 Session #7 Graphic
July 2000 doc.: IEEE /172r1 July 2000 TG1 Jul00 Session #7 Graphic Legend: WG = Working Group AC = Advisory Core (of the WG) TG1 = Task Group 1 WPAN or Bluetooth Derivation TG2 = Task Group 2 WPAN to WLAN Coexistence TG3 = Task Group WPAN-HR (High Rate) SG MC = Marketing Committee Joint = Joint Meeting of the & WGs Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

8 LB3 Results - Overview 49 Total Voting Members
July 2000 LB3 Results - Overview 49 Total Voting Members 33 Total Votes (18/15/0) 16 Total Failed to vote Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

9 July 2000 LB3 Results – Detail Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

10 LB3 Summary – Detail (cont.)
July 2000 LB3 Summary – Detail (cont.) Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

11 Type of comments (e/E/t/T) – LB3 #
July 2000 doc.: IEEE /172r1 July 2000 Type of comments (e/E/t/T) – LB3 # Notes: NadaG used a non-standard Type of Comment e.g., 32 "E/t" and 4 "e/t". I am unclear how to deal with these comments. The Editor-in-Chief interpreted them as "t’s”; which nets 59 total of which 36 are hybrid. PatK forgot to code pwk19 e.g., Type of Comment e.g., "E/t/e/t”. HoumanA used a non-standard numbering for comments e.g., 8a, 8b, etc. indicating he did not read the instructions. He supplied 62 not 48 comments. MikeP used "e" 100% in the Type of comments (E/e/T/t) and added the N, t, T in the Part of NO vote (Y/N); indicating he did not read the instructions. Therefore he has 139 "e's" and he added 4 "t’s" and 3 "T’s" to the wrong column hence -7 "e’s" and a some T/t entries. Dropped Dr. Yunxin Li as I could not find his comments. Source: BobH results *.xls file. FOUND 10JAN00…All 250 of them! He forgot to code yxl007. Dropped Mr. Daniel R. McGlynn & Mr. Ivan Reede as they did not supply Comments w/ their “Nea” vote. Therefore these balloters failed to vote. Note: Ivan indicated 7Jan00 that he would change his “Nea” to a “Yea” w/o Comments if it stalled the WG Balloting process. He will not supply comments on his nea vote - lost HD & NadaG covered his comments. TG1 appreciates the work these eighteen (18) Members did in providing these 412 Comments! SteveS was late but is in queue. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

12 Type of comments (e/E/t/T) - LB1 #/%
July 2000 Type of comments (e/E/t/T) - LB1 #/% 412 Comments Minor Editorial "e” 127 (31%) Major Editorial "E” 140 (34%) Minor Technical "t” 51 (12%) Major Technical "T” 94 (23%) Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

13 Tentative TG1 Needs for Sep00 Interim
July 2000 Tentative TG1 Needs for Sep00 Interim 18-21Sep00 (4 Days) 25 People Power Strips, w/ 1 outlet per chair BR = Boardroom LCD = PC Screen Projector & Screen (SVGA, 450 lumens) FC = Flipchart with markers TG1 will provide a Sep00 graphic for TG1 on Thursday, 13Jul00 to the WG Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

14 TG1 Draft Sources – Baseline
July 2000 23May00 TG1 Draft Sources – Baseline 4Nov99 8May00 10Jul00 ? v1.1 D0.6 (v1.0A) + IEEE Clauses D0.7 = D0.6 +(BSIG v1.0B) +-99/173r5a C1-5 +HCI +Annex – Timers +MSCs +SDLs D0.8=D0.7 +(BSIG v1.1) +Informal comments +PICS SDLs Letter Ballot #1 Letter Ballot #2 Letter Ballot #3 Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

15 TG1 Draft Sources - Revision
July 2000 TG1 Draft Sources - Revision *~5Jul00 ~20Aug00 *17Apr00 *8May00 *12May00 ~12Jul00 ? v1.1 D0.7.0 (v1.0B) +HCI +Annex +Timers +MSCs +etc. D0.7.1 (v1.0B) +-99/173r6 C1-11 Annex +SDLs +PICS D0.7.2 (v1.0B) +-99/173r6 C1-11 Annex +Informal comments D0.8 (v1.1) C1-11 Annex +etc. Letter Ballot #3 40 Day LB *Note: Date released by Editor-in-Chief Available one (1) week before ballot starts. Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

16 Timeline - Summary 10-13Jul00 LaJolla, CA USA
July 2000 Timeline - Summary 10-13Jul00 LaJolla, CA USA ? [NEED INPUT HERE FROM SESSION #7] 18-21Sep00 Scottsdale, AZ USA Finalize P /D1.0 for Sponsor Ballot 27Oct00 Deadline For RevCom Draft Submission 6-10Nov00 Tampa, FL USA 15-18Jan01 San Jose, CA USA 9Feb01 Deadline For RevCom Draft Submission 12-16Mar01 Hilton Head, SC USA Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

17 Timeline - Detail July 2000 Note: Critical date for receipt of BSIG
Specification v1.1 revision Note: Backward scheduling from RevCom Deadlines indicates we will miss 27Oct00 and slip to 9Feb01 …IEEE Std. Source: IEEE802_15_1-editorial-plan-r5.mpp Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

18 TG1 Drafting History July 2000 Draft 0.0 - Tom Siep 100%
283 Pages Draft Tom Siep 100% Draft BT-IEEE Editorial Working Group 331 Pages 1 Chief Editor/6 Technical Editors 6 Bluetooth Promoter Company Reviewers w/ internal help ~300 Comments Draft BT-IEEE Editorial Working Group 308 Pages 1013 Comments Draft 0.7 – Tom Siep 100% 617 Pages Draft IEEE Task Group 1 Technical Editors 803 Pages 1 Chief Editor/11 Technical Editors Draft IEEE Task Group 1 Technical Editors 773 Pages 412 Comments Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc.

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