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World Geography 3200/02 Start 6.2 Population Growth.

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1 World Geography 3200/02 Start 6.2 Population Growth

2 Overview 6.2.1 Compare the terms absolute population growth and population growth rate. (k) 6.2.2 Examine trends in the size and growth rate of the population of a selected region. (a) 6.2.3 Given relevant data, classify a country according to the demographic transition model. (a) 6.2.4 Classify a population growth rate as slow-, moderate-, or fast-growing populations. (a) 6.2.5 Relate a country’s rate of population growth to its socio-economic conditions. (a) 6.2.6 Describe some of the problems that result from overpopulation. (k) 6.2.7 Defend one’s views about the efficacy of controlling population growth. (i)

3 6.2.1 Compare the terms absolute population growth and population growth rate. (k)
Absolute Population Growth: The actual change in population from one time period to another time period. Example: Sweden Population 1981 = 8,300,000 Sweden Population 1971 = 7,978,000 Absolute Population Change is: 8,300, ,978,000 = +322,000 Main

4 Population Growth Rate: Rate of change in the population
Population Growth Rate: Rate of change in the population. Measured as a ratio of the population change to the original population. Population change x 100% = Growth Rate Original Population Main

5 AGR = X 100% ÷ years for change Population Change Original Population
Annual Growth Rate (AGR): A measure of how fast a population is changing in size. AGR = Population Change X 100% ÷ years for change Original Population Main

6 Mexico’s population changed from 49 million to 72 million between the years 1971 & 1981
AGR = Pop. Change X 100% ÷ years for change Original Pop. AGR = million X 100% ÷ 10 years for change 49 million AGR = 4.7% Main

7 Sweden’s population changed from 7. 9 million to 8
Sweden’s population changed from 7.9 million to 8.3 million between the years 1971 & 1981 AGR = Pop. Change X 100% ÷ years for change Original Pop. AGR = 8.3 – 7.9 million X 100% ÷ 10 years for change 7.9 million AGR = 0.5% Main

8 6.2.2 Examine trends in the size and growth rate of the population of a selected region. (a)
(1990) Population (2010) Change AGR North America South America Europe Asia Africa Australia Main

9 Main

10 6.2.3 Given relevant data, classify a country according to the demographic transition model. (a)
The Demographic Transition Model is a series of line graphs that show how a population has changed over time It takes uses changing birth rates and death rates to provide an indicator of economic development The model uses the link between the development of a country and the impact that development has on both birth and death rates. The demographic transition model allows you to infer on a country’s development by looking at birth and death rates There are four distinct stages in the demographic transition model Main

11 Stage 1: Pre Modern The population in stage 1 of the demographic transition model is stable There is a high birth rate and a high death rate. This creates a balanced and stable population Areas experiencing stage 1 have low education, low standard of living, low life expectancy Areas experiencing stage 1 are not developed, and have few services Main

12 Stage 2: Industrialization and Urbanization
Stage 2 of the demographic transition model shows an increase in population The major change is a decrease in the death rate As medical care improves the life expectancy of the people increases Education however does not yet improve so birth rates continue to stay high This creates a population increase Main

13 Stage 3: Mature Industrial
Stage 3 of the demographic transition model shows a growing population, that is beginning to stabilize The birth rates start to decrease to match the death rate which brings the population under control This is what you would see in countries that have recently become developed nations (China) Main

14 Stage 4: Post Industrial
Stage 4 of the demographic transition model shows a stable population. Birth rates and death rates have stabilized at lower levels The population structure is generally older This can be found in highly developed nations like the United States, Sweden, United Kingdom and Canada Main

15 Limitations of the model
1. The model was developed after studying the experiences of countries in Western Europe and North America. Conditions might be different for LEDCs in different parts of the world. 2. The original model doesn't take into account the fact that some countries now have a declining population and a 5th stage. Most texts will now show this stage as it is relevant to an increasing number of MEDCs in the 21st century. Main

16 6.2.4 Classify a population growth rate as slow-, moderate-, or fast-growing populations. (a)
Three categories of growth rates. They distinguish among slow, fast and moderately growing populations. Fast growing: AGR > 2% Moderately growing: AGR approx. = 2% Slow growing: AGR < 2% Main

17 6.2.5 Relate a country’s rate of population growth to its socio-economic conditions. (a)

18 6. 2. 6 Describe some of the problems that result from overpopulation
6.2.6 Describe some of the problems that result from overpopulation. (k) Main

19 6.2.7 Defend one’s views about the efficacy of controlling population growth. (i)
More money = better education = better jobs = financial restraints = How so? need for contraception = population control. Main

20 Population Control Legislation by government could make it illegal to have more than a certain number of babies.  Is that humane?  How do we ensure the correct number.  What is done with children over the limit?  Some people have proposed that war and famine used to be our natural means of birth control.  Is this an option? Main

21 Population Control Increasing education of the masses is correlated with decreased births.  Could we help to provide education in developing nations?  Is that humane? Pension plans & RRSP's allow us to be secure into our old age and we do not have to worry about having children to take care of us.  Is this something we could promote in under-developed nations? Main

22 Population Control We know that education of women is correlated with decreased births.  Is the education of women something we could promote? Could we provide less expensive birth control for developing nations? Main

23 Population Control Highly developed economies are associated
with decreased birth rates.  Should we concentrate on supporting improvements to their economies as an ultimate route to controlling birth rates? Main

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