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Producing proposals and tenders

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Presentation on theme: "Producing proposals and tenders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Producing proposals and tenders
Learning Unit 3 Producing proposals and tenders

2 You met the client….

3 You: Start drafting proposal

4 Getting quotes Do spadework…… Give attention to the VENUE
Find 3 suitable venues….. (assess them, LU 22) Get quotes for entertainment, décor, AV and sound ( ) If “supplier” doesn’t get back to you in due time…. They don’t want your business…. Move on.

5 Background research Type of event? Client? Find out a bit more …
Attendees? - find out a bit more….

6 Producing a proposal TEMPLATE Use detail…

7 Title page: - Includes Logo Contact details Name of event
Copyright clause

8 Table of contents Executive summary Background Clients requirements
Purpose, theme, budget, timing Event outline p. 33 Events management Admin Speaker liaison Project management Sponsorship management Sponsorship vaceat

9 Budget Event manager details Additional services
Marketing RSVP management Exhibition management Suggested suppliers (all documents attached) Budget Event manager details

10 Suggested suppliers Provide list of suggested suppliers: Venues ….
Décor by …… Invitation design….. Master of ceremonies Band / DJ Conference suppliers….

11 Budget Preliminary budget included….. Always say:
“The accompanying preliminary budget indicates how your resources or R have been allocated. Please note that there is a 15% event management fee and a 10% contingency allowance deducted before the budget has been allocated. Note also that all costs exclude VAT.”

12 Event manager details

13 Contract Added at the end of the proposal, for signing, makes it legal. Contract must be fair to both parties Management fee: (use this if you want) “In view of the programme and high level of work and co-ordination required, the event manager recommends a fee of R…….. This fee excludes VAT.

14 “ Fifty percent of the fee is payable on the written acceptance of this proposal and the balance is payable on the first day of the event. No amendment of this agreement shall be valid or in effect unless made in writing and signed by all the parties thereto.”

15 Fee inclusions & Exclusions
All inclusions….. Differs from event to event

16 Liability on cancellation
If cancelled within one month of signature = only refund 50% of deposit. If cancelled after 1 month, deposit shall not be refunded.

17 If event is cancelled within three weeks of planned date: Client to pay full management fee, plus outstanding disbursements.

18 Breach If a party is in breach of contract, the party not in breach shall be entitled to give the defaulting party written notice to remedy the breach. If they don’t comply within 14 days….Can cancel the agreement and claim performance.

19 Domicillium and notices
Client sign, and state where it is signed.

20 Acceptance of offer p. 39

21 Client presentation Do small presentation with proposal.
Be vibrant and snappy Short and simple

22 VENUE FOCUS ON: Venue and how gorgeous and appropriate it is
How it suits the audience Falls into your budget Enough space SHOW PICTURES…….

23 Date highlights Date and time…. How suits audience
Allows for minimum travelling time Date suited the venue

24 Suppliers Suppliers and their criteria p. 40 COSTS: Total excl VAT
Event planner fee Contingency fee Surplus for unforseen…. OR Cost per delegate is R………..

25 Contract highlights “The contract is on page ……. It needs to be completed by an authorised company signatory. We need to get going ASAP, so that I can give you the best quality for the cost and time we have available. I look forward doing business with you.”

26 Completing Tenders Make sure you meet the criteria of the client
Do you have enough experience…. Can you afford to wait 3 months for payment? BBBEE requirements? Tender example in back of textbook.

27 ICE Activity - for attendance
Write down the format of a proposal that can be used for event. Only supply the headings.

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