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Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
OBJECTIVES 1. To acquire an understanding of the basic Principles of Social Teachings of the Church. 2. To heighten awareness of the realities of human poverty and social injustice, and to be able to respond to the call of the Church. 3. Praise and glorify God for giving us the opportunity to serve Him through our neighbors.
Catholic social teaching
-is a body of doctrine developed by the Church on matters of poverty and wealth, economics, social organization and the role of the state. The Social Teachings of the Church: The Social aspect of LOVE
Catholic social teaching
It is an authoritative Church teaching on social, political and economic issues. it enables us in our struggle to live our faith in justice and peace.
Philippine Church Social Teaching
The Bishops specifically focus on: Widening gap between the rich and the poor Reality of unemployment Malnutrition and hunger Violation of human rights Threats of war and violence
PCP II gives attention to:
Tribal Filipinos Children and youth Women Peasants Urban poor Disabled
VIDEO: Filipino children driven to the streets…
Scriptures Mark 12: 41-44 The poor Widow’s Contribution
Jesus tells us that the widow didn’t simply give what was left over after she had bought everything she needed for the week. Instead, she sacrificed her own needs so that she could give to the needs of others. Caring for one another isn’t something relegated (referred) to the very rich. We are all called to contribute to the needs of our brothers and sisters. Jesus reminds us that generosity and charity are essential to the Christian life.
CHRUCH TEACHINGS Pope Benedict XVI states, “If we love others with charity, then first of all we are just towards them. Not only is justice not extraneous to charity, not only is it not an alternative or parallel path to charity; justice is inseparable from charity, and intrinsic to it. Justice is the primary way of charity.” Charity in Truth (Caritas in Veritate),
GROUP ACTIVITY General Instructions:
Bring 1 whole sheet of paper as you go to your respective group.
GROUP ACTIVITY General Instructions:
Bring 1 whole sheet of paper as you go to your respective group. Listen carefully to the reporters and answer the following questions.
Explain briefly each principle.
GROUP ACTIVITY Explain briefly each principle. As Paulinian, how can you apply this principle in your life?
Life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is to be respected.
CST Principles #1 HUMAN DIGNITY Life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is to be respected. Christians are called to be for human life and to help others live to the fullest. Questions to ponder on: What are some examples of people whose life and dignity are being disrespected and/or abused?
Examine existing systems – How do we serve or fail to serve people? Man and Woman is created in the image of God The measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person.
Natural law governs, political and economic systems; above all we must preserve the dignity of the human being from the beginning of life to the end Questions to ponder on: How can we improve our efforts to increase awareness and commitment to this principle?
CST Principle #2 Call to Family, Community and Participation
All people are equal and have the right and duty to participate fully in all aspects of human society. Those who are not able to fully participate are said to be: MARGINALIZED, or outside the main group. Examples: education politics culture religion economy
CST Principle #2 Call to Family, Community and Participation
All people have human rights.
CST Principle #3 Rights and Responsibilities/Duties All people have human rights. Rights are conditions or things that any person needs to be fully human. All people must be challenged to live up to human responsibilities. Examples: basic right to life survival rights
food and water shelter basic health care
Survival Rights Rights that are necessary for people to be able to live. food and water shelter basic health care
live by one’s conscience live by one’s religion
Rights to those things necessary to become everything God intended us to be. education employment safe environment certain material goods Also, the right to: live by one’s conscience live by one’s religion live without discrimination
With rights come responsibilities. Rights are not unlimited.
We have the responsibility for: the good of others the good of the whole society We are responsible for the well-being of our neighbor.
Subsidiarity Example: 1. city 2. country 3. state
Decisions affecting the community should be made at the lowest level possible. Governments and large organizations exist only to serve the good of: human beings families communities What rights do we have as members of a community? What responsibilities do we have to the community?
CST Principle #4 Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
We are called to emulate (imitate) God by showing a special preference for those who are poor and weak. We put the needs of society’s most poor and vulnerable members first among social concerns. Reminder: The poor & vulnerable (weak, helpless) are not only without money, but are also deprived of their basic rights or of equal participation in society.
Option for the Poor Option- does not mean an optional alternative but rather, a decision and commitment in favor of the poor Preferential- signifies the choice of the poor as a priority of Christian witnessing to justice and solidarity
Why this concern for the poor and vulnerable?
Not because they are more valuable But because their need is greater. Questions to ponder on: Who are the poor and vulnerable in our society today? Whose need is great?
The option for the poor is part of the Church’s mission throughout her two- millennium history.
The church stands for justice and it has the duty to fight oppression.
CST Principle #5 Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
Work provides families with the things they need to live and flourish. Work exists for people, not people for work. The value of work is measured by whether it promotes the human dignity of the worker. Work well done contributes to the common good. What is it about work that helps us to feel our human dignity? What does work contribute to your sense of well-being and worth?
a Filipino family of five needed P5,458 to meet basic food needs every month. Families earning that amount were considered to be living in “extreme poverty” A family of five family would need P7,821 to meet both food and non-food needs (such as clothing, housing, transportation, health, education) every month. Family earning that much is considered to be living in “poverty.” unchanged
Workers’ Rights Those things that contribute to the dignity of work:
Question to ponder on: What recent news stories disclose situations where these rights may have been violated? Right to: employment decent and fair pay a safe workplace honest employers organize and join unions
2. Economic Life Is human dignity given importance in the economy? Sometimes we just follow the economic law of supply and demand, but we disregard the rights of the people.
Work in Filipino is Hanapbuhay
3. Human work Work in Filipino is Hanapbuhay Work is a human right. To work is not just to earn money (hanap pera) because there are many types of work that destroy (nakasisira o nakamamatay) a person. Ex. Prostitution, factories without humane working conditions… Hanapbuhay means work should be life giving. It should not only provide salaries and wages but allow us to live with dignity as well.
Children are compelled to work in dangerous and life threatening conditions. In Philippines there are about 2.06 million children who are forced to work in rock quarries, farms, industries, mines and on fishing boats.
CST Principle #6 Solidarity
We are all responsible to: Stand by the poor and vulnerable Take action to support the violation of rights. Learn more about the situations of those whose rights have been violated. Put ourselves in their position (metaphorically or literally). Question to ponder on: Think of examples of people you know who practice the principle of solidarity.
CST Principle #7 Stewardship of God’s Creation
We are called to live our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation and to be stewards of that creation. Protect the health of people Protect the health of the planet Question to ponder on: Make a list of examples where our society has misused its stewardship – destroying the balance between human need and protection of creation.
Recap of Principles human dignity
Call to family, community, and participation Rights and responsibilities/duties Option for the poor and vulnerable The dignity of work and rights of workers Solidarity Care for God’s creation
Group activity Work as a team.(by pair)
Illustrate what you think your city or town would look like if the community fully practiced the principles of Catholic social teaching. (be creative) What would be different? Present your vision of a community based on the principles of Catholic social teaching. USE SHORT BOND PAPER
Group activity: Example
ILLUSTRATION _________________ VISION
What are the different realities that challenge these principles?
As young member of the Church what can you contribute to make these principles a reality in our life?
Reminders: Tomorrow-project making
Reminders: Monday Group activity Sharing/Discussion about encyclicals
Thursday Quiz about Encyclicals and project presentation Friday Presentation of project and requirements
World Realities that challenge these principles
Racism Drug trafficking & abuse Denial of basic rights Materialism Apathy Poverty wages World Realities that challenge these principles Religious discrimination Class & economic divisions Physical abuse: children, prisoners, etc. Corruption
. Let us see the following encyclicals for us to know our Christian role in society remembering that “we are our brothers keepers”.
An encyclical is a letter from the Holy Father that is a “teaching document.” Its audience is every Catholic and all people of good will. A “social encyclical” applies the consistent, traditional moral teachings of the Church to the social and economic challenges of the current day. For example, the most recent social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, was written to address the current economic crisis and other issues facing the world today, and deals with moral aspects of economic life, poverty and development, human rights and duties, environmental responsibility, and other moral and economic issues.
Modern Catholic Social Teaching
1891 Rerum Novarum Leo XIII Quadragesimo Anno Pius XI Mother and Teacher John XXIII Peace on Earth John XXIII Church in the Modern World Vatican II The Development of Peoples Paul VI A Call to Action Paul VI Justice in the World Synod of Bishops 1979 Redeemer of Humanity John Paul II On Human Work John Paul II On Social Concern John Paul II The One Hundredth Year John Paul II The Gospel of Life John Paul II This is not a comprehensive list, but it does include the major official texts. Note that the teaching changed significantly over its history, because of the changing social, economic, and political realities. One can break this century into three periods: Industrial Revolution and its aftermath 2. Globalized world – in the 60’s and 70’s the teaching began dealing with issues involving not just relationships within nations but also between nations. Post Industrial world – John Paul II’s writings reflect the dramatic changes in technology, and communication that have transformed the world. The lack of documents between 1931 and 1961 is largely a reflection of the fact that Pope Pius XII did not issue social encyclicals like other Popes. Instead, he addressed social issues and social teaching in a series of Christmas radio addresses.
Official English Title: The Condition of Labor Author: Pope Leo XIII Date: May 15, 1891 A. Introduction In this encyclical, Pope Leo XIII examines the situation of poor people and workers in industrialized countries. He states several important principles that should guide the response to the needs of these people. He then articulates the role of the Church, workers and employers, and the law and public authorities in working together to build a just society. Employers are given the major role as agents for change.
and North American workers at the end of the 19th century prompted the writing of Rerum Novarum. The document was inspired by the work of the Fribourg Union, a Catholic Social Action movement in Germany, and by requests from the hierarchy in England, Ireland and the United States. The Church has the right to speak out on social issues. Her role is to teach social principles and bring social classes together. The state’s role is to create a just society through laws that preserve rights. B. Historical Note The horrible exploitation and poverty of European
RERUM NOVARUM Promotion of Human Dignity
C. Situation The existence of much poverty during that time. Because of the Industrial Revolution, workers are being exploited by profit-hungry employers. Public authorities are not protecting the rights of the poor. D. Major Areas of Concern Promotion of Human Dignity Care for the Poor Rights of Workers Role of Private Property Duties of Workers and Employers Return to Christian Morals Role of Public Authority
II. Quadragesimo Anno (After Forty Years)
Official English Title: The Reconstruction of the Social Order Author: Pope Pius XI Date: May 15, 1931 A. Introduction Pope Pius XI covers three major areas in his encyclical “After Forty Years”. First he describes the impact of Leo XIII’x Rerum Novarum on the Church, civil authorities, and other concerned parties. Secondly, Pius XI clarifies and develops the social and economic doctrine contained in Rerum Novarum. He articulates a positive role in the Church in economic and social affairs and affirms the social responsibility of ownership. He advocates a unity between capital
QUADRAGESIMO ANNO B. Historical Note Quadragesimo Anno commemorates the 40th anniversary of Rerum Novarum. Pope Pius XI wrote and issued this encyclical during a time when a major depression was shaking the economic and social foundations of society. He strongly criticizes the and labor and urges the uplifting of the poor and a reform of the social order based on a re-establishment of vocational groups. Finally, Pius XI treats the abuses of capitalism and socialism and calls for the moral renovation of society coupled with action for justice based on love.
QUADRAGESIMO ANNO the abuses of both capitalism and communism and attempts to update Catholic social teaching to reflect changed conditions. He broadens the Church’s concern for the poor workers to encompass the structures which oppress them. C. Situation A response to the Great Depression, which began in 1929 and rocked the world. In Europe, democracy has declined and dictators have emerged to take power.
QUADRAGESIMO ANNO Focus on the Poor and Structures that Oppress them
Major Areas of Concern The Role of the Church Responsible Ownership Labor and Capital Public Authority Just Social Order Capitalism and Socialism Concept of “Subsidiarity” Focus on the Poor and Structures that Oppress them
III. MATER ET MAGISTRA (Mother and Teacher)
Official English Title: Christianity and Social Progress Author: Pope John XXIII Date: May 15, 1961 A. Introduction Pope John XXIII begins this encyclical by reviewing the major points of Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno. He notes that new political, social, and economic developments have necessitated Mater et Magistra. He confirms previous Papal teachings on the value of private initiative, just renumeration for work, and the social function of private property. John XXIII then treats the questions of agriculture
MATER ET MAGISTRA and aid to developing countries. He urges a reconstruction of social relationships according to the principles of Catholic social teaching and states the responsibility of individual Christians to work for a more just world. B. Historical Note Pope John XXIII issued Mater et Magistra in response to the severe imbalances between the rich and the poor which exist in the world. The encyclical commemorates the 70th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum. John XXIII
MATER ET MAGISTRA “internationalizes” the Catholic social teaching by treating for the first time, the situation of countries which are not fully industrialized. He articulates and important role for the laity in applying the Church’s social teachings in the world. C. Situation Technological advancements such as nuclear energy, automation, space exploration and improved communications facilities, pose complex, new problems for industrialized nations. Meanwhile, millions live in poverty in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
MATER ET MAGISTRA D. Major Areas of Concern Just Remuneration
Subsidiarity Agriculture Economic Development Role of the Church International Cooperation Socialization “See, Judge, Act” as motto for Effective lay Involvement
IV. PACEM IN TERRIS (Peace on Earth)
Official English Title: Peace on Earth Author: Pope John XXIII Date: April 11, 1963 A. Introduction In Pacem in Terris, John XXIII contends that peace can be established only if the order set down by God is fully observed. Relying extensively on reason and natural law tradition, John XXIII sketches a list of rights and duties to be followed by individuals, public authorities, national governments and the world community. Peace needs to be based on an order “found on truth, built according to justice, vivified and integrated by charity, and put into practice in freedom.
PACEM IN TERRIS B. Historical Note Written at the beginning of Vatican II, Pacem in Terris was the first encyclical addressed to “all people of good will”. Issued shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and the erection of the Berlin Wall, this document spoke to a world aware of the dangers of nuclear war. Its optimistic tone and development of a philosophy of rights made a significant impression on Catholics and non-Catholics alike. C. Situation Follows two early Cold War events – the erection of the Berlin Wall (August 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962).
PACEM IN TERRIS D. Major Areas of Concern Rights and Duties of People
Role of Public Authorities Common Good Christian World Order International Relations Disarmament
V. GAUDIUM ET SPES (Joy and Hope)
A. Introduction Vatican II's Pastoral Constitution is the most important document in the Church’s social tradition. It announces the duty of the People of God to scrutinize the “signs of the times” in the light of the Gospel. In doing so, it finds that change characterizes the world. Official English Title: (The Pastoral Constitution on) The Church in the Modern World Author: The Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) promulgated by Pope Paul VI Date: December 7, 1965
GAUDIUM ET SPES These technological and social changes provide both wonderful opportunities and worrisome difficulties for the spread of the Gospel. The Church’s duty in the world is to work for the enhancement of human dignity and the common good. B. B. Historical Note The document represents the opinion of the overwhelming majority of the world’s bishops. Originally, the material contained in the Pastoral Constitution was not scheduled to be considered separately by the Council. Cardinal Joseph Suenens of Belgium, however, intervened to ensure
consideration of issues more “external” to the Church than the role of bishops or the use of vernacular in the liturgy. It is the product of a commission and altered by a 2,300 member deliberative assembly. It represents a significant break from the rigid traditionalism of the Council preparatory Commission. C. Situation The Cold War and the Arms Race still loom. Discussion of Gaudium et Spes was slotted after Cardinal Suenens spoke up after the 1st Session of Vatican II asking that the council also address issues more “external” than liturgical change.
GAUDIUM ET SPES D. Major Areas of Concern Human Dignity Common Good
“Signs of the Times” Public Responsibility Respect for Families Right of Culture Justice and Development Peace
VI. POPULORUM PROGRESSIO (Development of Peoples)
Official English Title: On the Development of Peoples Author: Pope Paul VI Date: March 26, 1967 A. Introduction In Populorum Progressio, Paul VI responds to the issue of development. He explores the nature of poverty and the conflicts it produces. He articulates the role of the Church in the process of development and sketches a Christian vision of development. The Pope calls for urgent action which respects the universal purpose of created things. He advocates economic planning and aid to promote development. Paul VI urges equity in trade relations as well as universal charity.
POPULORUM PROGRESSIO He concludes by terming “development” as the new name for peace and exhorts all Christians to strive for justice. B. Historical Note In this encyclical, Paul VI enlarges the scope of Leo XIII’s treatment of the struggle between the rich and the poor classes to encompass the conflict between rich and poor nations. Populorum Progressio is the first encyclical devoted entirely to the development issue. The Pope stresses the economic sources of war and highlights economic justice as the basis of peace. More so than any of his predecessors, Paul VI explicitly criticizes basic tenets of capitalism, including the profit motive and the
Human Aspirations Structural Injustice C. Situation New Humanism
unrestricted right of private property. C. Situation The Vietnam War rages and African nations are fighting wars of independence. D. Major Areas of Concern Human Aspirations Structural Injustice New Humanism The Common Good Economic Planning International Trade Peace
Official English Title: A Call to Action Author: Pope Paul VI Date: May A. Introduction Pope Paul VI begins this letter by urging greater efforts for justice and noting the duties of local churches to respond to specific situations. The Pope then discusses a wide variety of new social problems which stem from urbanization. These issues include women, youth, and the “New Poor”. Paul VI next treats modern aspirations and ideas, especially liberalism and Marxism. He stresses the need to ensure equality and the right of all to participate in society.
OCTOGESIMA ADVENIENS . He concludes this letter by encouraging all Christians to reflect on their contemporary situations, apply Gospel principles and take political action when appropriate. B. Historical Note Octogesima Adveniens is an open, apostolic letter from Paul VI to Cardinal Maurice Roy, president of the Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the publication of Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum. Octogesima Adveniensbreaks new ground by developing a theory of the role of
OCTOGESIMA ADVENIENS individual Christians and local Churches in responding to situations of injustices. C. Situation The world is verging on a recession, so the “new poor” are especially vulnerable. In the U.S., follows a decade of action on behalf of civil rights, led by Martin Luther King Jr.; coincides with the women’s movement of the early 1970’s and continuing student protests against the Vietnam War. D. Major Areas of Concern V Urbanization V Role of Local Churches V Duties of Individual Christians V Political Activity V Worldwide Dimensions of Justice
VIII. LABOREM EXERCENS ( From Labor Derived)
Official English Title: On Human Work Author: Pope John Paul II Date: September 14, 1981 Introduction Laborem Exercens, the 3rd encyclical of Pope John Paul II commemorates the 90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum. John Paul II affirms the dignity of work and places work at the center of the social question. The encyclical states that human beings are the proper subject of work. Work expresses and increases human dignity. The Pope stresses the priority of labor over things while criticizing systems which do not embody these principles.
LABOREM EXERCENS He supports the rights of workers and unions. John Paul concludes Laborem Exercens by outlining a spirituality of work. B. Historical Note Laborem Exercens represents a clear and succinct statement of John Paul II’s thoughts on the social question. Written almost entirely by the Pope himself, the encyclical reflects statements made while he was a polish prelate and those made during the 1st years of his Pontificate. Laborem Exercens develops and refines the Church’s teachings on property and its criticisms of capitalism and Marxism.
LABOREM EXERCENS D. Major Areas of Concern The Dignity of Work
C. Situation On the 90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum, huge numbers of people are unemployed or underemployed. Migrant workers are typically exploited. D. Major Areas of Concern The Dignity of Work Capitalism and Socialism Property Unions Employment Spirituality of Work LABOREM EXERCENS
IX. SOLLICITUDO REI SOCIALIS(On the Social Concerns of the Church)
Official English Title: On Social Concern Author: Pope John Paul II Date: December 30, 1987 A. Introduction While praising the optimism and innovation of Populorum Progressio, the document being commemorated notes serious backsliding on issues of development. Twenty years worth of unfulfilled hopes include: obvious gap between northern and southern hemispheres, global debt (forcing nations to export capital), unemployment and underemployment. There should be a unity of the world, not a “First World,” “Second World,” “Third World,” or “Fourth World.”
B. Historical Note Outright underdevelopment abounds, a result of the ideological opposition existing between East-West blocs and their strong penchants to militarism (“wars by proxy”), imperialism, neo-colonialism and exaggerated concerns for security. Their competition blocks cooperation and solidarity. Chastises the West for abandoning itself to a growing selfish isolation. Chastises the East for ignoring its duty to alleviate human misery. In fuelling the arms trade, both blocs contribute to refugee populations an increased terrorism.
C. Situation World economy is in flux – debt, unemployment, and recession hitting affluent and poor nations alike. D. Major Areas of Concern Omission on the Part of Developing Nations Developed Nations not Helping the Poor Nations Existence of economic, financial, and social mechanisms which often function to benefit rich nations (IMF, WB, MNC, GATT, WTO, etc.) Opposition between Two Concepts of Developments SOLLICITUDO REI SOCIALIS
X. Centesimus Annus (The Hundredth Year)
Official English Title: On the Centenary of Rerum Novarum Author: Pope John Paul II Date: May 1, 1991 A. Introduction Marking the 100th anniversary of Catholic social teaching using Rerum Novarum as its frame of reference – looks to the “new things” shaping the world today. B. Historical Note While democracy and social conflict are each discussed, the fall of “real socialism” in the Eastern Bloc nations invites a lengthy discussion. The “fundamental error of socialism” is that it is based on an atheistic view of humanity instead of a transcendent one; leads to a “social order” X. Centesimus Annus (The Hundredth Year)
Centesimus Annus without reference to the person’s dignity and responsibility. C. Situation The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. D. Major Areas of Concern Dignity of Workers and Labor Right to Private Property not Absolute Right to Establish Professional Associations Right to Discharge One’s Religious Duties Labor Unions to Uphold Workers Rights
Catholic Social Teaching Summary of Key Encyclicals and Documents
1. Rerum Novarum: On the Condition of Labour (Leo XIII, 1891) Lays out rights and responsibilities of capital and labour Upholds the right to private property Condemns atheistic communism 2. Quadragesimo Anno: On Reconstructing the Social Order (Pius XI, 1931) Condemns the effects of greed and concentrated political and economic power Proposes social organisation be based on principle of subsidiarity (c) SAO 2004
Catholic Social Teaching Summary of Key Encyclicals and Documents
3. Mater et Magistra: Mother and Teacher (John XXIII, 1961) Identifies the widening gap between the rich and poor nations as a global concern of justice; Raises concerns about the arms race; Calls upon Christians to work for a more just world. (c) SAO 2004
4. Pacem in Terris: Peace on Earth (John XXIII, 1963)
Focus on human rights as basis for peace Calls for disarmament States need for world-wide institution to promote and safeguard universal common good 5. Gaudium et Spes: Church in the Modern World (1965) Recognition that church immersed in the world Condemns poverty Warns about threat of nuclear war Build structures to uphold justice and peace (c) SAO 2004
Catholic Social Teaching Summary of Key Encyclicals and Documents
6. Populorum Progressio: On the Development of Peoples (Paul VI, 1967) Focuses on human development – “the new name for peace” Condemns situations contributing to global poverty Calls for new international organisations and agreements to promote justice and peace 6. Octogesima Adveniens: An Apostolic Letter: A Call to Action (Paul VI, 1971) Calls for political response to economic injustice Develops role of local churches in response to unjust situations (c) SAO 2004
7. Justice in the World (Synod of Bishops, 1971)
“Action for justice” key dimension of preaching the gospel 9. Evangelii Nuntiandi: Evangelisation in the Modern World (Paul VI, 1975) Links work of doing justice with evangelisation Gospel seen as liberation from oppressive cultures 10. Laborum Exercens: On Human Work (John Paul II, 1981) Affirms dignity of work and of worker Affirms rights of labour Calls for workplace justice (c) SAO 2004
“Option for the poor” as a central tenet of Church teaching
11. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis: The Social Concerns of the Church (John Paul II, 1987) “Option for the poor” as a central tenet of Church teaching develops notions of ‘solidarity’, ‘structures of sin’ and ‘social mortgage on property’ Suggests resources for arms race be used to alleviate human misery Nature must be considered in development (c) SAO 2004
Catholic Social Teaching Summary of Key Encyclicals and Documents
12. Peace with God the Creator, Peace with Creation: Pastoral Letter (John Paul II, 1990) Ecological crisis - moral crisis facing humanity Respect for nature and ecological responsibility - key tenet of faith Integrity of creation to be upheld Ecological education - nurture new global solidarity including nature (c) SAO 2004
Catholic Social Teaching Summary of Key Encyclicals and Documents
13. Centesimus Annus: One Hundred Years (John Paul II, 1990 ) Reaffirms the principles of Catholic Social Teaching over one hundred years Celebrates Rerum Novarum Identifies the failures of both socialist and market economies (This Summary has been adapted and developed from NETWORK 1998, Shaping a New World, pp 5-11) (c) SAO 2004
16 Documents of Second Vatican Council
Document Name English Title Year 1. Sacrosanctum Concilium Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 1963 2. Inter Mirifica Decree on the Media 3. Lumen Gentium Dogmatic Constitution on the Church 1964 4. Orientalium Ecclesiarum Decree on the Catholic Eastern Churches 5. Unitatis Redintegratia Decree on Ecumenism
Document Name English Title Year 6. Christus Dominus Decree on the Pastoral Office of Bishops 1965 7. Perfectae Caritatis Decree on the Renewal of Religious Life 8. Optatam Totius Decree on the Training of Priests 9. Gravissimum Educationis Declaration on Christian Education 10. Nostra Aetate Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions
Document Name English Title Year 11. Dei Verbum Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation 1965 12. Apostolicam Actuositatem Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity 13. Dignitatis Humanae Declaration on Religious Liberty 14. Ad Gentes Divinitus Decree on the Church's Missionary Activity 15. Presbyterorum Ordinis Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests 16. Gaudium et Spes) Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World
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