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CSE 331 Software Design and Implementation
Lecture 2 Formal Reasoning Zach Tatlock / Spring 2018
Announcements Homework 0 due Friday at 5 PM
Heads up: no late days for this one! Homework 1 due Wednesday at 11 PM Using program logic sans loops
Formal Reasoning
Formalization and Reasoning
Geometry gives us incredible power Lets us represent shapes symbolically Provides basic truths about these shapes Gives rules to combine small truths into bigger truths Geometric proofs often establish general truths c q a b p r a2 + b2 = c2 p + q + r = 180
Formalization and Reasoning
Formal reasoning provides tradeoffs Establish truth for many (possibly infinite) cases Know properties ahead of time, before object exists Requires abstract reasoning and careful thinking Need basic truths and rules for combining truths Today: develop formal reasoning for programs What is true about a program’s state as it executes? How do basic constructs change what’s true? Two flavors of reasoning: forward and backward
Reasoning About Programs
What is true of a program’s state as it executes? Given initial assumption or final goal Examples: If x > 0 initially, then y == 0 when loop exits Contents of array arr refers to are sorted Except at one program point, x + y == z For all instances of Node n, == null \/ == n …
Why Reason About Programs?
Essential complement to testing Testing shows specific result for a specific input Proof shows general result for entire class of inputs Guarantee code works for any valid input Can only prove correct code, proving uncovers bugs Provides deeper understanding of why code is correct Precisely stating assumptions is essence of spec “Callers must not pass null as an argument” “Callee will always return an unaliased object”
Why Reason About Programs?
“Today a usual technique is to make a program and then to test it. While program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, it is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence. The only effective way to raise the confidence level of a program significantly is to give a convincing proof of its correctness. ” -- Dijkstra (1972)
Our Approach Hoare Logic, an approach developed in the 70’s
Focus on core: assignments, conditionals, loops Omit complex constructs like objects and methods Today: the basics for assign, sequence, if in 3 steps High-level intuition for forward and backward reasoning Precisely define assertions, preconditions, etc. Define weaker/stronger and weakest precondition Next lecture: loops
How Does This Get Used? Current practitioners rarely use Hoare logic explicitly For simple program snippets, often overkill For full language features (aliasing) gets complex Shines for developing loops with subtle invariants See Homework 0, Homework 2 Ideal for introducing program reasoning foundations How does logic “talk about” program states? How can program execution “change what’s true”? What do “weaker” and “stronger” mean in logic? All essential for specifying library interfaces!
Forward Reasoning Example
Suppose we initially know (or assume) w > 0 // w > 0 x = 17; // w > 0 ∧ x == 17 y = 42; // w > 0 ∧ x == 17 ∧ y == 42 z = w + x + y; // w > 0 ∧ x == 17 ∧ y == 42 ∧ z > 59 … Then we know various things after, e.g., z > 59
Backward Reasoning Example
Suppose we want z < 0 at the end // w < 0 x = 17; // w + x + 42 < 0 y = 42; // w + x + y < 0 z = w + x + y; // z < 0 Then initially we need w < -59
Forward vs. Backward Forward Reasoning Backward Reasoning
Determine what follows from initial assumptions Useful for ensuring an invariant is maintained Backward Reasoning Determine sufficient conditions for a certain result Desired result: assumptions need for correctness Undesired result: assumptions needed to trigger bug
Forward vs. Backward Forward Reasoning Backward Reasoning
Simulates the code for many inputs at once May feel more natural Introduces (many) potentially irrelevant facts Backward Reasoning Often more useful, shows how each part affects goal May feel unnatural until you have some practice Powerful technique used frequently in research
Conditionals Key ideas: // initial assumptions if(...) {
... // also know condition is true } else { ... // also know condition is false } // either branch could have executed Key ideas: The precondition for each branch includes information about the result of the condition The overall postcondition is the disjunction (“or”) of the postconditions of the branches
Conditional Example (Fwd)
z = 0; // x >= 0 ∧ z == 0 if(x != 0) { // x >= 0 ∧ z == 0 ∧ x != 0 (so x > 0) z = x; // … ∧ z > 0 } else { // x >= 0 ∧ z == 0 ∧ !(x!=0) (so x == 0) z = x + 1; // … ∧ z == 1 } // ( … ∧ z > 0) ∨ (… ∧ z == 1) (so z > 0)
Our Approach Hoare Logic, an approach developed in the 70’s
Focus on core: assignments, conditionals, loops Omit complex constructs like objects and methods Today: the basics for assign, sequence, if in 3 steps High-level intuition for forward and backward reasoning Precisely define assertions, preconditions, etc. Define weaker/stronger and weakest precondition Next lecture: loops
Notation and Terminology
Precondition: “assumption” before some code Postcondition: “what holds” after some code Conventional to write pre/postconditions in “{…}” { w < -59 } x = 17; { w + x < -42 }
Notation and Terminology
Note the “{...}” notation is NOT Java Within pre/postcondition “=” means mathematical equality, like Java’s “==” for numbers { w > 0 /\ x = 17 } y = 42; { w > 0 /\ x = 17 /\ y = 42 }
Assertion Semantics (Meaning)
An assertion (pre/postcondition) is a logical formula that can refer to program state (variables) Given a variable, a program state tells you its value Or the value for any expression with no side effects An assertion holds on a program state if evaluating the assertion using the program state produces true An assertion represents the set of state for which it holds
Hoare Triples A Hoare triple is code wrapped in two assertions
{ P } S { Q } P is the precondition S is the code (statement) Q is the postcondition Hoare triple {P} S {Q} is valid if: For all states where P holds, executing S always produces a state where Q holds “If P true before S, then Q must be true after” Otherwise the triple is invalid
Hoare Triple Examples valid invalid invalid valid valid invalid
Valid or invalid? Assume all variables are integers without overflow {x != 0} y = x*x; {y > 0} {z != 1} y = z*z; {y != z} {x >= 0} y = 2*x; {y > x} {true} (if(x > 7){ y=4; }else{ y=3; }) {y < 5} {true} (x = y; z = x;) {y=z} {x=7 ∧ y=5} (tmp=x; x=tmp; y=x;) {y=7 ∧ x=5} valid invalid invalid valid valid invalid
Aside: assert in Java A Java assertion is a statement with a Java expression assert (x > 0 && y < x); Similar to our assertions Evaluate with program state to get true or false Different from our assertions Java assertions work at run-time Raise an exception if this execution violates assert … unless assertion checking disable (discuss later) This week: we are reasoning about the code statically (before run-time), not checking a particular input
The General Rules So far, we decided if a Hoare trip was valid by using our informal understanding of programming constructs Now we’ll show a general rule for each construct The basic rule for assignments (they change state!) The rule to combine statements in a sequence The rule to combine statements in a conditional The rule to combine statements in a loop [next time]
Basic Rule: Assignment
{ P } x = e; { Q } Let Q’ be like Q except replace x with e Triple is valid if: For all states where P holds, Q’ also holds That is, P implies Q’, written P => Q’ Example: { z > 34 } y = z + 1; { y > 1 } Q’ is { z + 1 > 1 }
Combining Rule: Sequence
{ P } S1; S2 { Q } Triple is valid iff there is an assertion R such that both the following are valid: { P } S1 { R } { R } S2 { Q } Example: { z >= 1 } y = z + 1; w = y * y; { w > y } Let R be {y > 1} 1. Show {z >= 1} y = z + 1 {y > 1} Use basic assign rule: z >= 1 implies z + 1 > 1 2. Show {y > 1} w = y * y {w > y} y > 1 implies y * y > y
Combining Rule: Conditional
{ P } if(b) S1 else S2 { Q } Triple is valid iff there are assertions Q1, Q2 such that: { P /\ b } S1 { Q1 } is valid { P /\ !b } S2 { Q2 } is valid Q1 \/ Q2 implies Q Example: { true } if(x > 7) y = x; else y = 20; { y > 5 } Let Q1 be {y > 7} and Q2 be {y = 20} - Note: other choices work too! 1. Show {true /\ x > 7} y = x {y > 7} 2. Show {true /\ x <= 7} y = 20 {y = 20} 3. Show y > 7 \/ y = 20 implies y > 5
Our Approach Hoare Logic, an approach developed in the 70’s
Focus on core: assignments, conditionals, loops Omit complex constructs like objects and methods Today: the basics for assign, sequence, if in 3 steps High-level intuition for forward and backward reasoning Precisely define assertions, preconditions, etc. Define weaker/stronger and weakest precondition Next lecture: loops
Weaker vs. Stronger If P1 implies P2 (written P1 => P2) then:
P1 is stronger than P2 P2 is weaker than P1 Whenever P1 holds, P2 is guaranteed to hold So it is at least as difficult to satisfy P1 as P2 P1 holds on a subset of the states where P2 holds P1 puts more constraints on program states P1 is a “stronger” set of obligations / requirements P1 P2
Weaker vs. Stronger Examples
x = 17 is stronger than x > 0 x is prime is neither stronger nor weaker than x is odd x is prime /\ x > 2 is stronger than x is odd /\ x > 2 …
Strength and Hoare Logic
Suppose: {P} S {Q} and P is weaker than some P1 and Q is stronger than some Q1 Then {P1} S {Q} and {P} S {Q1} and {P1} S {Q1} Example: P is x >= 0 P1 is x > 0 S is y = x+1 Q is y > 0 Q1 is y >= 0 “Wiggle Room”
Strength and Hoare Logic
For backward reasoning, if we want {P}S{Q}, we could: Show {P1}S{Q}, then Show P => P1 Better, we could just show {P2}S{Q} where P2 is the weakest precondition of Q for S Weakest means the most lenient assumptions such that Q will hold after executing S Any precondition P such that {P}S{Q} is valid will be stronger than P2, i.e., P => P2 Amazing (?): Without loops/methods, for any S and Q, there exists a unique weakest precondition, written wp(S,Q) Like our general rules with backward reasoning
(b ∧ wp(S1,Q)) ∨ (!b ∧ wp(S2,Q))
Weakest Precondition wp(x = e, Q) is Q with each x replaced by e Example: wp(x = y*y;, x > 4) is y*y > 4, i.e., |y| > 2 wp(S1;S2, Q) is wp(S1,wp(S2,Q)) i.e., let R be wp(S2,Q) and overall wp is wp(S1,R) Example: wp((y=x+1; z=y+1;), z > 2) is (x + 1)+1 > 2, i.e., x > 0 wp(if b S1 else S2, Q) is this logical formula: (b ∧ wp(S1,Q)) ∨ (!b ∧ wp(S2,Q)) In any state, b will evaluate to either true or false… You can sometimes then simplify the result
Simple Examples If S is x = y*y and Q is x > 4,
then wp(S,Q) is y*y > 4, i.e., |y| > 2 If S is y = x + 1; z = y – 3; and Q is z = 10, then wp(S,Q) … = wp(y = x + 1; z = y – 3;, z = 10) = wp(y = x + 1;, wp(z = y – 3;, z = 10)) = wp(y = x + 1;, y-3 = 10) = wp(y = x + 1;, y = 13) = x+1 = 13 = x = 12
Bigger Example S is if (x < 5) { x = x*x; } else { x = x+1; } Q is x >= 9 wp(S, x >= 9) = (x < 5∧wp(x = x*x;, x >= 9)) ∨ (x >= 5 ∧wp(x = x+1;, x >= 9)) = (x < 5 ∧ x*x >= 9) ∨ (x >= 5 ∧ x+1 >= 9) = (x <= -3) ∨ (x >= 3 ∧ x < 5) ∨ (x >= 8) -4 -3 -2 -1 7 2 1 4 6 5 3 8 9
Conditionals Review Forward reasoning Backward reasoning
{P} if B {P ∧ B} S1 {Q1} else {P ∧ !B} S2 {Q2} {Q1 ∨ Q2} { (B ∧ wp(S1, Q)) ∨ (!B ∧ wp(S2, Q)) } if B {wp(S1, Q)} S1 {Q} else {wp(S2, Q)} S2
“Correct” If wp(S, Q) is true, then executing S will always produce a state where Q holds, since true holds for every program state.
Oops! Forward Bug… With forward reasoning, our intuitve rule for assignment is wrong: Changing a variable can affect other assumptions Example: {true} w = x+y; {w = x + y;} x = 4; {w = x + y ∧ x = 4} y = 3; {w = x + y ∧ x = 4 ∧ y = 3} But clearly we do not know w = 7 (!!!)
Fixing Forward Assignment
When you assign to a variable, you need to replace all other uses of the variable in the post-condition with a different “fresh” variable, so that you refer to the “old contents” Corrected example: {true} w=x+y; {w = x + y;} x=4; {w = x1 + y ∧ x = 4} y=3; {w = x1 + y1 ∧ x = 4 ∧ y = 3}
Useful Example: Swap Name initial contents so we can refer to them in the post-condition Just in the formulas: these “names” are not in the program Use these extra variables to avoid “forgetting” “connections” {x = x_pre ∧ y = y_pre} tmp = x; {x = x_pre ∧ y = y_pre ∧ tmp=x} x = y; {x = y ∧ y = y_pre ∧ tmp=x_pre} y = tmp; {x = y_pre ∧ y = tmp ∧ tmp=x_pre}
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