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Scenario Overview Road to War: Mission: Key Tasks:

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario Overview Road to War: Mission: Key Tasks:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenario Overview Road to War: Mission: Key Tasks:
Ariana executes attack into Atropia. Request by Government of Atropia (GoA) for support. US military and coalition forces support Atropian Defesne Forces (ADF). Mission: Support Government of Atropia (GoA) in expelling Ariana forces from Atropia and eliminating the enemy’s offensive military capabilities. CJTF Atropia will assist in securing key objectives (e.g. cities, key avenues of approach, key terrain, facilities) IOT allow host nation to secure international border. Key Tasks: Defeat forces along major axis. Prevent reinforcements along major avenues of approach.

2 Scenario Overview Scenario Detail: Phases of the Operation: Enemy:
US Corps attack with detail in Phase III from the Corps to Brigade Combat Team level. This is in support of the Government of Atropia (GoA) conducting a counter-attack against Ariana who initiated aggressive actions. Phases of the Operation: Phases I to V. Enemy: Mechanized and light infantry forces, supported by militia and indirect fire assets, defend in depth to deny key terrain and restrict freedom of movement. Combined arms defense in complex urban terrain with five or more days to prepare. Prepared disruption zones utilizing mines, obstacles, ATGMs, indirect fires, and small arms. Militia ambush teams specifically organized to increase attack capabilities conduct hit-and-run attacks. Forces: Mainly Title 10 Forces/limited Title 32 forces. Up to Corps level. Host nation in the lead with CJTF Atropia in support with U.S and coalition forces. Terrain: Open plains in central part of country with developed road networks. Kuba river in western part of country runs north to Minaria and south to Bay of Alaza Mountainous terrain (north) and marshlands (south) that limits off-road mobility and restricts movement to road networks. WfF: Movement and Maneuver – Depicts large offensive operations from port to final engagement area in Phase IIIB. Details include units that possess TWV and tactical placement. Mission Command – Within US units, coalition and host national forces. Intelligence – Aerial intelligence assets to support identifying targets. Fires – Conducts deep fires attack IOT facilitate seizure of OBJs. Sustainment – Provide area support for Corps operations over 400 km from PoD. Protection – Assets conduct mobility, counter-mobility, survivability, general engineering, and stability operations missions throughout the AOR IOT facilitate maneuver unit sustained momentum. Operational Timelines - 52 Days (Staging) - 18 Days (Offense) - 30 Days (Defense) 1 2 3 1 2 3 Staging – Build CJTF Atropia Combat Power (Phase I and II) Offense – Restore International Border (Phase III) Defense – Secure International Border (Phase IV and V)

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