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Unit Two: Click on Target to Continue

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1 Unit Two: Click on Target to Continue
The Bill of Rights Unit Two: Click on Target to Continue

2 Bill of Rights These are the first ten amendments in the Constitution
Meant to protect individual liberties They were added to persuade the anti-federalists to agree to the Constitution

3 How to remember? FREEDOM USA
The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to protect one’s freedom in the USA, so remember… FREEDOM USA

4 Amendments 1-5 FREEDOM OF r.a.p.p.s. (RELIGION, Assembly, Press, petition, speech) Right to bear arms (the right to carry a gun) Entering homes by soldiers is not allowed (repeals quartering act) Evidence cannot be taken without a search warrant Due process rights (right to a fair trial; no self-incrimination, meaning you cannot be forced to testify against yourself)

5 Amendments 6-10 Owed a speedy trial
Man vs. man (procedure for civil lawsuits, when one person is suing another) Unusual and cruel punishment is not allowed Some individual rights are not listed (just because the bill of rights does not state a certain right does not mean you don’t have it) All powers not given to the federal government go to state governments (reserved powers)

6 You try, 1-5! Remember the acronym!

7 You try, 6-10! Remember the acronym!

8 Other terms Necessary and proper clause – Congress can do whatever is ‘necessary and proper’ to carry out its functions; these are also called ‘implied powers’ Example: Congress has the power to declare war, so it is implied that they can maintain a military, even though the constitution does not directly state that. Self-Incrimination – You cannot be forced to testify against yourself; this is the ‘right to remain silent.’ 5th amendment right. Eminent domain – the government can take your private property if they need it for public use; however, they have to pay you a fair value (5th amendment right)

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