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Social Contract, Natural Law, Montesquieu, Separation of Powers

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1 Social Contract, Natural Law, Montesquieu, Separation of Powers
SS.7.C.1.1: Recognize how Enlightenment ideas including Montesquieu's view of separation of power and John Locke's theories related to natural law and how Locke's social contract influenced the Founding Fathers. Essential Question: How did Locke’s ideas about natural rights and the role of government influence the development of the American government? How did Montesquieu’s ideas about separation of powers influence the development of the American government?

2 Bell Ringer-3 minutes What most attracted the Founding Fathers to Montesquieu’s views on the separation of powers? It could help prevent the central government from becoming tyrannical and oppressive. It could protect the rights of the nobility from the actions of the king. It could preserve the privileges of the monarch and nobles from popular attack. It raised judicial power to a level of equality with legislative and executive power. According to John Locke, which rights were guaranteed by natural law? Trial by jury and no cruel punishments Freedom of speech and of the press Life, liberty, and property Freedom of worship and the right to petition For number 1 the answer is a. The colonist feared having another strong central government. For number 2 the answer is c. Locke believed that everyone was guaranteed these rights.

3 Hook 1689: John Locke idea of Social Contract
1776: Declaration of Independence 1700 1800 Explain to students that the ideas of social contract and separation of powers were around before Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. 1748: Montesquieu idea of separation of powers.

4 “I do” The Enlightenment: new ideas about law society and rights people possessed. Locke and Montesquieu argue laws that governed nature also applied to humans. People were born free, equal, and independent. Locke believed in a Social Contract: an agreement among people and ruler. People promise to obey the ruler; in turn, the ruler promises to protect their individual rights. Natural Rights: Life, Liberty, and Property (Locke) Separation of Powers (Montesquieu) -Checking for understanding: Identify how Montesquieu has influenced the American government. How does the idea of natural rights give rise to the idea of social contract?

5 “We Do” Explain the following concepts in your own terms. Concept
Thinker Explanation Natural Rights Social Contract Separation of Powers Natural Rights: John Locke, Life, Liberty, Property Social Contract: John Locke, society agrees to be ruled if ruler will protect their rights. Separation of Powers: Montesquieu, government powers divided so that one does not become a tyrant.

6 Bell Ringer Check! What most attracted the Founding Fathers to Montesquieu’s views on the separation of powers? It could help prevent the central government from becoming tyrannical and oppressive. It could protect the rights of the nobility from the actions of the king. It could preserve the privileges of the monarch and nobles from popular attack. It raised judicial power to a level of equality with legislative and executive power. According to John Locke, which rights were guaranteed by natural law? Trial by jury and no cruel punishments Freedom of speech and of the press Life, liberty, and property Freedom of worship and the right to petition First Question is A because Montesquieu believes that separating powers leads to one power being to powerful. Second question is C because Locke believed that these rights are guaranteed to every person.

7 “You Do”- Let’s Practice!
According to John Locke, which agreement did individuals enter into to form their own society? Constitution Social Contract Mayflower Compact English Bill of Rights How are the Enlightenment ideas that influenced the Founding Fathers reflected in modern institutions? Colonies have been re-established to preserve popular sovereignty. Oligarchies have increased to safeguard natural rights. The United Nations promotes universal human rights. The European Union encourages economic stability. B is the correct answer for the first question. Locke believed in a social contract C is the correct answer for the second question. Reason: the United Nations was formed to promote universal human rights after human rights violations in several countries were exposed during World War II. Promoting universal human rights reflects the Enlightenment idea of natural law.

8 Exit Slip Answer the following in your interactive journal.
How did Locke’s ideas about natural rights and role of government influence the development of the American government? How did Montesquieu’s ideas about the separation of powers influence the development of the American government?

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