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Election of 1824 Do Now Who should win this election? ____

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Presentation on theme: "Election of 1824 Do Now Who should win this election? ____"— Presentation transcript:

1 Election of 1824 Do Now Who should win this election? ____ ______________ How is this election different from modern elections? _______ ____________________________________________ What oddities do you notice about the election? ____ _________________________________________________________________________________________ SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

2 Corrupt Bargain? Clay runs House of Reps vote as Speaker
He gets the House to vote for J.Q.A. Soon after election official, JQA chooses Clay as his Secretary of State Jackson supporters charge a “corrupt bargain” ,,, IS this a corrupt bargain, or just normal “politics”? SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

3 Oddities of Election of 1824
House of Reps picked Pres. Winner of BOTH the pop. vote and electoral college DID NOT win (AJ) All candidates from same party (Dem-Rep/Anti-Feds) The quirks of father-son Presidential combos and their wacky elections SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

4 “American System” Plan by Henry Clay and JQA ↑ power of federal gov’t
Strong National Bank Build up US infrastructure Roads -canals (Erie, Mohawk) Bridges -lighthouses Universities -uniform weights and measures Inter-coastal Waterway SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

5 Transportation Systems
“Turnpikes” National Road (Cumberland Road) SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

6 Fulton Steamship- Clermont
Effects??? Faster (4 days to 1 for Albany to NYC)  reliance on wind ↓impact of tides Steady times Increased horsepower=more load SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

7 Canals Purpose Erie Canal Connect rivers Create water highway system
Transportation of goods Benefits? Erie Canal SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

8 Impact of Erie Canal Document C: State of New York Report on The Barge Canal New York City was ranked fourth in population in 1800 rose to first place Albany doubled its population within a few years. The population of Utica increased from 3,000 to 13,000 in twenty years. Syracuse, which was described as a "desolate" hamlet of a few scattered wooden houses in 1820, became a city of 11,000 in During approximately the same period, Rochester changed from "one wide and deep forest" to a prosperous community of 20,000. Buffalo, a wilderness outpost of 200 in 1812, became a gateway to the west and its population reached 18,000 by 1840. State of New York Report on The Barge Canal, Legislative Document 1961 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

9 In the years before the Erie Canal, most of the agricultural products from the Old Northwest and the Ohio Valley (with the exception of those from Northern Ohio) went south, down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. In the 1830s, however, with a waterway extending to the Atlantic, trade started to go east, with the tonnage of staples more than doubling between 1826 and Flour was particularly important to the development of New York SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

10 With a Partner….. Examine the 3 documents regarding the Erie and give at least 3 impacts that the Erie Canal had on the country!!!! SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

11 Impact of Erie Canal NYC becomes NYC!!!!!
Trade hub Population explosion Decreased importance of New Orleans “Breadbasket of the World” for Midwest Huge economic impact for entire country International trade increases dramatically SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

12 Railroads Came to US in 1828 Positives of RR cheap, large loads
Almost unlimited capacity Speed Few workers for the capacity reliable? Alternative to canals Can get to the interior, not bound by the waterway system Safe? SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

13 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

14 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

15 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

16 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

17 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

18 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

19 SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

20 Why so dangerous???? Manual brakes Open fires Track gauge
Bridge construction One track (except for the station!!!) Time zones!!!!! Every local town had their own time zone!!! What times do the conductors use??? OOPS! SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

21 Exit Summary The American System helped build the US because
The American System helped build the US but The American System helped build the US so SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

22 Homework American System vs. Trump article and questions that follow.
SWBAT understand how JQA's American System built America's infrastructure.

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