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Presentation on theme: "IndexMinPQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 IndexMinPQ

2 MinPQ: Min-Heap A complete binary tree
Root has smaller value than both children No relation between left and right children

3 Min-Heap Insert / Remove: Swim and Sink
Heap property must be maintained 5 14 23 32 41 87 90 50 64 53

4 Min-Heap example Representation 5 14 23 Array (index starting at 0)
Parent is i Left: i * 2 Right: i * 2 + 1 32 41 87 90 50 64 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 14 23 32 41 87 90 50 64 53

5 Min-Heap example Insert (Swim) 5 14 23 Insert 43 32 41 87 90 50 64 53
private void swim(int k) { while (k > 1 && greater(k/2, k)) { exch(k, k/2); k = k/2; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 14 23 32 41 87 90 50 64 53 43

6 Min-Heap example Insert (Swim) 5 Insert 18 14 23 32 41 87 90 50 64 53
43 18 private void swim(int k) { while (k > 1 && greater(k/2, k)) { exch(k, k/2); k = k/2; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 14 23 32 41 87 90 50 64 53 43 18

7 Min-Heap example Insert (Swim) 5 Insert 18 14 23 32 41 18 90 50 64 53
43 87 private void swim(int k) { while (k > 1 && greater(k/2, k)) { exch(k, k/2); k = k/2; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 14 23 32 41 18 90 50 64 53 43 87

8 Min-Heap example Insert (Swim) 5 Insert 18 14 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53
43 87 private void swim(int k) { while (k > 1 && greater(k/2, k)) { exch(k, k/2); k = k/2; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 14 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 87

9 Min-Heap example Remove (Sink) 5 14 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 87 1 2
Remove min Return `5` Swap 87 14 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 87 private void sink(int k) { while (2*k <= n) { int j = 2*k; if (j < n && greater(j, j+1)) j++; if (!greater(k, j)) break; exch(k, j); k = j; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 14 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 87

10 Min-Heap example Remove (Sink) 87 14 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 1 2 3
private void sink(int k) { while (2*k <= n) { int j = 2*k; if (j < n && greater(j, j+1)) j++; if (!greater(k, j)) break; exch(k, j); k = j; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 87 14 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 -1

11 Min-Heap example Remove (Sink) 14 87 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 1 2 3
private void sink(int k) { while (2*k <= n) { int j = 2*k; if (j < n && greater(j, j+1)) j++; if (!greater(k, j)) break; exch(k, j); k = j; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 87 18 32 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 -1

12 Min-Heap example Remove (Sink) 14 32 18 87 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 1 2 3
private void sink(int k) { while (2*k <= n) { int j = 2*k; if (j < n && greater(j, j+1)) j++; if (!greater(k, j)) break; exch(k, j); k = j; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 32 18 87 41 23 90 50 64 53 43 -1

13 Min-Heap example Remove (Sink) 14 32 18 50 41 23 90 87 64 53 43 1 2 3
private void sink(int k) { while (2*k <= n) { int j = 2*k; if (j < n && greater(j, j+1)) j++; if (!greater(k, j)) break; exch(k, j); k = j; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 32 18 50 41 23 90 87 64 53 43 -1

14 IndexMinPQ ChangeKey n = new CardPrice("NE", 333.0);
349 ChangeKey n = new CardPrice("NE", 333.0); a = new CardPrice("AMZN", 339.0); x = new CardPrice("NCIX", 338.0); b = new CardPrice("BB", 349.0); Update price for NE: Update price for NCIX: Update price for BB: 339 333 338

15 IndexMinPQ ChangeKey Find the index in the array Some operation 349
339 333 338

16 IndexMinPQ 349 ChangeKey If we know the entry, what operation should we process ? We changed the key, we need to maintain the heap property. 339 333 338 Update price for NCIX:

17 IndexMinPQ - ChangeKey
public void changeKey(int i, Key key) { keys[i] = key; swim(qp[i]); sink(qp[i]); } We process both swim and sink since the entry may be arbitrary. 349 339 333 338 345 Update price for NCIX:

18 IndexMinPQ - ChangeKey
public void changeKey(int i, Key key) { keys[i] = key; swim(qp[i]); sink(qp[i]); } We process both swim and sink since the entry may be arbitrary. 349 339 305 333 338 Update price for AMZN:

19 IndexMinPQ - ChangeKey
changeKey(int i, Key key) Given the hash key `i`, change its associated sorting key to `key` E.g. Update price for AMZN: Three mappings qp: hash key to index, e.g., qp[`NE`]=2 pq: index to hash key, e.g., pq[2]=`NE` keys: hash key to sorting key, e.g., keys[`NE`]=333

20 IndexMinPQ - ChangeKey
349 IndexMinPQ - ChangeKey 339 305 333 In the textbook example, hash key can only be integer, (`i` here) public void changeKey(int i, Key key) { keys[i] = key; swim(qp[i]); sink(qp[i]); } Hash key and sorting key Hash key: i (`NE`, `AMZN`, `NCIX`, `BB`) Sorting key: key (349, 305, 333, 338) `pq` and `qp` in the textbook example `qp`: a mapping from hash key to the index in the array `pq`: a mapping from index of the array to hash key `keys`: priority mapping Map hash keys to sorting keys 338 Update price for AMZN: qp pq[0]=`BB` pq[1]=`AMZN` pq[2]=`NE` pq[3]=`NCIX` keys[`NE`]=333 keys[`AMZN`]=339 keys[`NCIX`]=338 keys[`BB`]=349 1 2 3 4 349 339 333 338

21 IndexMinPQ - ChangeKey
private boolean greater(int i, int j) { return keys[pq[i]].compareTo(keys[pq[j]]) > 0; } private void swim(int k) { while (k > 1 && greater(k/2, k)) { exch(k, k/2); k = k/2; } private void sink(int k) { while (2*k <= n) { int j = 2*k; if (j < n && greater(j, j+1)) j++; if (!greater(k, j)) break; exch(k, j); k = j; private void exch(int i, int j) { int swap = pq[i]; pq[i] = pq[j]; pq[j] = swap; qp[pq[i]] = i; qp[pq[j]] = j; } public void changeKey(int i, Key key) { keys[i] = key; swim(qp[i]); sink(qp[i]); } Find what we are comparing Find what we are exchanging qp: hash key to index pq: index to hash key keys: hash key to sorting key

22 349 IndexMinPQ - delete 339 333 public void delete(int i) { int index = qp[i]; exch(index, n--); swim(index); sink(index); keys[i] = null; qp[i] = -1; } 338

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