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By: Chris Wixom Miss Nobles Per. 3

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1 By: Chris Wixom Miss Nobles Per. 3
Spanish Vocab By: Chris Wixom Miss Nobles Per. 3

2 A mi me gusta I really like to

3 Bailar To dance

4 Cantar To sing

5 To take care of your brother/sister
Cuidar a tu hermano/a To take care of your brother/sister

6 Descansar en el parque To rest in the park

7 dibujar To draw

8 Escuchar musica To listen to music

9 Estudiar To study

10 Hablar por telefono To talk on the phone

11 Lavar el carro To wash the car

12 Lavar la ropa To wash the clothes

13 Me gusta(n) I like

14 Mirar el television To watch the TV

15 nadar To swim

16 pintar To paint

17 La piscina Swimming pool

18 That’s why, for that reason
Por eso That’s why, for that reason

19 Sacar la basura To take out the trash

20 Antes de Before

21 Caminar con el perro To walk the dog


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