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Foodborne illnesses & Sanitation

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Presentation on theme: "Foodborne illnesses & Sanitation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Foodborne illnesses & Sanitation
Foods & Nutrition 1 Ask what they think causes foodborne illnesses.

2 Food Borne Illness Result from eating contaminated foods
For bacteria growth warmth, moisture, and food are needed Cannot be detected from appearance or smell. Christmas at grandma’s

3 Food Borne Illness Statistics
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that food borne illnesses cause: approximately 76 million illnesses 325,000 hospitalizations 5,000 deaths in the United States each year

4 Botulism: bottles & babies
Source Improperly canned foods (bulging or not heated enough) Honey Symptoms Affects nervous system BU

5 E-Coli Sources Symptoms Undercooked ground beef
Un-pasteurized milk & juice Fecal matter & infected soil Symptoms Cramps Diarrhea Nausea Vomiting Fever Steak vs ground beef. Pasteurization

6 Hepatitis A Source Symptoms Fecal matter Fever Loss of appetite Nausea
Vomiting Jaundice

7 Salmonella Source Symptoms Fresh poultry Raw eggs Cramps Diarrhea
Nausea Chills Fever Headache

8 Staphylococcus Source Symptoms
Human skin, nose & throat; passed by not washing hands Symptoms Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea

9 Prevention: Preparation
Wash Hands DO NOT USE YOUR APRON OR UNIFORM Use paper towel to turn off faucet and open restroom door.

10 Prevention: Preparation Cont.
Clean and sanitize work surfaces Wash dishes in hot soapy water Use plastic or nonporous cutting boards Use a clean thermometer to measure internal temperature of foods Bleach water?

11 Prevention Preparation: Cont.
Don’t eat pink ground beef Don’t eat raw eggs Always wash items after they come in contact with raw meat Never placed cooked food on plate that held raw meat

12 Prevention: Storage Throw food with off-odor away
Don’t use bulging cans Store raw meat covered in fridge so it will not contaminate other foods Keep freezer at 0* Store foods in fridge so air can circulate But what about the odor? The bacteria from foodborne illnesses does not cause the odor, but is more likely to be in the food with an odor. Circulation so cold air reaches food (think about a coat!)

13 Danger Zone Temperature range of 40*-140* Bacteria reproduce rapidly
Freezer stops bacteria growth Fridge slows bacteria growth

14 Prevention: Cooling & Reheating
Keep hot foods hot & cold foods cold Reheat to 165* Cooling Place hot foods in shallow containers Foods should not be in danger zone for more than 2 hours

15 Thawing Foods In the fridge In a sink full of cold water
(change frequently) In the microwave

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