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Chapter 3 Connective tissue

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1 Chapter 3 Connective tissue

2 1.cells extracellular matrix 2. Fibers 3.Ground substance tissue fluid

3 1.       General features: 1)   small number of cells and large amount of extracellular ground substance 2)  no polarity 3)   all of them originate from mesenchyme -embryonic CT 4) have functions of connection, supporting, protecting, nutrition, defence and repairing

4 mesenchyme ---mesenchymal cell: /structure: stellate in shaped with processes a large nucleus, with clear nucleoles slight basophilic cytoplasm /function: a.    undifferentiated cell b. multiple developmental potential→CT cell, SM and endothelial cell ---matrix

5 2. Classification (1) CT in narrow sense means connetive
tissue proper which include: loose CT dense CT adipose T reticular tissue

6 (2) CT in wide sense includes :
cartilage bone blood

7 3. Loose connective tissue (areolar tissue)
consists of cells, fiber and ground substance features: have more types of cells and less fibers

8 functions: connection, supporting, defence and repairing

9 Cells:

10 ① fibroblast ---structure: LM:
large,flattened cell with processes- stellate in shaped Large ovoid pale nucleus - contain more fine chromatin, with clear one or two nucleoli Weakly basophilic cytoplasm

11 EM: rich in RER, Golgi appatatus and free ribosome ---function: synthesize fibers and ground substance

12 fibrocyte: still state or inactive fibroblast
---structure: spindle-shaped, small N:small,dark stained Acidophilic cytoplasma EM: less organelles ---function: become into fibroblast for repairing

13 fibroblast fibroblast fibrocyte fibrocyte

14 ②macrophage ---structure: LM: Round, ovoid or irregular in shape
have short blunt processes: pseudopodium Small and dark nucleus Acidophilic cytoplasm


16 EM: rich in a. lysosome b. Phagosome: phagocytosis c. Remnant
d.  Microfilament and microtubule

17 a. Chemotaxis: chemotactic factor b. phagocytosis:
---function: a.    Chemotaxis: chemotactic factor b. phagocytosis: (1)Special phagocytosis: recognize bacterium, virus and foreign cell phagocytosis

18 (2)non special phagocytosis: carbon particles, dust and dead cells

19 c.  secretion: lysozyme, complement and interleukin-I (IL-1)and interferon(INF)
d.     antigen presenting function

20 ③plasma cell ---structure: LM: round or ovoid Nucleus with more spot-liked heterochromatin which located eccentrically Basophilic cytoplasm

21 EM: rich in parallelly arranged RER, free ribosome and Golgi complex
---function: synthesize and secrete immunoglobulin, Ig-antibody

22 ④mast cell ---structure: LM: round and large cell Small dark-stained nucleus Basophilic secreting granules

23 Basophilic secreting granules:
heparin: an anticoagulant Histamine: cause cap. permeability↑, cap. leakage to form edema and contraction of SM Eosinophil chemotactic factor

24 Cytoplasm contain: slow reaction substance ---function: to cause allergic reaction

25 ⑤fat cell ---structure: large, round or polygonal flattened ovoid nucleus located on one side of cell thin layer of cytoplasm a large lipid droplet ---function: synthesize and store fat

26 ⑥undifferentiated mesenchymal cell
---structure: similar to fibrocyte ---function: multidifferentiating potential

27 ⑦leukocytes: neutrophil, acidophil and lymphocyte, ect.

28 2) fibers

29 ①collagenous fiber (white fiber)
LM: 1-20 um in diameter Belt-liked wave and branch to form a network Eosinophilic


31 EM: parallel-arranged fibrils
20-200nm in diameter Have periodic cross striation at 64nm interval

32 ② elastic fiber (yellow fiber)
LM: thinner and less, um Slight red (HE) branch and form a network EM: core: elastin-low electron density Peripheral: microfibril nm, electron dense fibrillin

33 ③reticular fiber LM: thin and less,0.2-1.0 um in diameter
Branch to form network Argyrophilic fiber (silver impregnation method)

34 EM: type III collagen 64nm cross striation ---distribution: reticular tissue connecting portion, e.g.reticular lamina

35 3) ground substance ---amorphous colloidal substance ---consists of proteoglycan, glycoprotein and tissue fluid

36 4.    Dense connective tissue
---more fiber ---connection and supporting

37 1) regular DCT: parallelly-arranged collagenous fibers tendon cells: /special fibroblast /wing-liked processes ---distribution: tendons, ligament and cornea

38 2) irregular DCT: Fiber arranged in bundles, runing in different direction Fibroblast less ground substance ---distribution: dermis, sclera and capsule of some organs

39 5. adipose tissue ---LCT+fat cells ---white fat T: single fat cell
distribution in subcutaneous tissue, mesenterium ---brown fat T: fat cell contain many small lipid droplets, rich in large mitochondria centrally-located nucleus rich in cap. distribution: neonate


41 white fat T brown fat T

42 6. reticular tissue ---reticular cells:
stellate with processes-form network round, ovoid and pale nucleus with 1-2 nucleoli EM: rich in RER ---reticular fiber: connect to form network ---distribution: hemopoietic tissue and lymphatic tissue

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