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Quick Write If you want to help a poor person, what’s the best way?

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Write If you want to help a poor person, what’s the best way?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Write If you want to help a poor person, what’s the best way?

2 Industrial America Unions The Gilded Age 1869–1896
United States History Industrial America Unions The Gilded Age 1869–1896

3 California State Board of Education Content Standard
Students analyze the relationship among the rise of industrialization, large-scale rural-to-urban migration, and massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe. Analyze the effect of urban political machines and responses to them by immigrants and middle-class reformers. Analyze the similarities and differences between the ideologies of Social Darwinism and Social Gospel (e.g., using biographies of William Graham Sumner, Billy Sunday, Dwight L. Moody).

4 What Is a Labor Union? An organization that represents workers (laborers) in negotiations with the owners of a business.

5 What Unions Wanted 8-hour workday safety codes
bureaus of labor statistics consumers’ cooperatives end of convict & contract labor (esp. Chinese labor) end of child labor

6 What Is a Strike? The refusal of workers to work. A strike is the most powerful tool used by unions.

7 “Labor is a value which a large number of men put into the market for sale. If the man who has it to offer cannot get the price he asks for it, he has an undoubted right to withhold it, precisely as if his labor was a bushel of wheat, or any other commodity.”

8 The Millionaires The Civil War enabled businessmen in the North to make huge fortunes. The railroads formed trusts to maximize profits. As industrialization took off, European investors provided America with huge loans. A new class of millionaires arose.



11 Andrew Carnegie: King of Vertical Integration
To make enormous profits, Carnegie owned mines, shipping lines, railroads, factories where iron ore became steel.

12 John D. Rockefeller: King of Horizontal Integration
Rockefeller perfected the trust. His area was oil—petroleum—most of which (until 1900) was sold as kerosene. By 1877 he controlled 95 percent of the oil refineries in the USA.

13 Darwinism Charles Darwin’s ideas had a huge impact on later 19th century thinkers. Not only nature but society was a battlefield where only the strongest & smartest survived.

14 Social Darwinism Many Americans came to believe that the best form of society looked like Darwin’s natural battlefields. To produce the best, there had to be free competition. This justified crowded, unsafe factories, low pay, crushing poverty, and enormous wealth.

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