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Inquiry into gel electrophoresis

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1 Inquiry into gel electrophoresis
May 4th thru may 7th, 2015

2 materials For electrophoresis, you will need:
gel to run your DNA fragments ● electrophoresis chamber power source ● TAE/TBE buffer solution pipette set to 20 μL ● pipette tips DNA samples: A RED vial, which is “victim” DNA A CLEAR vial, which is “evidence/crime scene” DNA A GREEN vial, which is “suspect 1” DNA A BLUE vial, which is “suspect 2” DNA

3 Follow the required lab report format you have
Pre-lab requirements Follow the required lab report format you have been provided this year. Helpful “Hints”: S112-Objective S116-Materials (Do not include common workstation, please.) S Procedures: You will need to summarize the steps involved in CASTING GELS, LOADING GELS and ELECTROPHORESIS. If a suspect leaves DNA evidence at a crime scene, then DNA electrophoresis may be used to determine guilt because like DNA fragments will migrate the same distance through the gel.

4 DNA Fragment Migration Distance
DATA/ANALYSIS Create a data table that looks similar to the one below. You will need to keep track of the migration* of your DNA fragments for all 4 DNA samples you are separating. * You will need a ruler. DNA Fragment Migration Distance Band Evidence Suspect 1 Suspect 2 Victim 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 Conclusion and Evaluation
Summarize this lab and your findings, using your observations and also the data you recorded in your data table. Who done it? Justify your answer using the evidence collected from this lab. Include the Method Evaluation (scoring guide) Include Error Analysis and Improvements (scoring guide)

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