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Library Readiness: Steps to ensure your students are ready to learn

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1 Library Readiness: Steps to ensure your students are ready to learn
Dr. Karla Collins, Assistant Professor School Librarianship Program Longwood University

2 As you enter… Write your first name on each of the Post-It notes. Write it as large as you can, please! Choose one note to add to the chart at the front of the room: = I’m a star at this topic! I can share what I know with others. = I know some, but I would love to know more about this topic. = I am drawing a blank on this topic.

3 Background about Background Knowledge
Constructivism – learners create new knowledge based on prior knowledge Discovery Learning – learners draw on past experiences and existing knowledge to create new learning. Anchored Instruction – learners all experience a common “anchor” experience to have a common ground on which to base instruction. Short, engaging, understandable

4 Universal Design for Learning
Shout it out! What are the three main principles of UDL? Provide multiple means of R__________. Provide multiple means of A_______ and Ex__________. Provide multiple means of En__________. For today, the first and third principles are our focus: How do you present information in a variety of ways to allow all students to start on a level playing field?

5 Let’s tell a story On a post-it, list Jack’s characteristics from traditional Jack tales. As I tell the story, if you know it and want to help tell the story, hold up a yellow note.

6 We make assumptions about what students know…
“Traditional” stories – whose tradition? Students from other countries/cultures Students from families where stories are not shared Where do children hear traditional stories before entering kindergarten? Parents/family Preschool Daycare Public library story time TV/videos What about students who do not have these opportunities?

7 Skill: Finding a book in the library
Alphabetical order Parts of a book – spine, cover, title, author Organization of the library – cannot assume all are the same! Fiction/Non-fiction/Biography/Reference Rules of the library Shelf helpers? How many books?

8 Your turn! Choose one of the topics on the chart paper around the room. With others, brainstorm the background knowledge needed for each skill or topic. Research Citations Using a map/atlas Evaluating a website Using a database Creating a Power Point or other presentation Using an almanac Writing, saving, and printing a paper using a computer Making a movie

9 How do we know what they know?

10 Some high-tech tools Plickers Padlet Popplet
Nursery rhymes Plickers Padlet Popplet Polling tools Doodle Poll Everywhere Google Forms

11 Some low-tech options Post-It notes Exit tickets Tap your head

12 The Bottom Line Assess, assess, assess! Flexibility is key! Celebrate!
Diagnostic (at the beginning) Formative (as you go) Summative (at the end) Flexibility is key! Use the feedback from diagnostic and formative assessments to guide your next steps Have options ready – UDL – plan for the unplanned Celebrate! Enjoy what you all learn from each other

13 What do you think? Plickers exit ticket
My contact information: Karla Collins

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