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CSc 219 Project Proposal Raymond Fraizer.

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Presentation on theme: "CSc 219 Project Proposal Raymond Fraizer."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSc 219 Project Proposal Raymond Fraizer

2 Goal To learn how to implement a neural network using R Studio.
Get experience with sensor data.

3 Finding a dataset First looked at UCI repository for pattern recognition data Found a list on Wikipedia that was easier to identify data source file types Realized motion detection and classification was more what I wanted Found PUC-rio data set at UCI repository

4 The paper Found the paper the data set was from
“Wearable Computing: Accelerometers’ Data Classification of Body Postures and Movements” by Ugulino et al They used C4.5 with AdaBoost using 10 iterations of the boot and 10-fold cross validation of the test data Their overall accuracy was 99.4%

5 Method I intend to train a neural network to do the same classification and compare results Using R Studio and nerualnet module Network with one hidden layer – number of nodes to be determined by trials Simple one-hot output – 5 classes so 5 output nodes

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