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Biology Bellringer Choose Lab group

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1 Biology Bellringer Choose Lab group
Go get your test answer on the desk by the window Grab a test on the front lab table You will have 10 minutes to finish test corrections in class. After 15 min, ALL answer sheets and tests will be returned.

2 Unit 5: Biotechnology

3 Where do I use Biotech? Continue on science career pathway Pharmacy
Medical Crime scene detectives Medical examiners (Police) Microbiology Engineering

4 Lab #1: Measure for Measure
-Get our a highlighter or borrow from Mrs. O. A. Read pg’s 1-2 B. While you read, highlight IMPORTANT information you think will be on a TEST OR information about lab TECHNIQUES! -2 mins. talk with your table partner and go over the information you choose to highlight and your reason. C. Read pg. 3. Create a 5 step summary with diagrams of the proper way to operate a micropipet on INB pg. 93

5 Micropipette Technique
Vital Reminders: -Be gentle…micropipettes are designed to be handle carefully. -Do NOT go Above or Below the amount of microliters the numbers on the top of the micropipette (2-20 ul). -Always hold micropipette vertically. -Never touch sterile tip to everything but solutions…this is to avoid cross contamination. Now- Let’s practice getting comfortable with the micropipette. a. Feel the two stops on the micropipette. b. Try changing the setting the micropipette. c. Use the empty microtube and orange solution, to extract and transfer the solution. Return all orange solution to original microtube. d. Complete pg. 4-5 in your Lab Packet

6 Today’s Biology Goal: Finish ALL questions on pg. 4-6
Practice balancing centrifuge. Use dye’s to create a solution in THREE (A,B,C) microtubes. Quiz tomorrow over the Measure for Measure packet!

7 Centrifuge Technique 1. Close microtube lid 2. Balance the tubes, you may need to add a water tube. 3. Close the centrifuge top and turn on. 4. Listen for loud sound….. IMMEDIATELY turn off and fix balance problem.

8 Measure for Measure Final Day
1. Label 3 microtubes A, B, and C 2. Use the 3 dyes to make the following solutions 3. Centrifuge your 3 solutions 4. Use the micropipette to transfer the solutions to three wells. 5. Rinse out microtubes A, B, and C in the sink. Place back in your tube rack. Tubes Dye 1 Dye 2 Dye 3 Total A 2.2 ul 6.0 ul 6.8 ul 15.0 ul B 2.1 ul 10.7 ul C 3.5 ul none 11.5 ul 15.0ul

9 Agarose Gel Making Day! Read the “Agarose Gel Preparation” instructions on your table. Create a flow chart on pg. 93 on “how to make an agarose gel”. For each step, include a labeled diagram.

10 Title: DNA Electrophoresis Research
INB 94 -Use your device (phone) to answer the following questions in your INB pg. 94. 1. How else is agarose used in science? 4. What direction will DNA move through agarose gel during electrophoresis? 2. Why is DNA negatively charged? 5. What is a restriction enzyme? 3. How will DNA move through agarose gel during electrophoresis? 6. List three applications of electrophoresis. (What do we use it for?)

11 Lab #2: Dye Indicator Lab
Get out your dye gel picture. Use your picture to finish the data table on pg. 7. Finish ALL questions from your Dye Indicator lab…..this will help you prepare for tomorrow’s quiz. When you are done looking at your gel, throw the gel away BUT put the plastic bag back in the tray. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bromocresol green Methylene blue Orange g Xylene cyanol Xxx Zzz ?

12 Biology Quiz Today! Turn in your Dye Indicator Lab packet to the front basket….make sure your name is on it! 2. Clear your desk and get out a pen/pencil to use on the quiz. 1 2 3 4 5 6

13 Restriction Enzymes Sentences
Mynameis_______________(first/last) Iliveon_________________(street name) Myfavoritemovieis______________ Myfavoritesongis_______________ *no spaces between words -Cut your sentences apart after every “e” -Draw a 20 cm line on the left side of pg. 95 -Now, arrange your fragments from smallest to largest. (Keep all your fragments in the same lane)

14 On the bottom of INB pg. 94 1 2 3 Draw the plasmid diagram.
How many pieces of DNA would you have after a “restriction enzyme” made 3 cuts in the plasmid. Draw how you think they would travel through a gel using gel electrophoresis. Analysis your DNA “fingerprint” and your group members DNA “fingerprint.” What bands does everyone at your table have in common? WHY? Explain why do you also have different DNA bands? 1 2 3 This is a ring of DNA called a “plasmid,” found in bacteria

15 Lab #3: DNA Fingerprinting
Read pg. 21- Highlight/underline “What I think is necessary to understand the lab.” Answer questions 1-5 on pg. 22 Read pg. 23- Highlight/underline “What I think is necessary to understand the lab.” Get a highlighter and pen/pencil- read pg Highlight important procedures Make notes for yourself to remember important steps Underline information that you want to stand out it the instructions

16 Lab #3: DNA Fingerprinting
Read pg. 21- Highlight/underline “What I think is necessary to understand the lab.” Answer questions 1-5 on pg. 22 Read pg. 23- Highlight/underline “What I think is necessary to understand the lab.” Get a highlighter and pen/pencil- read pg Highlight important procedures Make notes for yourself to remember important steps Underline information that you want to stand out it the instructions Get out your DNA Fingerprinting Lab

17 Lab #3: Analysis In your journal. Explain the process of gel electrophoresis, include What was important about each step. A good response includes the following vocab: DNA digest Restriction Enzymes Making the gel Running “electrophoresis” Analyzing gels, why wouldn’t two people have the same band formation.

18 Making New Agarose Gels
-Today’s Changes: Use 75 ml buffer Use .75 g agarose powder Place comb at the end *Make sure its COOLED before you pour.

19 DNA Digestion Today! Label microtubes
Add 10 ul of DNA to the correct microtube Observe DNA samples (answer ?’s pg. 27) Add 10 ul of Enzyme (cut’s DNA) Centrifuge microtubes Incubate for 45 minutes. When your done, answer ?’s 1-3 pg. 29 AND annotate pg

20 CSI: DNA Fingerprinting

21 DNA Gel Electrophoresis Today!
Add 5 ul of loading dye “LD” to each DNA microtube Centrifuge microtubes Put gel in casting tray & barely cover with buffer. *Wells by the black electrode! Add 20 ul of sample to each well (see pg. 33) Place lid on chamber, set to 200v and run for 18 mins. CAREFULLY place your gel in a staining tray (in your class area), put your label plastic bag under the tray, pour staining dye into your tray… just enough to cover your gel.

22 DNA Gel Analysis Day! Go get your gel from the tray and carry it over to the light table. Place the gel with Lane 1 on the left side and take a picture (send to all group members) Put the gel in your plastic bag & wash out your tray. Place your tray to dry on the towel. Use your gel picture to answer ALL questions in your DNA Fingerprinting Packet (Due Friday!) Biotechnology TEST on Friday! Study all 3 biotech packets.

23 Lane 2: Crime Scene DNA Lane 7: SUSPECT #5 Lane 3: SUSPECT #1
Did one of our suspects commit the crime? If so, who? Write 2 pieces of evidence to support your claim. Include the following terms in your evidence: charge, restriction enzymes, restriction sites, DNA fragment size. Lane 5: SUSPECT #3 Lane 6: SUSPECT #4 Lane 7: SUSPECT #5

24 Lane 2: Crime Scene DNA Lane 3: SUSPECT #1 Lane 4: SUSPECT #2
Did one of our suspects commit the crime? If so, who? Write 2 pieces of evidence to support your claim. Include the following terms in your evidence: charge, restriction enzymes, restriction sites, DNA fragment size. Lane 5: SUSPECT #3 Lane 6: SUSPECT #4 Lane 7: SUSPECT #5

25 Lane 2: Crime Scene DNA Lane 3: SUSPECT #1 Lane 4: SUSPECT #2
Did one of our suspects commit the crime? If so, who? Write 2 pieces of evidence to support your claim. Include the following terms in your evidence: charge, restriction enzymes, restriction sites, DNA fragment size. Lane 5: SUSPECT #3 Lane 6: SUSPECT #4 Lane 7: SUSPECT #5

26 Lane 2: Crime Scene DNA Lane 3: SUSPECT #1 Lane 4: SUSPECT #2
Did one of our suspects commit the crime? If so, who? Write 2 pieces of evidence to support your claim. Include the following terms in your evidence: charge, restriction enzymes, restriction sites, DNA fragment size. Lane 5: SUSPECT #3 Lane 6: SUSPECT #4 Lane 7: SUSPECT #5

27 Biology EOC Must pass to graduate June 5th & 6th in biology class Tips
50% multiple choice 50% writing-short answer Tips Review all notes in INB You will receive a study guide next week.. Use it! Do not leave any question blank!!!! Use common sense, logic and problem-solving skills.

28 EOC Practice Question #1
Constraint: -limitation -restriction -problem -obstacle -issue One constraint: - Another constraint:

29 One unintended consequence: - Another unintended consequence:

30 Biotechnology Study Guide
Parts of a pipette How to use a pipette and read the volume. Centrifuge technique, how to balance a centrifuge. Review DNA structure Know the process of gel electrophoresis (what its purpose, review the procedure). How molecules move through a gel ? (charge, size, electric current, buffer) Be able to read a Gel with DNA bands. What is a restriction enzyme and restriction site? How do we use restriction enzymes in gel electrophoresis?

31 Biotechnology Test Scores & %’s
25/ % 24/25- 96% 23/25- 93% 22/25- 88% 21/25- 84% 20/25- 80% 19/25- 76% 18/25- 72% 17/25- 68% 16/25- 64% 15/25- 60% 14/25- 56% 13/25- 52% 12/25- 48% 11/25- 44% 10/25 & below- 40%

32 Introduction to Evolution
This video is called “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea!” It’s the story of how Charles Darwin develop his Theory of populations changing over time (evolution). -Get out your cell phone and look up, How does a new species come into existence?

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