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RETURN TO ITHACA Part of Disney’s new Heroes Theme Park

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1 RETURN TO ITHACA Part of Disney’s new Heroes Theme Park
Flag: TRUST in friends, TRUST in fun! Slogan:

2 CHARACTERS ATHENA: Hands out cheap souvenir masks representing war and wisdom Odysseus disguised as BEGGAR: Walks around asking visitors, “Are you trustworthy?” TELEMACHUS: Handsome for the ladies

3 MAP “Slay the Suitors” Mini-Golf “Penelope’s Trust-Fall” Ride
“Great Bow Inn” Restaurant “Home Sweet Revenge” Gift Shop “Eumaeus’ Petting Zoo” ENTRANCE (from Cattle of Helios Park) EXIT (to parking lot)

4 Children’s Attraction: EUMAEUS’ PETTING ZOO
Children will enjoy this unique petting zoo, where they can feed and interact with numerous varieties of dogs and pigs. Don’t miss the daily performance of “Argus the Wonderdog,” trained to listen only to his master, jump through flaming hoops, balance anything and everyone on his nose, and play dead!

5 GREAT BOW INN Menu “Ithaca’s Best” Wine Coolers—Enjoy a refreshing beverage (ID required—don’t act like a rude, drunken suitor)! “Crust of Bread” Basket—A hearty appetizer while you browse the menu, so that you don’t have to beg from table to table for your food. Giant “Bow and Arrow” Salad Challenge—Anyone who can finish this epic mountain of lettuce with 12 different toppings gets the rest of their meal free. (It’s harder than stringing Odysseus’ bow and shooting it through 12 axe handles!)

6 GREAT BOW INN Menu Telemachus’ Famous Barbequed Mutton (with Asparagus Spears)—Like the suitors, your mutton is cooked (perfectly)! Caution: look out for vegetable weaponry hidden under the delicious protein. “So Good You’ll Fall Off Your Stool” Baklava—Try this traditional Greek confection, guaranteed to be more enjoyable than getting hit in the shoulder by Antinous.

7 Adult Attraction: “SLAY THE SUITORS” MINI-GOLF
This twenty-hole putt-putt course has obstacles representing the suitors and the islands from which they come. Try to make it through everything from the “Windmills of Dulichium” to “Antinous’ Big Mouth” and win back the kingdom!

This death-defying ride is a 10-story drop straight down the tree trunk that forms the Odysseus and Penelope’s bedpost, a secret only the two of them know.

Zeus Bouncy Ball—makes a loud thundering noise every time it hits the ground “Master of Disguise” Dress Up Kit—for concealing your identity until you know who to trust Argus “Good Dog” Treats—to reward the most trusting and trustworthy companion in your life

Antinous Step Stool—beautifully crafted three-legged stool, practically indestructible whether it’s stood on, dropped, or thrown “Trust Me, I’m an Epic Hero” T-Shirt (with picture of Odysseus) Novelty Pen—shaped like a spear, writes in red ink to represent signing your name in blood, a sure indication that you can be trusted TRUST ME, I’M AN EPIC HERO

11 Sources Microsoft Clip Art

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