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6 Mark Questions Examples from AQA B1.

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1 6 Mark Questions Examples from AQA B1

2 Body temperature What adaptations help a human to maintain a consistent body temperature?

3 Method First, bullet point a few ideas or key words relevant to the question. Next, put them into a logical sequence by writing a number next to each one. You may wish to add or remove points. Turn each one into a sentence, linking them by describing causes and effects (so, which means that, and then…)

4 Body temperature Hot sweat thirsty Cold shiver hairs on end
Blood flow?

5 Body temperature Hot sweat 1 thirsty 2
Cold shiver 4 muscles/respiration hairs on end 5 insulation Blood flow? 3, 6

6 Example Questions Explain how human actions have increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Describe the stages of a reflex arc when a person touches a hot plate. How are medical trials tested before widespread use and why?

7 Using the method For your question, write the bullet point ideas and sequence them. Compare your order with your partner; would you agree or disagree? What do you add when you take a moment to think? What might you remove? How would you link these ideas together in sentences?

8 Carbon in the Atmosphere
Burning Photosynthesis Respiration Fossil fuels Plants Animals Decomposition

9 Reflex Arc Stimulus Receptor Sensory neurone Relay neurone NO BRAIN
Motor neurone Effector (muscle) Response

10 Medical Trials Reduce deaths/improve health Double blind/randomized
Animals/cells Healthy people Ill people

11 Changes Each of these sets of bullet points is incomplete. How do they compare to your thinking? Write up possible answers in sentences then discuss these with your partner. Do you agree on a predicted mark? Use markschemes to check your score. Are you making predictable or repeated mistakes?

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