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SJCLC Programming on a shoe string budget

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1 SJCLC Programming on a shoe string budget
SJRLC Programming on a shoestring budget Carol Nersinger East Brunswick Public Library SJCLC Programming on a shoe string budget

2 Background on EBPL Suburban, professional Population 47,000
Excellent school district Increased community diversity Town is built out No Main St. or center

3 Background on EBPL Well supported and funded
Well used & good reputation Building 30 years old & run down Considered community center Didn’t start adult programming until January 2006!!

4 Why did we decide to go gangbusters with adult programming?

5 Library Director’s Reasons
It’s about the experience It’s about the emotional memories People do not remember actual facts They remember emotionally and they connect that emotion to organization/event

6 What most people say to me when they find out I’m a librarian:
I swear I returned my book! I still owe money to the library from 1969! I got yelled at by the librarian when I was a kid. Heidi’s story

7 What emotions/experiences I want patrons to connect with the library
Fun Exciting I feel like I belong here Changed my life I met my wife/husband at the library Celebration (escape bad times)

8 Your local public library: it’s a happening place

9 Questions to ask: Does your Mayor (or other funding officials) come to your events? When your Mayor has to choice which event to attend, is the choice obviously the library? Why or what is the purpose of your programming Crisis New building Declining traffic

10 People love it!

11 You need to be passionate about programming:
Otherwise, there are so many excuses: It might snow It’s the holiday season People will be on vacation Our customers are “different” Our customers go to NYC or Philly for programs It’s the Rec departments job We tried it and it doesn’t work

12 How to get started or improve your lineup
Start with the easy stuff Events vs. programs How tough is your crowd? Have a built in audience Develop a reputation Have staff do programming – meditation Copy, copy, copy

13 Details Timing – you need to experiment
Content/subject – may be tied into timing Involve other groups/associations Involve all staff To register or not to register, that is the question Chairs

14 Full disclosure You can do it little money & staff
Start slow Or Big impact events EBPL does not do it on a shoe string Big impact events & many programs at the same time We have sponsors, staff & Friends I don’t actually do the work

15 What has worked for us Music – but not as successful for children
Outdoor summer concerts Comedian How to do it Programs with partners Films – foreign & fine (Middlesex & Union) 12 foreign films per year Events

16 Events First event was Friday night from 5 to 7 pm during February
Wasn’t in newsletter Sponsor Sort of “grand re-opening” Food Multiple activities/entertainment 1000 people attended

17 Other events Harry Potter night Library birthday party week
Healthy Halloween India Week Israeli month Spring Health Fair Ice cream Social

18 Specialized events Storytelling festival Puppetry festival






















40 Details Keep it short Get sponsors and/or discounts
Volunteers – use teens! Go with the flow Plan B if it’s outside Lot of work but cheaper per person than paid programs

41 More details Try to plan ahead Sell tickets for food
Repeat successful programs, but be careful you don’t do the same thing for 20 years Use holidays/school closings to your advantage Consider doing events outside library hours

42 Building a reputation Repeat events - predictability
Calendar for the year If you do a good job, it will happen faster than you think People will look for things to attend You need to become a machine if you want to do a lot of programs

43 Promotions Newsletter – mailed to every household Cable TV
Library program PSAs Bulletin board This Week in East Brunswick

44 More promotions Website Emails Facebook Press releases
Handouts/posters Paid ads Word of mouth

45 Questions? Have fun!

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