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Different Uses Of Acupuncture And Massage Therapy

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1 Different Uses Of Acupuncture And Massage Therapy

2 1.Get Rid Of Insomnia And Sleeping Problems With Massage TherapyGet Rid Of Insomnia And Sleeping Problems With Massage Therapy 2.The Role Of Massage Therapy In Cancer CareThe Role Of Massage Therapy In Cancer Care 3.Can Massage Therapy Be An Alternative To Opioids?Can Massage Therapy Be An Alternative To Opioids? 4.What Does Acupuncture Have To Do With Menopause?What Does Acupuncture Have To Do With Menopause? 5.Using Acupuncture In Diabetes: What Benefits Are There?Using Acupuncture In Diabetes: What Benefits Are There? Synopsis

3  Instead of using medication such as sleeping pills, people can reap the benefits of a natural, non-invasive and risk-free therapy method. Massage therapy usually involves the use of palms and fingers to stroke, press, knead and apply pressure in order to stimulate specific points across the meridians in the body. You may feel like this has nothing to do with the fact that you cannot fall asleep, but massage techniques send signals throughout the body, stimulates mental and chemical changes. This promotes relaxation and overall well-being and balances breathing and heart rate. It can also boost serotonin levels which is a highly important factor in controlling mood, behaviour, body temperature, physical coordination and appetite. Get Rid Of Insomnia And Sleeping Problems With Massage Therapy

4  One study involving a patient with narcolepsy, a sleep disorder causing extreme sleepiness, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and in some cases episodes of partial or complete loss muscle control. For this 23-year-old woman from Ontario quality sleep has been far from reach. Because of the way her illness manifests itself, she found it difficult to overcome sleeping challenges and described her sleeping patterns as frustrating and difficult.  The study involved undergoing 40-minute massage sessions once a week for five weeks. The technique focused on legs, back and abdomen and required rapid and deep movements. At the end of the study, the woman reported a 123% overall positive change in both quality of sleep and everyday life. Get Rid Of Insomnia And Sleeping Problems With Massage Therapy

5  American researchers at the University of Minnesota have conducted a study on 230 patients undergoing chemotherapy to review the effects of massage therapy, Healing Touch therapy, caring presence without involving touch, and usual care protocols. Patients were observed for a period of a month undergoing four sessions of 45 minutes. Most significant findings were among the two therapies that involved hand manipulation. Massage therapy showed a decrease in pain, anxiety levels and fatigue. The Role Of Massage Therapy In Cancer Care

6  Another study conducted by the department of radiation oncology, CHUM Hôpital Notre-Dame, and the Canadian Touch Research Centre in Montreal studied the effects of massage therapy in 100 patients undergoing radiation therapy. Their research lasted for 6 months and it involved a routine of 15-minute sessions prior to radiotherapy over a period of 10 days. Again – the results were encouraging and hopeful. Participants said that their anxiety had reduced by 43%.  Last but not least, A University of Colorado Hospital study conducted a multi-analysis review of multiple data available on the benefits of massage therapy in cancer care. They have strongly concluded that this therapy was safe and held many positive benefits. Their paper urged oncologists to discuss it as an option to complement their existent treatment plan with the potential to ameliorate pain and decrease stress and anxiety levels. The Role Of Massage Therapy In Cancer Care

7  There are efforts underway to research and manufacture a painkiller that can effectively improve symptoms without having to cause dependency, but in the meantime it is an ‘all hands on deck’ situation, and massage therapy can be a powerful aid.  Pain is generally recognized as the main reason to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional, and accounts for approximately 80% of physician visits.In light of this, an increasing number of studies are being conducted to show the benefits of massage therapy for patients suffering from a wide range of conditions, such as headaches and migraines, lower back pain, arthritis, neuropathic pain and even sickle cell disease or cancer, that most probably would have been prescribed a strong painkiller to alleviate symptoms. An important number of those patients would have gotten accidentally addicted. Can Massage Therapy Be An Alternative To Opioids?

8  One study has revealed that accessing massage therapy services for just one hour every week can have amazing benefits for patients with arthritis-related pain and help patients feel well for as much as 2 months post-treatment. Over 200 patients suffering from neck pain involved in a study, who also underwent an hour long massage treatment, reported improvements and better quality of life.  Due to its unique mode of action involving the manual manipulation of muscles and tissues, massage therapy promotes healing throughout the whole body and it stimulates circulation and reduces tension. These effects result in a myriad of benefits triggered in a natural way, thus eliminating the risk of addiction. Can Massage Therapy Be An Alternative To Opioids?

9  According to a recent survey record numbers show that 2.7 million Canadian women will reach this point of their lives in the next decade, posing a great burden on health, social and economic systems altogether. Hot flashes are at the top of the symptoms list, with 39% of women going through menopause experiencing them. Other common symptoms involve sleeping difficulties, fatigue, night sweats, urinary incontinence or mood swings.  Hot flashes are, as the name suggest, swift sensations of heat throughout the entire body which lead to a flushed face, red neck and sweating. Some women might also experience an increased heart rate or chills. They also occur during night-time and they are believed to be caused by a reduction in oestrogen levels. What Does Acupuncture Have To Do With Menopause?

10  According to experts at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, acupuncture managed to significantly reduce hot flashes and maintain results for 6 months after the treatment. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, the survey aimed to analyze the various response to the technique. It involved over 200 women aged between 45 and 60 years old who were experiencing at least four hot flashes every 24 hours. Here, it is important to note that even though such an episode has a short ‘lifespan’ – lasting for around 5 minutes, many women can have as many as 20 every day, equating to almost two hours.  After the first half of the year, the women who had acupuncture reported a decrease in hot flashes frequency by almost 37%, compared to the post-study period. Following a period of another 6 months after the treatment stopped, the women involved in the study showed the benefits persisted, with hot flashes episodes still decreased at 29%. What Does Acupuncture Have To Do With Menopause?

11  Regulating blood sugar levels  Practitioners believe that specific techniques can trigger hormones into regulating stress levels from the body, thus balancing blood sugar levels. Studies have shown great promise in a specific type of acupuncture called electroacupuncture in regulating glucose levels. Electroacpuncture involves applying small electric currents passed between the needles causing muscle stimulation, a reaction similar to performing sport activities.  Alleviating neuropathic pain  Because the body is unable to regulate glucose levels in the blood in diabetes resulting in nerve damage, one of the most common symptoms is pain and numbness in extremities. One study revealed incredible results of over 90% effectiveness when acupuncture was used in combination with prescribed medicine. Using Acupuncture In Diabetes: What Benefits Are There?

12  What pressure points are relevant in diabetes?  The advantage of acupuncture is that it can be tailored to meet specific needs. The most common pressure points are found in hands and feet. In addition to professional acupuncture sessions, people living with diabetes are encouraged to follow a daily routine and a specialist can offer counsel on how to best do it. At home treatment does not involve the use of needles, but of manually manipulating the points that otherwise would have been stimulated by needles.  Does it hurt?  The majority of diabetics who have undergone acupuncture have not reported treatment-related pain. Due to the fact that the needles are extremely thin, there is only a lightly stinging feeling to it. Once the process of inserting the needles is over, the patient is left to relax for a determined period of time, which most of the people deemed to be very relaxing. Using Acupuncture In Diabetes: What Benefits Are There?

13 For more details, please visit: 1. kitchener.html kitchener.html 2. The End

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