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Child Support dispute involving Britney spears makes headlines

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2 Supplying basic the needs of children such as food and housing can get quite expensive in this day and age, especially for single parents. In order to see that the needs of the children are being met, noncustodial parents are often required by law in Arizona to pay child support to custodial parents. However, it is not uncommon for discrepancies to arise regarding the details and amounts of these payments.child support Recently, a child support battle between famous singer Britney Spears and her ex- husband Kevin Federline made headlines. Apparently, Federline wants an increase in the amount of child support payments from Spears. The couple has two sons together and, according to records, Federline has had full custody of the children since 2008. Reports say that Spears currently pays about $20,000 monthly to Federline. Allegedly, Federline wants to double what he is receiving each month from Spears and is willing to battle Spears in court. Sources close to Spears say that she refuses to increase payments because Federline's monthly expenses add up to only half of the amount he is currently receiving. Spears alleges that her current payments are more than enough to meet the needs of their children and her ex-spouse only wants more money due to her recent success.

3 Unfortunately, disputes such as this are not uncommon and can have negative effects on the children who are often caught in the middle. However, parents have an obligation to support their children not only morally, but also financially. Parents in Arizona that have questions regarding child support could benefit by consulting an attorney experienced in family law to help guide them through this experience. Article Resource - dispute-involving-britney-spears-makes-headlines.shtml dispute-involving-britney-spears-makes-headlines.shtml

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