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Enzyme introduction —Creative Enzymes. 5,000 years ago, people stored milk in animal stomachs, in which milk can be turned into cheese. Enzymes have been.

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Presentation on theme: "Enzyme introduction —Creative Enzymes. 5,000 years ago, people stored milk in animal stomachs, in which milk can be turned into cheese. Enzymes have been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enzyme introduction —Creative Enzymes

2 5,000 years ago, people stored milk in animal stomachs, in which milk can be turned into cheese. Enzymes have been used in the diagnosis of disease since the 1940's, derived from the intensive research in biochemistry. What are enzymes? How they work in biological reactions and living organisms? What are the applications of enzymes in biotechnology and medical research? Here, you can find what we have summarized.

3 What Are Enzymes? The oldest recorded example to the commercial use of enzymes may be found in a description of the wine making practice in the Codex of Hammurabi (ancient Babylon, circa 2100B.C.). Ancient people already learned to use microorganisms as enzyme sources in fermentation. This activity spread all around the world, not limited to ancient Babylon, but also known in the early civilizations of Rome, Greece, Egypt, India, and China. Another oldest use of the enzymes was for the dairy products: people stored fresh milk for any reasonable length of time in multiple animal stomachs, which contains enzymes called “rennet” that can turn milk into cheese.

4 Enzymes Function Enzymes can be found all around us. They exist in all forms of lives, including human, plants, bacteria, and other organisms. Any living organism needs enzymes to function properly. Chemically, enzymes are naturally occurred proteins, basic function of which is to speed up the process and efficiency of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. In another word, an enzyme is a protein-based catalyst. Enzymes catalyze all kinds of chemical reactions that are involved in growth, blood coagulation, healing, diseases, breathing, digestion, reproduction, and many other biological activities.

5 Enzymes in Medical Research In 1902, Emmerich observed that an extracellular secretion of Bacillus pyocyaneus was capable of killing anthrax bacilli and could protect mice from the lethal bacterium. Not until that did people realize the importance and applications of enzymes in medical research. With the development of enzymology, the global enzyme market sizes up to USD 8.18 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach USD 17.50 billion by 2024, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Among all enzyme products, enzymes for medical research are expected to witness significant growth in the following years and share an increasing proportion of the market.

6 Biotechnology could be traced back to thousands of years ago, when human started to use yeasts to make liquor. This may be the first dawn of biotechnology in food production. Along with the development of natural and social sciences, nowadays, biotechnology carries more colorfulmeanings. In the modern world, biotechnology often refers to the process of making or modifying products using living systems or organisms. Besides the traditional fermentation, biotechnological tools have expanded to employ more advanced sciences, such as genetic engineering, applied immunology, and medicinal therapies and diagnostic. Among these tools, a variety of enzymes are indispensable—they may appear as hammers and chisels to help accomplish molecular biology experiments, or they may act as efficient micro-reactors in industrial production. They exist everywhere and resemble all kinds of functions in living cells or in harsh environments bearing no life. As of today, people exploit their functions in great details for better uses in biotechnology. Enzymes in Biotechnology

7 Thanks for watching! Contact Creative EnzymesCreative Enzymes Address: 45-1 Ramsey Road Shirley, NY 11967, USA Website:

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