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Plus Promo invites you to Digital Healthcare by connect and engaging with target a audience Plus Promo is a Digital Marketing Company which helps Pharmaceutical.

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Presentation on theme: "Plus Promo invites you to Digital Healthcare by connect and engaging with target a audience Plus Promo is a Digital Marketing Company which helps Pharmaceutical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plus Promo invites you to Digital Healthcare by connect and engaging with target a audience Plus Promo is a Digital Marketing Company which helps Pharmaceutical and Healthcare sector to establish and expand their Digital assets in Healthcare Market Get More Information:  Associate with people by reaching out to targeted audience  Communicate and engage better with patients  Engage and empower patients in real time through educational events  Help patients on various aspects of illness by educational events Plus Promo provides a 360 degree digital media and reputation management solutions to healthcare industry ǁhiĐh not only help to enhanĐe the patient’s trust ďut also inĐrease the oǀerall patient’s footfall.

2 Digital Services Referral Link 1: ht p:// 2: Contact Us: Pluspromo sup +91 7506221809, +91-020-6540-5151/52/53

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