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HOW TO PACK A COOLER FOR MULTIPLE DAYS TRIP As summers are approaching, it is the time for vacation and camping. Whether you are with friends or family.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO PACK A COOLER FOR MULTIPLE DAYS TRIP As summers are approaching, it is the time for vacation and camping. Whether you are with friends or family."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO PACK A COOLER FOR MULTIPLE DAYS TRIP As summers are approaching, it is the time for vacation and camping. Whether you are with friends or family for the road trip or for camping, one needs the skill of packing foodstuff. The portable cooler is our best friend for outdoor vacations in summer.You can use it to carry foods, beverages, drinks like beer for the road trips or camping. However, we are stuck with one thing that is how to pack a cooler for multiple days. Our list of food and drinks are limited as we need to take precaution to ensure food safety for multiple days. One common problem we face like melted ice leaked into cooler or container. Surely you are not the only one facing such issues. Here we have shared life savior tips for packing the cooler.

2 PACKING YOUR COOLER CORRECTLY TO STAY SAFE IN THE HEAT No matter how expensive or of top quality your cooler is, packing your cooler correctly is an important thing that you have to learn. It ensures that you are making best possible use of your cooler. Summers are here and most of us are up for spending time on the seaside with sands and the essential thing that is cooler. We take lots of snacks and drinks with us and keep it inside our coolers thinking that our job is done. Unfortunately, this notion is wrong. Our job to keep the food safely is not over just by packing. While we pack our food, we have to make sure that it has been packed in a manner that is safe and assures you that the water does not reach your food packets. To avoid your happy summer holidays from getting spoiled, here are some pointers that will keep your food free from any kind of bacteria developing in them and causing diseases. Here we will explore tips for packing your cooler correctly!

3 WANT TO HAVE ICE COLD BEER WHILE TRAVELLING? Nothing can give you refreshment in a way than a chilled drink on a hot summer day! During the summer season, storing foods need extra care especially when you are traveling for long days. For this purpose, a cooler is the best for ice cold beer and to some extent an only option. Even after using cooler of the topmost quality, it has been found that people have experienced the ice in their coolers changed into the puddle of water and have experienced it melting at a pace which is much faster than expected. The question here arises what us the use of buying the best cooler for storing your beverage and food when you cannot get your eatables and beverage in the best condition? It is not the cooler which is at fault; it is the way of handling it or using it which is wrong somewhere. This is affecting the performance of your cooler. In this post, we will be talking about tips and tricks on how to use your cooler and also about measures to take when you pack Ice cold beer in cooler.

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