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Oasis Well Screens Wire Wrapped Water Well Strainer Screens are made by winding cold-rolled wire, approximately triangular in cross section, around a circular.

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Presentation on theme: "Oasis Well Screens Wire Wrapped Water Well Strainer Screens are made by winding cold-rolled wire, approximately triangular in cross section, around a circular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oasis Well Screens Wire Wrapped Water Well Strainer Screens are made by winding cold-rolled wire, approximately triangular in cross section, around a circular array of the longitudinal rods. The wire is attached to rods by welding, producing rigid one-piece units having high strength characteristics at minimum weights. Advantages of the flat welded Johnson type screens/the water well screens/wedge wire screens are as follows: 1. Better filter function. 2. Prolong life of well. 3. Long service life. 4. High pressure-resistant. 5. Customized.

2 Oasis Water Well Screens


4 Oasis Johnson Screens

5 Oasis Of Wedge Wire Screens

6 Oasis Of Wire Wrap Screens

7 Oasis Of Well Drilling Use Well Screens Contact Information: Name: Fatimah Shun Office E-mail: Private E-mail: Mob(WhatsApp/Wechat)+8615225938057 Our website:

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