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HOW TO START A JOB SEARCH Overview Job search is very essential to find a suitable jobs as per your experience and education. People.

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2 Overview Job search is very essential to find a suitable jobs as per your experience and education. People are progressing very fast enlightened about the fact if they want to find a good job they have to research properly. In today scenario there are lot of competition people are facing online like professional resume and after that promote their resume into jobs portals and social media platforms like LinkedIn, it’s hard to know where to starts. So kick off your job search by putting the feet on a right strategy. How to start job search

3 Job Search Process Preparation ● Know your goals and expectation ● Keep looking for a good opportunity ● Evaluate your job search activity ● Take care yourself ● Know your objective ● Research about Industry ● Update and submit resume Conducting the search How to start job search

4 “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing best today” By H. JACKSON BROWN, JR. www.aasaanjobs.comHow to start job search Preparation

5 Know Your Objective Following question comes into mind while searching for jobs. 1. What are you looking for? You should be clear about your job profile, salary, education and relevant field according to your experience. 2. How this job benefit you? You have to figure it out what you do enjoy and what will be the good fit with your experience and personality. 3. What are your short terms and long terms goal? Always think about long term goals like what you want to achieve with this particular job and how can it be possible. How to start job search

6 Research About Industry To make informed choice, you also need to know what is going around you ● Latest market trends ● News Keep update yourself by joining linkedIn group relevant to your field, subscribe to magazines, job related blogs and alerts. How to start job search

7 Update & Submit Your Resume Submit your resume to various sites and job portal. Nowadays, people are progressing very fast they are going abreast of technology. So submit your resume into job portals like, Naukri and Indeed. Although, this is not enough you have to submit your resume into social media platform like LinkedIn and keep exploring other platforms like facebook groups and twitter. How to start job search

8 “If you haven’t find it yet, keep looking” by Steve Jobs How to start job search Conduct The Search

9 Know your Goals and expectation Identify job opening by using LinkedIn & online job portal like, career job fairs, social media, newspaper, consultancy. Also get referrals like friends, family, coworkers and every person who comes under in your network. ● There are lot of jobs in the market but competition is very high ● The average job search takes 3 months ● You must focus on what employer is looking for after all employer holds the key Keep looking for good job opportunity How to start job search

10 Evaluate your job search ● Talk to your referrals and find out which technique worked for them ● Take help from career advisor 5 reason job seekers stuck in their job search ● They have an unrealistic idea about the market for their skills ● They didn't get salary satisfaction ● They don’t prepare themself for the interview ● Bad attitude ● Less knowledge How to start job search

11 Take care yourself ● Take family and friends help while searching for the jobs ● Make sure to open your contacts. ● Be positive ● Don’t take rejection personally ● Confidence and Attitude Job search may be frustrating and time consuming but you will learn a lot while giving an interview. It will enhance your skills and knowledge. Your first job is not your dream job. You have to start from beginning and eventually you ending up with something good. How to start job search

12 Thank You How to start job search

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