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Development of a Model for Exploring Sustainable Organic Agriculture in a Suitable Cropping Sequence in the Pretext of Climate Change Mitigation - Inhana Organic Research Foundation

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1 Development of a Model for Exploring Sustainable Organic Agriculture in a Suitable Cropping Sequence in the Pretext of Climate Change Mitigation Inhana Organic Research Foundation 168, Jodhpur Park (1 st Floor) Kolkata 700068 Presented by Dr. Antara Seal

2 Agriculture causes approximately 1/3 rd of global GHGs Yet, agriculture when done in the ORGANIC way that can sustain yield even while avoiding chemical fertilizer, build soil fertility and improve carbon sequestration ; can be part of the solution to mitigate GHG gases. - (FAO, 2011)

3 Healthy Soil Fosters... Healthy Plants But restoration of Soil Health is a Time taking process Resource Scarcity for On- farm Compost Production No Quality Guarantee & High Price of Off- farm Organic Soil Input High dosage requirement Enough Elements have been added for this. Its now time to add the ENERGY, because the elements are not deficient … they are just de- activated Microflora are ‘ THE ENERGY ’ For Soil

4 ... But in order to act effectively under the existing unfavorable soil these Nature’s Drivers of all Soil Ecological Processes; Need to be Self- Generated Self- generated Microflora High Diversity High P opulation Size Naturally Best Fit Hence & Therefore Novcom Composting Method  Mature, Non- Phytotoxic Compost from any type of biodegradable resources, within 21 days.  No requirement of Infrastructure  COP approx.. Rs.1.50  Quality adjudged - 23 parameter analysis following National & International Stds. Self- generated microbes in the order of 10 16 c.f.u.

5 But for successful fulfillment of the desired aim, Congruence of healthy SOIL & healthy PLANT will be the pre- requisite Because in the event of resource scarcity for sufficient compost generation for Effective Organic Soil Management.... SOIL HEALTH restoration will be a Time Taking Process Soil Quality Restoration is an on- going Process... But, Focus on Plant Management can help in achieving Time Bound Results... A Criteria Missed Out So Far

6 When Organic Agriculture can Sustain Crop & Enable C- Sequestration Without Any Time Lag... GHG MITIGATION IS THE NATURAL OUTCOME YES! it is relatively easier to restore PLANT HEALTH provided we can re-activate Plants’ inherent qualities of Self- nourishment & Host Defense mechanism against pest/ disease. And with the Congruence of Healthy Soil & Healthy Plant

7 Three Crops : BABY CORN (var. HM-4 ) - early winter GREEN GRAM (var. Samrat- PDM-84-139)- winter OKRA (var. Shakti -F1 hybrid) - rain fed Two Treatments : i)Conventional Farming ii)Organic using IRF practice FINDINGS FROM CROP SEQUENCE STUDY A Collaborative Study with Visva Bharati University in the Farmers’ Field, in the Birbhum District of West Bengal

8 16% higher Rice Equivalent Yield under Organic Management as compared to conventional practice. The result was significant considering that, all crops in the studied sequence yielded better under organic as compared to conventional farming. For Sustained Crop Production even from the very 1 st year ACTIVATED, RESILIENT & EFFICIENT Plant Physiology is A MUST

9 True Organic Farming Is Far More Resilient To Climatic Disruptions Because It Regenerates The Disrupted Diversity At All Levels In Agro Ecosystem Agronomic Use Efficiency of the studied Crop Sequence was 61% higher under Organic Package of Practice as compared to the conventional Sustaining Yields of Field Crops under Organic Production from the Very 1 st Season - a Challenging Task Activated Physiology Alone can Ensure Higher Production even under 100% Elimination of Synthetic Inputs

10 A True Organic Pathway, will initiate the process of Soil Quality Regeneration Soil Quality Index (SQI) is an important tool for bringing forth the Status of Soil Health especially under the existing cultivation practices. Post harvest analysis values indicated a positive trend of Soil Quality under organic management

11 True Organic Farming Is Far More Resilient To Climatic Disruptions Because It Regenerates The Disrupted Diversity At All Levels In Agro Ecosystem Demonstration of Organic Agriculture as an ‘ Efficient GHG Mitigator ’... YES! THIS IS THE FACT RESILIENT PLANTS can Act Both as DIRECT & INDIRECT MITIGATOR OF GHG’S GHG emission under conventionally managed baby corn – green gram – okra crop sequence was (+) 2.62 kg CO 2 -eq/ kg produce Actual carbon sequestration under Organic Package of Practice as reflected by (-) 1.62 kg CO 2 -eq/ kg produce.

12 A Comprehensive Organic Package of Practice is based on the ‘ Element Energy Activation’ (E.E.A.) Principle. It takes a Dual Approach of Soil & Plant Management and serves to restore 2 Inherent Qualities of Plants i.e. SENSE OF SELF – NOURISHMENT SENSE OF SELF - PROTECTION

13 bring about Time Bound Results IRF Technology adopts the process of ENERGIZATION... to bring about Time Bound Results Activated Plant Physiology Alone can Ensure Higher Production even under 100% Elimination of Synthetic Chemicals It can enable Resilient Plants that can deliver even under the climate Change Impacts Climate change impact is threatening even the present production curves P l a n t M a n a g e m e n t Soil Management

14 DIVERSE CROP.... Diverse Ecology SUSTAINED/ HIGHER YIELD POSITIVE SOIL NUTRIENT BALANCE SHEET NO RISE IN PRODUCTION COST Enabled through SOIL HEALTH MGT. & Complimented by PLANT HEALTH MGT. Successful Organic Conversion of about 3.0 million kg Tea for the last 15 years

15 Up to 24 % Higher Yields 30 to 40 % Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency Up to 24 % Higher Yields than Conventional 30 to 40 % Higher Nutrient Use Efficiency DIVERSE CROP...... DIVERSE ECOLOGY DIVERSE CROP...... DIVERSE ECOLOGY SUSTAINED/ HIGHER RICE AROMATIC RICE PULSES VEGETABLES EXOTIC VEGETABLES FROM THE 1 st Year Enabled through SOIL HEALTH MGT. & Complimented by PLANT HEALTH MGT.

16 Significant improvement of Soil Microbial Activity post application of on-farm produced NOVCOM COMPOST.

17 Up to 35 % increase in Carbon Sequestration (-) 0.03 to (-) 1.0 kgCO 2 eq./kg produce reflects both Mitigation & Adaptation Aspects under True Organic Farming Net carbon footprint of ( -) 0.4 kgCO 2 e/kg tea in W. Jalinga Tea Estate CO 2 e neutral through IRF Technology

18 LARGE SCALE Organic Farming is POSSIBLE SUSTAINABLE LARGE SCALE Organic is POSSIBLE To attain Food Security Soil Management alone shall not be sufficient, focus on PLANT HEALTH MANAGEMENT, will be necessary. Consistent/ Higher Yields, improved Soil Dynamics and efficient GHG C- sequestration under IRF TECHNOLOGY indicates that it can be an effective approach towards Climate Smart Agriculture

19 Inhana Organic Research Foundation (IORF) 168, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata – 700068 Email :

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