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Ways Physiotherapy Can Help You

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1 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help You

2 Synopsis 1.Obesity: The Threat Many Canadians Face And How Physiotherapy Can HelpObesity: The Threat Many Canadians Face And How Physiotherapy Can Help 2.Vestibular Physiotherapy Can Help With Your Symptoms, Check Out HowVestibular Physiotherapy Can Help With Your Symptoms, Check Out How 3.The Link Between Physio And Down Syndrome You Never Knew ExistedThe Link Between Physio And Down Syndrome You Never Knew Existed 4.Numbers Of Young Canadians Using Smartphone’s On The Rise – Alongside Neck And Back ProblemsNumbers Of Young Canadians Using Smartphone’s On The Rise – Alongside Neck And Back Problems 5.Arthritis Numbers On The Rise: Can Physio Help?Arthritis Numbers On The Rise: Can Physio Help?

3 Obesity: The Threat Many Canadians Face And How Physiotherapy Can Help Practitioners have an extensive role in both preventing and managing obesity through physical activities and targeted training. A wide range of exercises integrated with a patient centric approach and motivating, solution-oriented tactics form the basis of physiotherapy. A physiotherapist will adapt according to their patient and can use anything they see fit to help them, from dietary recommendations, activity schedules, behavioural changes or general weight maintenance. There are numerous studies backing up the positive effects of physiotherapy in obesity cases. It has been shown that moderate physical exercising for as little as 30 minutes on a daily basis can prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and also decrease body weight in a natural, healthy way. Because of how physiotherapy works, the trainer can accompany the patient and guide them every step of the way until they feel confident enough to carry on the routine on their own. The so- called ‘walk and talk’ can do much more than just improve health outcomes, it can also improve state of mind and encourage people to achieve their targets. Nevertheless, if a patient feels more confident following the plan on their own they can engage in an array of activities: cycling, swimming, dancing, skating, skiing, running or aerobics. Here, strength training is equally important as it can help restore balance, improve body functions and boost muscle and joint strength.

4 Vestibular Physiotherapy Can Help With Your Symptoms, Check Out How This type of treatment is based on a training program which encourages the central nervous system to compensate for vestibular problems. Most commonly, the management plan incorporates various types of exercises that can be customized to a patient’s needs and symptoms. More specifically, it can involve anything from head and eye movement techniques, standing balance improvement exercises, fragment repositioning techniques and general education and advice on how to improve function, confidence, reduce future accidents and regain balance. Available numbers looking into the benefits of physiotherapy in people with vestibular disorders are positive and encouraging. Substantial improvements have been observed in 80% of people with unilateral vestibular loss and 80% of patients with vertigo. Additionally, people who suffer from vestibular problems as a result of a stroke or a head trauma can benefit from this type of physiotherapy. Practitioners are perfectly positioned to offer early screening and intervention to impact the lives of people who everyday wake up facing such debilitating symptoms and overall improve their quality of life. It may not mean a lot for those of us who do not have to face these life-limiting conditions, but if you come to think that 33% of all adults diagnosed with chronic imbalance experience hardships in performing basic tasks and that injuries such as falls are costing the Canadian economy an overwhelming $2.8 billion a year, it raises the stakes.

5 The Link Between Physio And Down Syndrome You Never Knew Existed Due to the fact that children with Down syndrome often have weaker muscle tones, flattened noses, small ears, mouth and hands and a high joint instability, achieving normal developmental milestones, such as crawling or walking, becomes increasingly difficult and it may take longer. Most children never reach their average adult height and it may take them years to learn how to go about mundane tasks. Regardless if it takes longer and the road is rockier, people with Down syndrome can live happy, full and healthy lives, and physiotherapy can play a key role here. According to a study published in the Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics in 2017, physiotherapy, specifically strength training has been proven to be safe and effective in children with Down syndrome. And it does not stop here. There is an actual opportunity that goes beyond motor skills development and it has to do with learning. It goes without saying that children with Down syndrome will experience life, education and learning in a very different way than your typical child would. Because of this, the traditional and go-to teaching methods might not work in these cases. By beginning physiotherapy early, parents have the opportunity to better understand how their child assimilates information and get a glimpse of how their brains work to facilitate his future education. A physiotherapist can also help them build social skills, make interaction less frightening and incomprehensible and better prepare them for their adult life.

6 Numbers Of Young Canadians Using Smartphone’s On The Rise – Alongside Neck And Back Problems Physiotherapy is an integrated treatment option that is non-invasive and, in a day and time when painkiller addiction is on the rise, it offers drug- free results. The treatment’s goal is to alleviate neck muscle tension, minimize pain and restore balance by optimizing the patient’s postural abnormalities. Using a wide range of manual techniques, such as joint mobilization, neck stabilization exercise, soft tissue massage and posture training, physiotherapists have been deemed to be very effective. In such cases where the patients are youngsters with smartphone addictions, a physiotherapist will put in place a plan aimed in the first stages to reduce the pain, tension and inflammation as they are considered to be the main symptoms for which patients seek medical help. Later stages of the plan include restoring the body’s functions and strength and putting together a post-treatment routine to prevent the recurrence of the symptoms. Only by following the advice and having the mindset to make lifestyle adjustments incorporating physical activity and reducing smartphone use, patients can actually experience the best results. Meaning there is an ever-growing need for awareness firstly to avoid these occurrences in the first place and they do happen, to realize the importance physiotherapy can play in treating them.

7 Arthritis Numbers On The Rise: Can Physio Help? Besides drugs and surgery, healthcare professionals most often recommend physiotherapy. Here, the practice aims to prevent or delay disability depending on the severity of the case, increase the body’s functions, alleviate pain, boost flexibility and strength and encourage the patient to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle by encouraging regular exercise and a balanced diet. Here, it is important to distinguish between the many sub-treatments of physiotherapy that are usually used in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. One would be cold therapy which, as you probably guessed, involves ice. The average temperature of the body’s joints is usually around 33 degrees, while in rheumatoid arthritis it can spike up to 36 degrees, thus damaging the cartilage. Ice helps regulate the temperature and can help constricting blood vessels resulting in a decrease in inflammation and pain levels. At the opposite poll and depending on the case, a physiotherapist can also prescribe heat therapy which works by reducing muscle spasms and improving the tissues’ elasticity. Another option which is very much enjoyed by patients and reported to have amazing health benefits is electrostimulation physiotherapy. This technique works through minor electrical currents applied on the skin through electrodes. Unfortunately, this option provides short-term effects, of just over 12 hours which means that the patients will eventually feel the pain again. Nevertheless, it is a preferred medical solution as opposed to painkiller prescription.

8 The End For more details, please visit:

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