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Discussion questions. What does this mean? Who are most affected by the loss of natural resources and pollution? Who are the people who work in this.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion questions. What does this mean? Who are most affected by the loss of natural resources and pollution? Who are the people who work in this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion questions

2 What does this mean?

3 Who are most affected by the loss of natural resources and pollution? Who are the people who work in this system? Where are you in this system? What options do you have to change the system to support sustainability?

4 Is this a problem? How did this happen?

5 Pick something that might have come from a third world country What was involved in extracting the resources for that item? What steps brought it to you?

6 Are there differences around the world in consumption patterns? Systems of re-use and waste management?

7 How much of your time do you spend watching TV? How much time do you spend shopping? How much time do you spend with friends and family, reading a book or enjoying nature? Are our lives really getting better??

8 Can a small radio really cost $4.99? What resources were used? Who is involved in the process? What are the impacts along the way that the company doesn’t have to pay for? Forcing companies to stop externalising costs could encourage them to clean up and do things more sustainably!

9 Why not? Who can do something about it?

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